Juggernaut City Assault

Thread started by
wormser at 10.18.07 - 3:21 pm

Every Tuesday night...
9:30 meet time, we ride at 10:15
Meet at Claremont College campus
251 East Tenth Street (Claremont, CA 91711)
This is a new group that is meeting every tuesday to put in some leg work throughout the southland. Though there is really no planned routes from week to week, we make a point of not wasting our time sitting around talking about it...get on it and go. Most rides are between 20-30 miles with an occasional stop or so along the way. Always welcome route suggestions, but the goal is to stray off as far out from the meeting spot as possible and see what trouble follows. Ride can be considered a medium-fast paced ride but always varies. Fixies, Single Speeds, and Road bikes are preferred to keep up so show up and be ready to pillage...
Cool, another local ride. Will check it out soon.
sc_nomad10.18.07 - 3:37 pm
ok, someone needs to fix the font color here....
i don't know the tag.
anyway, who is this? is this someone I know?
I'm down for a ride.
251 E. 10th is the address of the CGU art building... is this someone in my program cause that would be fucking hilarious.
FuzzBeast10.18.07 - 5:28 pm
Sorry dude, though this ride soooooometimes has kids from claremont college taking part. Their studies inhibit them from letting loose as we do running the streets with a list of hooligans and pyromaniacs...Actually this ride is so far made up primarily of vagrants from Rancho, Pomona, Upland, Riverside, etc...
I've actually seen you before on other rides in LA, etc. and never really knew you were a P-town kid...hope to see you soon..
wormser10.18.07 - 7:43 pm

Juggernaut City Assault...every tuesday
Every Tuesday night...
9:30 meet time, we ride at 10:15
Meet at Claremont College campus
251 East Tenth Street (Claremont, CA 91711)
This is a new group that is meeting every tuesday to put in some leg work throughout the southland. Though there is really no planned routes from week to week, we make a point of not wasting our time sitting around...point in a direction, get on it and go. Most rides are between 20-30 miles with an occasional stop or so along the way. Always welcome route suggestions, but the goal is to stray off as far out from the meeting spot as possible and see what trouble follows. Ride can be considered a medium-fast paced ride but always varies. Fixies, Single Speeds, and Road bikes are preferred to keep up so show up and be ready to pillage...
To get to the ride...take the 10 freeway east from LA area (west from the IE), exit Indian Hill, go North (left), take a right on 10th...
wormser10.19.07 - 8:25 am
I think we can build that!
Oh yeah, it's about fuckin time we got some font color I can read!
Thanks man!!!
User110.19.07 - 1:06 pm
Thanks to all (hehe) the new folks that came out last night and took part in the ride regardless of the ashy air. Special thanks to Macgyver for making a guest appearance last night...
wormser10.24.07 - 1:11 pm
I'm the dude that swung by, said hi and then tossed my bike in the back of my roomies truck.
I was already a bit drunk and feeling kinda under the weather, I'll ride with you guys one of these days
FuzzBeast10.24.07 - 1:32 pm
Oh really, I must have gotten there just a bit after that...well next time, take it easy
wormser10.24.07 - 1:51 pm
yeah, I will
This shit in the air has been killing me, wasnt up to riding last night
and will someone with some knowlege fix the fucking font in this thread?
FuzzBeast10.24.07 - 2:37 pm

real chill ride man.
like i said many times last night, IRON LUNGS. hah.
i'll try and make it next week as well.
DAYLO10.24.07 - 5:59 pm
this is awesome, glad to see something close. I love claremont
riss10.30.07 - 10:34 am
I can't make it tonight. I'll be there on a Tuesday coming up soon, though. Glad to see another ride out here. You guys should come out and ride with the Badger Song. We're pretty close to your meetup place. In fact, we rolled through downtown Claremont last night.
tern10.30.07 - 11:00 am
Always glad to pick up some more riders. Ive been wanting to do badger song rides for a while now but I hear you guys hit a lot of hills...whether that's true or not I don't know but I could swap out my cogs and give it a go...couple guys from the claremont ride I think have done the badger song in the past. Either way, see ya soon...
wormser10.30.07 - 3:52 pm
Near 30 kids last night...great ride! Glad to see so many new kids out last night. See you all next week...
wormser10.31.07 - 10:57 am
damn, i was kinda planning on coming out last night, then I got into a crazy long convo with some friends and realized it was way the fuck too late when someone mentioned a bunch of bike riders out in front of the building an hour or two before.
one of these tuesdays i'm gonna make the ride that starts outside the place I spend most of my weekdays in.
FuzzBeast10.31.07 - 11:11 am
yeah, great turn out last night. anybody got the pic of the bikes all lined up at in n out? that was tight. let's keep it up.
DAYLO10.31.07 - 4:56 pm
Yes the ride Was sweet last week in n out never tasted so good. I am going to try to bring some more people so we should have a good group.
sk1m200111.4.07 - 6:53 pm
Well, looks like a worthy ride that I could adhere into my newfound schedule.
Only thing I have right now is my fold-up MTB.
I'm not going to let that stop me though.
I'll simply just switch it from "Daedalus-Class Destroyer" mode, to F-302 Death Glider outfit.
Essentially, my bike minus full messenger bag and rack full of bricks.
bentstrider11.4.07 - 7:12 pm
bring knives and sidewalk chalk tonight...gonna be bloody
wormser11.6.07 - 2:38 pm
Sorry took me so long to post these. My camera that night had flash issues! So this is what was salvaged! See you tonight!
hassydawes11.6.07 - 7:48 pm
... last night rocked.
anyone who turned back at Victoria Gardens missed another 20 some odd miles of awesome...
FuzzBeast11.7.07 - 1:33 pm

fun run last night for sure...got chilly around the 15 but what the hell...trying to located street fighter 2 for something soon...hehe
wormser11.7.07 - 1:45 pm
Cool bring your sock full of quarters and prepare to get Bear Blasted!!! The ride was cool the last leg of it was the best. You know who your friends are at 2 am when someone gets a flat and you roll up and the crew is waiting for u no questions asked!
Juggernauts can hold it down...
hassydawes11.7.07 - 4:41 pm
DAYLO11.7.07 - 4:49 pm
folks, its about that time again...I didn't find a street fighter 2 machine but I swear I will, been eating on me since last week...
wormser11.13.07 - 10:43 am
I'll be there tonight.
tern11.13.07 - 11:06 am
Hey, I got rented a car to get some Dept. of Corrections biz done today.
Sure enough, I'll be down there tonight for damned sure!!
No 700c-equipped bike as-of-yet, but I'm not going to let 26" wheels stop me from coming.
1-2 hrs of elliptical machines and 10-15 miles/day of hauling a 30lb messenger bag everywhere in the desert should've prepped me just fine.
bentstrider11.13.07 - 2:38 pm
Mind the mindless grammar above, I was popping in my SG-1/ season 10 at the same time.
bentstrider11.13.07 - 2:39 pm
Sg-1? oh boy one of those guys haha I will see you all there as usual!
sk1m200111.13.07 - 4:31 pm
okay, I just found out I have a bunch of stuff to get done for work by Thursday---so I can't make it afterall.
I'll be there soon, though.
tern11.13.07 - 4:41 pm
It is highly recommended to bring a lock and a roll of quarters...we will be making a pit stop on the ride due to male egos...leave your nines at home and bring your street fighter2 skills to the battle.
wormser11.13.07 - 6:25 pm

Unfortunately, this is actually what happend after the first 4 miles, and continued for over an hour while everyone just kind of wandered away or rode back to the starting point on their own.
Hopefully next time we'll actually ride :)
cochiloco11.14.07 - 7:35 am

a picture is worth a thousand words...like the Loiternauts graphic though, well played...35+ miles
wormser11.14.07 - 11:32 am

haha man the in and out bunch missed the whole ride !!!!!
was a great ride like always ....try going on the whole ride next time
mister.brown11.14.07 - 12:21 pm
Mindless of the punk-outs, this shit was awesome.
First ride I've been one where there was actually some pedal-pushing involved.
Nice people, regardless of who left,
Definitely try and get my ass down the hill again for another round.
bentstrider11.14.07 - 1:08 pm
as always the funky juggernauts always come through with the ride. a lot of people missed out on THE REST OF THE RIDE which was great. like mentioned before, try and stay for the WHOLE RIDE.
'cause we be JUGGERNAUTING.
DAYLO11.14.07 - 3:58 pm
Good things come to those who wait...Considering the ride was counted at 48 people and ended with 7 true juggernauts at 3:30am, that says alot. Dont knock it till you try it. I can say that the ride starts big but I seem to see the same faces at the end of night, or morning as it turns out to be.
hassydawes11.14.07 - 8:55 pm
I'll have one of the trademark music vids up in due time.
Just that after I got home, I had to clean up that HHR I rented and top it off.
bentstrider11.14.07 - 9:28 pm
maybe some people just wanted to ride...and when there was an hour break at the video games...at the beginning of the ride...maybe they got bored and went home.
not that I know for sure...I wasn't there. Just a guess. I'm glad you guys had fun.
tern11.14.07 - 9:42 pm
Might've been.
I did hear a few people talking about how they got all amped up and were disappointed about stopping.
Perhaps they didn't get the memo regarding the arcade stop.
I heard the next one will be more intense in regards to sticking to riding.
As usual, I'll keep my MTB on "Urban Intensity" settings.
No rack, no bag, no rear kick-stand.
Brought the weight down from 38lbs to 25lbs.
bentstrider11.14.07 - 9:51 pm
We knew about the arcade stop, we just didn't think it was at the beginning of the ride. Also we started late, considering we just did the WP Hustle the night before, we were not up for another late night.
But all's well. Like I said before in other threads, all rides have different flavors. I just haven't figured this out yet. A couple more rides then the ride take shape.
This ride has a lot of potential since the area needs a good ride. Badger Song might changed days which will be good.
See y'all next week.
sc_nomad11.15.07 - 1:45 am
thats understandable...we don't have a street fighter2 score to settle next week so we resume our usual ride...
wormser11.15.07 - 7:19 am
Few suggestions.
Announce the route clearly and make sure everyone hears it before we take off. As we took off this week, a few of us had no idea where we were headed. A few people knew but not everyone heard an announcement. You don't have to announce the whole route, just how to get to the first stop.
Have a definite route in mind. Either plan it ahead or keep the decision making to a few. This will prevent the ride from being separated and will insure more people at the end. Last week when we turned around at Victoria Gardens, we thought that this was the turn around point. We were disappointed to find out that the ride went further.
Since you have no route slips, have a a ride leader. I've been there twice and have no idea who leads the ride. This will prevent the ride from being hijacked, we will know who to follow and who to ask if case we have questions.
I hope you don't take this critique negatively but some order is necessary specially now that the turnout is getting bigger. I am making an assumption that you want this ride to grow. Riding in a bigger group presents a new set of problems. The simple joy of making up the ride as we go will be compromised but that is one of the trade-offs. Again this ride has great potential and hopefully we can make it a successful one.
sc_nomad11.15.07 - 12:28 pm
Weird, all this drama over our ride. I was kinda bummed I thought more people were into Street Fighter 2, I mean it was Chapionship edition. I also thought this was about having fun, not about having to deal with peopls egos and attitudes. Oh well, I guess we have to be a bit more organized. No street fighter next week.
catguy11.15.07 - 3:29 pm
Wait one hot minute,
Did you say "peoples Egos"????
I wasn't even aware of persons so concerned about losing frozen waffles on the ride.
bentstrider11.15.07 - 3:33 pm
i was going to play, i did have the quarters, only problem was, NO LOCK. i would have rocked it with the street fighter. but next week, it's gonna be exciting. i can feel it.
DAYLO11.15.07 - 4:08 pm
yeah, next weeks tofurkey route is gonna be nice...
wormser11.15.07 - 4:11 pm
There is really no drama about the ride, some of us just wanted to ride and show support for a local ride. I guess this ride is primarily to hang out. It's your ride and y'all can make it whatever to want it to be. Just thought it was different.
sc_nomad11.15.07 - 11:06 pm
I think all of this is starting to get taken totally out of context. So to clarify what this ride is and will be about here goes...
Most rides are between 30-35 miles with an occasional stop or so along the way to regroup or snag something to drink. Goal is to stray off as far out from the meeting spot as possible and see what trouble follows. Ride can be considered a medium-fast paced ride but always varies. Fixies, Single Speeds, and Road bikes are preferred to keep a good pace, so show up 9:30 and be ready to pillage by 10:15...
Its like catguy says, we thought more people would be in for a quick stop at the arcade and then shoot off from there. Apparently we were wrong so... We formed this to ride, we always have and it is true that as the group grows new responsibilities arise as sc_nomad says...I agree. So, we hope this last week didn't throw off anyones image of this ride as it shouldn't since this was 1 ride in a handfull of already really great rides that went sour.
You, Your bike, Claremont, Tuesday, be ready to ride..Nuff Said.
wormser11.16.07 - 7:26 am
And if you got real grapefruits, forego the warning regarding the 700's.
I rode my 26" the first time around and kept up the whole way.
Sadly, someone else tried to, and got dropped not far from the starting point.
But still, I'm calling out all those with MTB's.
bentstrider11.16.07 - 7:07 pm
I'm riding with you guys tomorrow. For sure.
tern11.19.07 - 9:02 pm
I will be there as well.
XPC11.20.07 - 1:35 am
I'll re-cable my bike and be down there by the usual time.
The old lines have just about had it.
bentstrider11.20.07 - 3:34 am
Good deal, should be a good ride tonight since we're playing catch up from last weeks blunder.
wormser11.20.07 - 9:05 am
tonight: hills at the beginning as we head to chaffey college but definately mixed terrain...see you there
wormser11.20.07 - 7:36 pm
nice...baseline or foothill or...is it a surprise?
tern11.20.07 - 7:39 pm
good ride tonight...those hills kicked my ass. Anybody have the mileage for tonight?
wormser11.21.07 - 1:14 am
Ride was "okay" but not great. Hopefully this ride grows a little and they start to put a little bit more effort into riding.
As far as a "fast paced" ride goes, this didn't meet my expectations.
This ride needs more organization, more speed, and clear directions to stops.
sc_nomad nailed it.
XPC11.21.07 - 2:07 am
Just hairs under 35 miles for this one wormser.
The last ride was nailed at 36 miles traveled.
All in all, we met our quota for the week, but the mileage ante should be upped.
I could go the distance, but my gears will only crank out enough speed before I'm screamin' daisies!!!
Some told me that it was too cold for them.
Understandable for them, but I felt as warm as an oven mit.
bentstrider11.21.07 - 4:51 am
i was sick but i still rode it.
DAYLO11.21.07 - 7:12 am
definately a lot smaller group this week from last weeks near 50 kids. I think the thing to understand is that we have only had "outsiders" on our ride for like 4 weeks now. Before that we were a close knit group that was just trying to get in some miles at a "quick" pace, I don't want to say the word fast because everyone's interpretation of that is on different levels. We didn't need organization due to the fact that 5-10 guys can stay up with eachother and not have to keep checking back and making sure everyone is gonna see the next turn. I've never been on any other "quick" rides because I don't personally know if I could keep up from the stories I hear and don't have a great knowledge of my surroundings, in LA for example, if I was left or lost. So, I don't know the "structure" of how these rides are organized. Last night with all those hills, some of us weren't fortunate to be flipping gears and with size of XPC's legs and his speed, we should have gotten a 10 mile head start. Anyways, personally I feel I rode slower last night because for some reason my headset feels stripped and I have new bars on that didn't make me feel comfortable at all...
wormser11.21.07 - 9:19 am
You guys say that your ride is a medium-fast paced pace in your post describing the ride. Thats fine. Don't worry about the speed any more than you want to. You have a bunch of friends coming out to have fun and ride their bikes. Thats is the important thing, I guess. Thanks for hosting the ride. It was nice to see Chaffey College...It hasn't changed much since I went there a long time ago. We talked to a group that broke off at Chaffey after we got to the meetup poiint. One of them had a loose chain link...continually breaking.... another didn't feel too well....and their friends rode back home with them. No problem with that at all.
tern11.21.07 - 9:50 am
Don't worry about this ride right now, this ride will form it's own personality. It is fairly new and it seems that most of the riders I've met are fairly new themselves. The speed will pick up as the weeks go by. As any new ride there will be growing pains but all that will pass. There plenty of resources out there that can help you avoid many of the pitfalls other rides have experience. Tern is one.
While it is easy to manage 5 -10 riders, any more than that will need some kind of structure. Any expectation that this ride will not attract 'outsiders' is naive since it is posted in a forum that serveral thousand people read.
Like I've said before, this ride has great potential and it might be a good idea to have a clear vision of what you want it to be. Another thing to consider is continuity, establish a core of riders that can lead the ride in case one cannot make it. Be prepared to dedicate every Tuesday night to this ride until it picks up momentum, it's not easy.
sc_nomad11.21.07 - 10:47 am
Thanks for the words, I know what you're saying and see your point. It is new so we go back and forth with the early mentality of if people show, they show, if not, they don't...but you're right its going to take a little time.
What do you think or know of Carbon Canyon at night?
wormser11.21.07 - 11:37 am
Sketchy but someone has to be the first to attempt it. Down Carbon Canyon then up Tonner/Brea Canyon will be epic. It is probably safer the other way around.
sc_nomad11.21.07 - 11:47 am
yeah, Taco tuesday kids in OC want to try and meet up and I was thinking up a route that would loop from Claremont to Birch St. promenade and then back...like a little over 40 miles round trip.
or a more subtle route,
wormser11.21.07 - 12:22 pm
One thing's for certain, that mist was clearly forming all over the place.
It sort of added a "creepy" feel to the ride.
bentstrider11.21.07 - 12:27 pm
Arrow to
to holt
to Brea Canyon Rd.
to Birch
Its gonna be a bit more than 40 miles, though....round trip. That's the easyiest way--from your meetup--to get there....practically the only way.
tern11.21.07 - 3:13 pm
oops, if forgot a turn in Pomona.
I'll route a gmap for you...and post it sometime tonight.
tern11.21.07 - 3:14 pm
only other option would be to go a tad bit further west, take diamond bar blvd, but that's a bit sketchy from what I hear... if we're lookin to meet the tacos
I will ride with you guys more, last night was a bit of an exception.
FuzzBeast11.21.07 - 3:15 pm
True....but either way, you hit Brea Canyon Rd. And that is almost as sketchy as Carbon Canyon Rd. at night....which is to say....REALLY sketchy.
tern11.21.07 - 3:23 pm
aye, but which has a better elevation profile, which in the end is probably what is going to throw the decision, as both roads suck, but if we wanna do this... I dunno, maybe wormser or some of the others should chime in here as to what/when/how/whatever
FuzzBeast11.21.07 - 3:31 pm
Don't care, 40 miles, 80 miles roundtrip.
I'm up for a good, Tuesday night jaunt.
More photos, more steam piping from my Prior Dome!!!
bentstrider11.21.07 - 4:03 pm
I'd take this way
Going down Fairplex, then skip over holt through humane way and bark at the dogs. then a right on mission, and that turns into diamond bar blvd. then into brea, then into birch.
Nice route, IMO any of these routes will probably take this group 5 hours.
XPC11.21.07 - 4:13 pm
not me. I do it every time I bike commute, pretty much....I just start in Covina. Hey XPC, still down for the badger next week? PLEASE come ride with us. You live so close. It will be fun for sure.
And.....still woking on the gmap...I'll get it to you sometine tonight, Juggernauts!
tern11.21.07 - 4:18 pm
2 hours or 10 hours...point is, it would be done. I can guarentee you that a ride like this that was shown beforehand would intimidate most that show up for these rides and would cut down to a select group of riders that would make a decent pace. This is just a route that i'm thinking about for the future, maybe within the next few weeks or so to work off Thanksgiving bellys. Probably start a bit earlier on the night of this ride if it goes down.
wormser11.21.07 - 4:29 pm
XPC, i just looked at your map, think its the same I had except at the end I weaved a little on the last couple miles or so to accomodate the last leg of inclines.
wormser11.21.07 - 4:35 pm
Wormser, dude....you are fucking cool. Figure it out....I will go. Don't listen to people telling you your ride is slow or whatever....you got a good thing going. And, I like it. JUGGERNAUTS!
tern11.21.07 - 4:35 pm
Hey Wormser....I am counting on YOU and you crew....to come out and ride with us next Thursday. I'll be there on Juggernauts on Tuesday.
tern11.21.07 - 4:37 pm
i only looked at this topic to see who skidmarcus was getting to race.
alec11.21.07 - 4:41 pm
I'll do my best to be there next thursday...married life will only answer that question but who knows...let you know for sure thursday...
wormser11.21.07 - 4:48 pm
brea canyon rd is real sketchy. i ride it at night. no post lights or what so ever. carbon cyn is a lot more sketchy than brea cyn. there's cult stories and ghost stories. the times i rode it so far has been alright. no troubles. oh and are the tuesday taco kids from brea ( liberty board shop ridazz) ??? iif they are, thien i rode with them once.
DAYLO11.21.07 - 6:24 pm
The Taco Tuesday kids meet at the Orange Circle in Orange every Tuesday.
sc_nomad11.21.07 - 6:58 pm
Ghosts, and Cults, and Clansmen, OH ShIt!!!
All the more reason this route should be explored.
Snap a shot of long dead cowboy.
Save a pretty virgin from being sacrificed.
Strong arm some backwood Clansmen.
Saving the day in one night!!!!
bentstrider11.21.07 - 7:03 pm
if it boils down to riding either those two, i'm down. oh and at brea cyn rd there's a headstone that can bee seen in plain view, white and right next to the road. it always startles me every time i pass by it.
Carbon Canyon Road. Also known as California Highway 142 to the folks at Caltrans, Carbon Canyon Road offers not only a remote locale for dumping that dead body in your trunk but also the perfect two-lane drive for when the strains of urbanized OC get to be too much. Just don’t go slower than 60 unless you want the short-tempered urchin behind you to flash his brights and possibly his middle finger. For a real scare, though, try driving this road at night (say, around 3 a.m.) up to a quiet little hamlet on the other side of the OC/San Berdoo county line named—for real—Sleepy Hollow. Oooo-WOO-woooo . . .
- ocweekly
DAYLO11.21.07 - 7:22 pm
i'm both hyped and scared shitless...
wormser11.21.07 - 8:47 pm
As for the pic's and video's, I'm still tring to edit everything to the point where I could post them properly.
bentstrider11.22.07 - 1:06 am
yo, did anyone find my glove on the trail?
wormser11.22.07 - 10:45 am
yeah, somebody did. i think CATGUY has it.
DAYLO11.22.07 - 2:24 pm
i know there is a bit of word out about the ride from Claremont to Brea but this is just talkright now...nothing that is lined up as of yet and it will be clearly posted in advance beforehand...word.
wormser11.24.07 - 3:11 pm
looks to be a damn chilly one tonight...thinking about having a campfire stop at some point on this route or atleast some hot chocolate...
wormser11.27.07 - 10:03 am
Hey wormser, I found your glove and gave it to mr. cat. call him and he should have it. I saw it on the way home at grove illuminated by the street light. Quite poetic actually...Anyway make sure you write a manifest and have a map and notify everyone about where we are gonna stop and what we are gonna do... because if you dont the peanut gallery will start to complain and post. I have been out of the loop for the past week but will post the few shots I took on the ride shortly. Hope I can make it tonight might be moving in to the new pad (fingers crossed).
I have an idea for the ride. I feel that maybe we need to get back to the heart of why the ride got started in the first place. People showing up and then talking smack the whole time aint what I come out for. Keep it tight. I know the dozen or so peeps I would ride with.
Let the thing go and f-it. Too many expectations, cant please everyone so I say please no one. Jeremy, John, Catzzz, Jose, Rob, Aldo, Daylo, Adam Sg1, John2, and anyone else I cant remember off hand...
Juggernauts are dead...Long live the Juggernauts!
hassydawes11.27.07 - 2:41 pm
So, are you gous still riding tonight? I don't understand, Hassydawes.
tern11.27.07 - 3:13 pm
Aryou GUYS....not, gous....
tern11.27.07 - 3:13 pm
I've got my younger bro's old Mercedes to get me down there.
I'll see if I could give this thing an oil change and hopefully it will get me down there in one piece.
bentstrider11.27.07 - 3:24 pm
Hahaha, very nice Hassy... I know what you're saying. Think it's goig to be one of those things that people will come and go and the one's that cling will be staples with the group.
TERN, yeah we're riding tonight as always. Have a few ideas but have to talk to catguy first. Involves your neck of the woods actually, we'll see what happens.
wormser11.27.07 - 4:04 pm
Like I've said before if you want to keep you ride small and just a bunch of friends, do not post it in a forum where several thousand people can read it. You can guarantee the group's exclusivity by using a mailing group instead of a thread in a popular forum.
sc_nomad11.27.07 - 5:55 pm
sc, how is your wednesday night ride going? shoot me some info sometime...jeremy@clickrewind.com
wormser11.27.07 - 6:21 pm
Shit. I'm sorry if I hurt anyones feelings....you guys have a good thing gong. Step ot up. Or, no....maybe not. Just keep riding and have fun.
tern11.27.07 - 6:29 pm
i am honestly saying that the whole iissue is with me is speed.
Not the drug...the pace.
I thought that the ride was about trying to ride fast.
You don't have to be fast to have a weekly ride. It is just that most weekly rides are centered around speed, in some way or another.
There are many exeptons, of course..
You don't have a medium fast paced ride at the moment.
I am not talking shit, because you (the ride) attract so many people.
the thing to do is, find out what all of those people want on Tuesday night....and give it to them.
OR....grow like the Badger Song did....speed-wise.
It took a long time to get us up to pace...and many people fell off.
So, here is the deal....do you ride fast....or do ride because you want to hang out?
I really like your ride. I must repeat. I really like your ride.
Fuck anyone who disses the Juggernauts.
The speed thing is an issue that will take care of itself. I like riding with you guys, and I am not saying that I am a fast rider. Any entry level road racer might smoke me.
Build This. I want to go, either way.
tern11.27.07 - 6:56 pm
...but I have a flat right no...and not tubes or patch kit.
So, I wnt to be there.
What I just said shoud have been said on the ride.
I am a Juggernaut. And, the ride is cool.
tern11.27.07 - 7:05 pm
That soesn't mean that you can kick my as for writing what I just worte online.
Maybe I have it coming nect time.
tern11.27.07 - 7:09 pm
Tern, you're not coming out tonight? Can find a dozen kids with a tube to spare for a rider if you come out. Keep me posted, i have some laying around if it's a problem. Don't sweat any comment you made or any comment anyone made for that matter. It is in my opinion that we are a medium paced ride at the moment and if that's where we stay then thats the pace of this ride. I personally am trying to build more endurance and strength in my legs that should help me boost up to the faster rides. Skating left me with tore up knees and misproportioned muscle, i'm just trying to fix that and then we'll see what happens. That's why I steer clear from most rides like Badger or Wolf. Anywho...
wormser11.27.07 - 7:30 pm
I'm sorry Juggernauts. To much beer. Let it be known.
I have a flat, but I couldn't ride with you anyways, because of my blood alcohol level.
I wish someone would respond....
I am a shit tlaker....plain and simple.
tern11.27.07 - 7:33 pm
Thanks wormser. You are rad. Next week. I will be there. Fo Shizzle.
tern11.27.07 - 7:36 pm
Damn diseases.
I literally just woke up 1/2 n hour ago (7:15 pm) missed both my classes today and everything. Horray for 14 hrs of sleep.
I swear i've been fighting something for the last few days, and I guess it caught up to me finally.
I don't think I'm gonna be riding tonite (again) damnit.
FuzzBeast11.27.07 - 7:45 pm
Wednesday night ride is going good. It isn't really my ride since I can't make a standing commitment to be there every Wednesday. My work dictates that I be available with in 2 hours of being paged, nothing fancy just tech support.
The ride is primarily driven by the kids from Two Wheeler Dealer in Brea, She_Wolf(Beatriz), Nick, Chad, Ben and Eric. All ride with the Wolfpack and are trying to start something local. I try to make it whenever I can since I have another ride earlier in the evening, SCVelo's Junior Team ride in San Dimas.
I'm bummed that I can't make your ride tonight since work got in the way. Your ride has a lot of potential and I hope to be able to support it as work permits.
sc_nomad11.27.07 - 8:47 pm
Hey Tern,
No I think I was trying to be too abstract with my discription. Come out and ride with us, and if it aint yo' vibe than it aint yo' vibe. If you want to ride your bike, hang out and find some mischief or a donut shop, or Street Fighter II Championship Edition than this is the ride for you!
hassydawes11.27.07 - 9:09 pm
damn so i missed 2 weeks in a row..i feel crappy..i will make it out next tuesday for sure..my bike will be complete and ready to roll ..i could of went tonight but wouldnt be able to stop ..so see you guys next week
mister.brown11.28.07 - 12:32 am
sooooo, I know the route was death tonight with the hills and all but this was the post-thanksgiving workout ride...nuff said.
wormser11.28.07 - 2:44 am
i dug it. :D
my friend got a bit sick at the end so we had to chill the last 9 or so miles back but still really liked the ride. seee you all next week.
pachamama11.28.07 - 3:00 am
Nice seeing y'all at the end of the ride.
I did get quite shaky giving John a pull with the "Yellow Submarine".
Heard there was a bitching hill on the route, would've loved to climb it.
However, I needed to fulfill my group-ride quota for the week and my friend Mike was the one with the car.
Tues. Night Special was up his alley because this weekly test of metal-spinning could've wiped him out.
See ya next week, hopefully.
bentstrider11.28.07 - 5:38 am

i'm down.
you down ?
suggested route :
to and back to avoid sexy hills that we might come across.
if you guys are down, burn doughnuts digested, we take azusa - amar/temple - valley/holt - towne - bonita - indian hill - tenth = sexy.
the whole route will be around 36mi.
what do you guys say?
wormser ? catguy ? hassydawes ?
DAYLO11.28.07 - 11:20 am
oh and make sure to turn on the elevation to see the sexy.
DAYLO11.28.07 - 11:22 am
what street was that super hill anyway?
pachamama11.28.07 - 12:53 pm
here's a better last leg (from mission up to Claremont)
less traffic, less lights, smoother roads, and with the zigzagg the elevation is less constant, makes for a better, faster, ride.
the last section is my daily commute, well part of it,
I've ridden every one of those streets, and that by far is the most fun route, well second most fun, but the other one has an impassable gate that is closed like 70% of the time, and about 90% at night.
FuzzBeast11.28.07 - 12:56 pm
last nights ride.... i think ......
mrzeta11.28.07 - 5:49 pm
good stuff, guys! we totally enjoyed it. had to turn back 'cause of work in the morning. see ya next week ;)
VixObs11.28.07 - 8:36 pm

A donut ride and no stop at donut man along the way? We gotta hit up that place.
Sandwich11.28.07 - 11:05 pm
Damn, If only Happy Family was open that late... >.<;
Sandwich12.1.07 - 4:35 pm
Oh how I miss the Happy Family. I used to live out that way. Love that chicken made out of mushrooms, yummmm...
GarySe7en12.1.07 - 4:52 pm
oh ok. i was like HAPPY FAMILY ? wth is that? i just remembered. it's that vegetarian restaurant. haha. yeah. only if they were open that late. RH GARDENS i think is open pretty late. dont know if it is vegetarian though.
DAYLO12.1.07 - 5:11 pm
I'll be checking out some rooms4rent down in the IE on Tuesday, so I'll most likely have some rental vehicle to get down there with.
Not to mention I have never, once, tasted a fresh donut.
So, I'll be down there fo'sho', yellow POS MTB, shorts, hoodie and all.
bentstrider12.1.07 - 6:46 pm
i just found out.
krispy kreme counter service ends at 11 pm.
drive thru is 24 hrs.
DAYLO12.1.07 - 11:22 pm
Well, as long as they serve bicycles @ the window, we should be in the clear.
JackInTheCrack is notorious for enforcing the "No peds or bicycles served at the drive-thru" policy.
I tried doing this at one about a mile from my place.
I had cash on hand and they refused to give me my Jumbo Jack's
and Taco's, unless I came back in a car.
bentstrider12.1.07 - 11:50 pm
Hooray for getting sick tonight!!...come out all you sissy lalas
wormser12.4.07 - 2:18 pm
See you guys tonight. I'm still down for the donut ride. I hope that crispy creme lets us go through the drive through window. Daylo I'm pretty pumped on your sexy route.
catguy12.4.07 - 3:13 pm
ok. i'll see you guys tonight.
DAYLO12.4.07 - 5:06 pm

i just noticed the headline !
DAYLO12.4.07 - 5:09 pm
Great ride tonight. I loved the brisk pace and the sweet doughnuts. Glad I made this one, as I usually can't get out to Claremont on a weeknight. It worked out this week.
Look at the time. I'm too stoaked to go to sleep!!!
Creative Thing12.5.07 - 2:51 am
Ride last night was extra "sexy" and by sexy I mean...
Don't know how we got to La Puente mall so damn fast but I guess we made up for it with the glazed heart attack sandwich break. Thanks again for telling about the hithchiker ghost on top of mt. sac, messed my sleep all up, all 3 hours worth.
Daylo, good route man...
wormser12.5.07 - 8:27 am
Heh, Heh, that's La Llorona seeking her dead children, which she killed herself.
Pic's and vids coming soon.
bentstrider12.5.07 - 3:58 pm
wormser :
thanks. yeah man, that 'sexy' was pretty 'sexy'. i think we got there fast because we were just juggernauting it down quick status. well, at least we got a feel of a fast route (halfway point which excludes carbon canyon) going to meet with the taco kids (if that ride happens).
great ride once again. and mr. creative thing, nice to see you again.
chikuh-chikuh-yeeeaaa !
DAYLO12.5.07 - 10:23 pm
where we going this time?
DAYLO12.8.07 - 2:37 pm
beats the hell out of me...have to talk with catguy and figure this out...
..thanks again for the bday wishes monster...
wormser12.8.07 - 2:58 pm
Nice ride re-title.
And afterwards, join me for "Juggernauts' Hot Tub Assault" @ the 24 Hr Fitness on Foothill.
bentstrider12.8.07 - 10:48 pm
count me out tonight fellas, sick as hell and my head feels like it weighs heavier than anna nicole's boobies...bummed.
wormser12.11.07 - 9:32 am
I was thinking we could go from claremont to north la verne from laverne to puddingstone park then down through either chino hills or south pomona and back. Does anyone else have any ideas for tonights ride?
catguy12.11.07 - 10:55 am
A little low on funds tonight, but a friend wants to go check out the Tuesday Night Special in Northridge.
Figure I'll cover the progress on that one and get my "group-ride" fix in as well.
Lemme know how it turns out on that end.
bentstrider12.11.07 - 11:59 am
all up to you guys. but i am really-really itching for that brea ride. haha. if anything, im down for that brea tonight !
DAYLO12.11.07 - 2:45 pm
damn, no brea ride without me...
wormser12.11.07 - 4:38 pm
didn't make it tonight. way too cold for my fat ass to be riding around.
DAYLO12.11.07 - 11:13 pm
I was recording a bunch of UCLA people riding in their
Cold for them, but they still braved it nonetheless.
bentstrider12.12.07 - 6:44 am
how about these routes? both go through the christmas lights (i am pretty sure at least) and both have some pretty crazy hills leading up to the lights haha. we would have to leave a little early too so we get there before the lights turn off.
this first one is only about 24-26 miles.
or we could try this extended version...which would be about 30-32
both were done pretty quickly so excuse the route not staying on the lines :D
pachamama12.16.07 - 2:39 am
youd be fools to go up beryl to hillside... wilson runs right into throughbred....
mrzeta12.16.07 - 2:02 pm
it would actually be down beryl. what streets are the lights on exactly? i forget haha.
pachamama12.16.07 - 5:25 pm
this perhaps? revised so that it goes through thoroughbred and not waayy the fuck up sapphire.
pachamama12.16.07 - 5:53 pm
im game. let's do it.
DAYLO12.17.07 - 8:35 pm

Christmas lights tonight!! Where else you gonna do other cool shit like that than with us.......................................on a tuesday.
wormser12.18.07 - 12:07 pm
Tonight Christmas ride. 9:00 pm meet time rain or shine.
catguy12.18.07 - 3:19 pm
I'm going to have overhaul my bike before anymore hustlin's done.
Lube and new parts in various areas of the bike and whatnot.
I hit the Tuesday Night Special again for less of a beatin' for the rig.
Turns out everyone got scared off by the rain over there too.
Wasn't a total loss though, pic's and vids to come.
bentstrider12.19.07 - 7:01 am
pssssshh we didnt get scared of nooothing. we still rode, but we had to rename it the wet and wild (and hot chocolate) ride. pics to come sooon.
pachamama12.20.07 - 7:19 am
Y'all end early?
I drove down to the meetup around 2AM and I was going to get everyone tacos & Jumbo Jacks.
Eh, next time.
bentstrider12.20.07 - 7:43 am
yea, about 1:30 or so? but we started a little earlier as well.
I think next week is going to be the christmas light re-ride? if anyone is down to roll on christmas day.
pachamama12.20.07 - 9:17 am
If I could charter myself a jet, I'm all set.
bentstrider12.20.07 - 9:41 am
you guys are cool in my book...I went back and forth with catguy to go but I was pushing it still getting over this nasty bug thats going around...that and some stirfry, a blanket and warm tea and I was on lock down that night.
I'll be out of town christmas day but be back in the evening so it's a maybe from me...damn, been out 2 weeks now. Time for a demotion.
wormser12.20.07 - 10:13 am
me and catguy were talking about doing a wed night ride to see the light if noone was going to be able to make it on tues because of x-mas
just an idea , give some feedback
onlyxneedxone12.20.07 - 12:51 pm
word...i'll do either nights...need a fix
wormser12.20.07 - 4:23 pm
yea, either nights are cool with me.
pachamama12.21.07 - 8:07 am
Don't be too shocked if my appearances down there become too far and few between.
Those car rentals are a PITA as far as money goes, so that money would be best suited towards moving expenses.
Thinking of finding myself someplace west of the 15.
Closer to all the cool shit, better work hours for me, and it will also be easier when/if I decide to hop back in the rig again.
bentstrider12.21.07 - 6:32 pm
The Christmas light ride once again. I know tuesday is Christmas day so who is down to do the ride on Wednesday? I was thinking meet at 8:30 or 9:00 How does everyone else feel about this? Also I was planning on riding on Tuesday also so if you guys are in the mood lets meet up. Also I just posted some pictures from some of the past rides on this.
catguy12.24.07 - 1:08 am
totalled my car last friday.
i'll be harder for me to get to the rides.
DAYLO12.25.07 - 3:11 pm
So once again I was MIA last night but I'm gonna make up for it this weekend.
SO....here's my itinerary and if anyone is doing what i'm doing let me know.
saturday-8:30am: ride from Rancho to LA and take metro back (sweetheart ride)
saturday-9:30pm: ride the midnight ridazz (fuck yeah ride)
ok now the twist...
i'm off from saturday til tuesday so if anyone has any thoughts of bouncing the tuesday ride to monday and riding to pasadena, I would be way up for that. If not I'll be there tuesday and as agreed I will take one punch in the left arm by all for missing the last 3 weeks of Juggernauts shenanigans...word...
wormser12.26.07 - 2:50 pm
nevermind...thats new years eve for the pasadena ride....i'll see you guys tuesday night as regularly scheduled. I owe catguy big time...
wormser12.26.07 - 2:54 pm
yo wormser, would you be riding to rancho for the RANCHO 2 LA ride?
DAYLO12.26.07 - 10:54 pm
i live in rancho so this is quite convenient...why whats up?
wormser12.27.07 - 6:57 am
just wondering.......
DAYLO12.27.07 - 9:19 pm
me and rob maned up last night and did this round trip. you guys missed out
onlyxneedxone12.28.07 - 2:14 pm
lets get a route put together for next tuesday. Somewhere we haven't been before.
catguy01.2.08 - 3:13 am
i'll take a look at a map and see what looks "sexy" in memory of our fallen comrade Daylo. What about that alleycat we talked about a while back...the vandal ride...hehe
wormser01.6.08 - 9:27 am
btw...if anyone wants to meet up early at james games like an hour beforehand, specifically catguy and our unsettled match, then please feel free to leave a message on here or email me (it's in the juggernaut ride post) and we'll do this. This may be my last week for a bit with the Juggs unless the time miraculously changes but I don't really foresee that happening so...
anyways, jamesgames anyone?
wormser01.6.08 - 1:37 pm
James games it is. I'll call you about meeting up earlier.
catguy01.6.08 - 8:36 pm

2nd guy on the left...you know what i'm talking about.
wormser01.7.08 - 10:08 am
i need to start practicing my street fighter, last time catguy kicked my ass. and everyone elses too haha.
pachamama01.7.08 - 6:32 pm
It's a relatively, old skool game.
Give it a couple weeks of "throttle, button, joystick" time and you'll be yankin' and bankin' that '412 in no time!!
Oh, wait a minute, this ain't Flight Sim, shit.
bentstrider01.7.08 - 7:04 pm
probably jinxing myself for tomorrows rumble but...catguy is going down....he is the closest i've found to an equal in street fighter 2 strengths
wormser01.7.08 - 7:24 pm
So are we still meeting early this week for the ride to CUE? Does any one have a good route to get there? If you have my number call me. If not reply to this message.
catguy01.14.08 - 5:57 pm
I miss half of a ride and you guys are heading to some place called CUE...what is that? code?
wormser01.15.08 - 12:36 am
it's not code. It's a Japanese sticker picture place. Here's the address
1380 s. Fullerton Rd #202
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
It's time for group pictures.
p.s. There's an arcade right next door that has a Street Fighter 2 machine. Rematch?
catguy01.15.08 - 12:44 am
Got to work tonight.
Haven't seen you guys in a little while.
But, that don't mean I've weakened myself.
Still spinning, still sprinting, still lifting, circuit-training.
bentstrider01.15.08 - 3:47 am
damnit...you chose to do a group photo the week after I leave next door to a place that coincidientally has a street fighter 2 next door...i say nay to you all. If you guys randomly get hit on your way there with bottle rockets, mortars and roman candles...you know where they came from.
wormser01.15.08 - 2:28 pm
wait...hold on.......you guys are riding to CUE ?
DAYLO01.15.08 - 9:01 pm

wuold love to meet u with you guys since i'm just a few blocks away from that place, unfortunately, my bike is still being fixed. have fun though. and post the CUE pictures. maybe next when i get my car this friday and get the bike fixed, i'll be back in full effect with the JUGGERNAUTS.
DAYLO01.15.08 - 9:32 pm
ok so I'm always in claremont considering I live about 10 minutes away and don't really have anyone to ride with...I think I already posted up on this thread but whatever...so yeah..lets ride during the week.
riss01.16.08 - 12:39 pm
the rain sucks. and the bike is now working.
changed it to a riser and check this grips :
hopefully this tuesday it won't be wet.
this guy will be riding with the juggernauts next week :

DAYLO01.26.08 - 10:49 pm
oh and that specialized is not my ride it's my buddy who will be riding next week with the juggernauts. that green one will be my ride next week.
i got my transportation in effect so i'm all gravy again with the juggies.

DAYLO01.26.08 - 10:52 pm
Sweet rides Daylo.
Unfortunately, my ass is now working full-time again, so I won't be out there again anytime soon.
However, I'm planning on hittin' C.R.A.N.K.Mob or another large ride next month.
I was thinking of renting a van, and getting additional IE'rs to come along.
bentstrider01.26.08 - 11:09 pm
yeah been a while i haven't gone on a big ride. big rides are fun !
DAYLO01.27.08 - 8:11 am
If you guys ever wanna ride throughout the week, let me know, I'm always down for a little stroll....like sundays for instance.
riss01.27.08 - 9:19 am
stroll stroll stroll stroll.
riss01.28.08 - 2:45 pm
riss. are you riding tomorrow?
DAYLO01.28.08 - 4:20 pm
Im not sure, all I know is that I want to ride tonight
riss01.28.08 - 4:23 pm
tomorrow for sure i'll be riding with you guys.
it's freaking cold out !
DAYLO01.28.08 - 10:56 pm
yeah its gonna be chilly, hopefully I can keeepp uuupp.
riss01.29.08 - 8:28 am
anyone doing anything beforehand?
riss01.29.08 - 1:21 pm
hey so juggernauts tonight or what?!?
same place, same time?
VixObs01.29.08 - 6:34 pm
Anyone have some ideas for next Tuesdays ride? I think I want to go somewhere new or at least somewhere we haven't been to in a while. We still need to do the CUE ride again, on account of getting there and it being closed.
catguy01.30.08 - 1:25 pm
somewhere new and exciting.......hmmmm
DAYLO01.30.08 - 6:24 pm
ok. well if anyone is down. i am now routing a map to brea. so that we can actually ride on that freaky brea canyon road. hehehehe. i'm thinking of making it a "to and back" on the same route since i think that is our best option. any more than that, well, pains and aches the next day and i know some of us have morning jobs (like me). so........i'll be posting the suggested route here soon.
DAYLO01.31.08 - 10:11 pm
better start damn early....8ish hehe, this way I can ride from orange and meet up...
wormser02.3.08 - 11:25 pm
dude yeah man. i haven't seen you in a while.
DAYLO02.3.08 - 11:42 pm
spoke cards ready to be given out tomorrow night.
i made fifteen.

DAYLO02.4.08 - 11:07 pm
The spoke cards look cool.
But, I was thinking of taking both, the "Jugger" and "Loiter" naut logos, and getting them printed on an armband.
When we're riding and hauling ass, we're active Juggernauts.
When resting and/or waiting for something and assembled around a certain area, flip them and we become the "Loiternauts".
Stupid, or cool, y'all be the judge.
bentstrider02.5.08 - 1:32 am
I'm down for that route, but I'm not gonna make it a 8:45.
catguy02.5.08 - 8:55 pm
due to cramping on the way back, i got dropped. i went further than i'm supposed to so i got extra leg work. i got back at the campus around 230am.
no riding for me today until tomorrow.
DAYLO02.6.08 - 10:30 am
dammnniiit i fell asleep last night before the ride and my alarm didnt go off haha. i even have cool handmade constructionpaper/laminated spokecards to hand out to approximately 10 lucky people.
pachamama02.6.08 - 11:18 am
then bring that tomorrow. hahaha. i handed the ones i made.
DAYLO02.6.08 - 11:24 am
I'm riding tonight. See you at 10:00
catguy02.26.08 - 11:08 am
i'm going to have to miss tonight once again. i've been sick for the last week and a half now. this sucks.
good luck everyone. ill bring spokecards once my illness has passedd!
pachamama02.26.08 - 11:42 am
Anyone wanna meet down there for drinks before hand? I'll be at Fuzzbeasts art show before they take off
riss02.26.08 - 3:42 pm
sorry Riss, meat class. i'll be there after class.
DAYLO02.26.08 - 4:46 pm
Has the turnout grown any?
Or, still pretty much the same faces?
bentstrider02.27.08 - 2:29 am
hey daylo thanks for helpin me...i ate shit. im glad i have my teef
riss02.27.08 - 8:31 am
@ bentstrider:
same faces. rare for people to show up because of weather, but i think that's going to change as soon as it gets warmer.
@ riss:
your welcome.
DAYLO02.27.08 - 5:03 pm
I'm riding tonight. See you guys at 10
catguy03.4.08 - 1:18 pm
I might join you guys next week. Haven't ridden with you yet. I have a class at Cal Poly that goes from 7-9pm on Tues/Thurs, so if you're still meeting around 9:30 that gives me just enough time to get up to Claremont. Can't ride tonight, though. Have a good one!
BillyGoat03.4.08 - 1:59 pm
finally gettttting better. hopefully ill be out next week after a test ride this weekend.
pachamama03.4.08 - 7:59 pm
Hey Hey, I was wondering if you guys would consider doing a slower ride maybe once in a while so us with cruisers or slower riders could join in, me and a few friends would love to come but we have cruisers and are slower riders :P
Disco03.5.08 - 5:23 pm
was there but no one is.
DAYLO03.11.08 - 11:07 pm
-You saying that no one but yo'self showed up?
I really need to get back down there and light the fire under it's ass once more.
I've been AWOL for too long as it is.
bentstrider03.11.08 - 11:35 pm
jose showed up (dude with the small yellow road bike). but that was it.
DAYLO03.11.08 - 11:47 pm
Seems to me that the group was kind of fragmented for various reasons.
From what I hear, wormser and his brother are in OC.
That one girl and her boyfriend went separate ways.
Catguy always seems to be a consistent presence, but perhaps he may have finally met knittens and contained it.
Then there's school still getting in the way for most of the young-youngsters.
And then there's just me and my kooky scheduling.
It's as if the Westsidazz have sapped all the energy from the IE.
I say wait until the major exams and whatnot are over, the flowers to blossom, the cow to jump over the moon, and everyone will probably swarm out from nowhere again.
bentstrider03.12.08 - 4:18 am
well, i just got over a pretty bad sickness...so i am finally down to ride again. we need to get our asses back together and ride!!!
daylo, does the thursday night ride still go on?
pachamama03.28.08 - 8:15 am
thursday night rides.....hmmmm....i don't think so.....i do the 5fix2 rides up in uptown whittier on mondays. that's about the only group ride i go to.
chill rides yo......you gonna like it.
DAYLO03.28.08 - 7:53 pm
-Well, aside from WPH, that seems to be the only other ride I could work into my off-day schedule.
Oh, and all I have at the moment are MTB's due to budgetary constraints.
If I come down, please, no light-post pinata!!
bentstrider03.28.08 - 8:15 pm
@ bentstrider:
don't even trip a lot of the ridazz in that ride have gears. that and it's about the same pace as the juggernauts.
DAYLO03.28.08 - 9:34 pm
ill try and make it out sometime soon then, i cant believe it...i was gone for a month and everything ended!!
i think we should try and start up juggernauts again this summer. i think a lot of people dropped off due to rain/cold. we need to hook em' earlier haha.
pachamama03.29.08 - 2:19 am
long time no see guys, is the ride still happening? i will be out there on tuesday. look forward to seeing a good group
onlyxneedxone03.30.08 - 10:25 pm
i'll try and make it tonight....just hope that we don't start riding too late.
DAYLO04.1.08 - 10:03 am
Our first ride in over a month is going to be at a nice medium pace with one or two stops for donuts and drinkables. We are going to start at a pretty good pace as we get back into things and begin to rebuild this ride into one of the quickest and strongest out there.
Come out to show your support and to just have a great night of riding in the IE.
We are going to be meeting early to compensate for school/work.
8:15 meet time and 8:32 rideee time!
pachamama04.12.08 - 10:22 pm
oh dude.........i wont make it on that ride if the time is not around 9....my loss then :(
DAYLO04.13.08 - 2:44 am
im sure we could do 9. I have to wake up for a photoshoot at about 530 the next morning so i didn't want to do it too late, but whatever time the most people will come is fine by me.
pachamama04.13.08 - 11:35 am
especially if there names are daylooo
pachamama04.13.08 - 11:35 am
you guys are just awesome accomodating the meet times for everyone.......juggernauts!!!!!!!
DAYLO04.13.08 - 1:38 pm
well now you better be there...or ELSE.
pachamama04.13.08 - 2:03 pm
what's our destination on tuesday?
DAYLO04.13.08 - 3:30 pm
thats not entirely planned out yet haha. it will be a nice ride though, i can promise that much.
pachamama04.13.08 - 8:22 pm
See everyone there tonight!!! ill be there by 820 or so but we arent going to ride until daylo shows up haha.
the ride is going to be 26 miles.
pachamama04.15.08 - 11:57 am
good turn out last week. let's make it happen again.
DAYLO04.20.08 - 7:30 pm
tonight. we need bodies.
DAYLO04.22.08 - 6:30 am

tonight we are going to....
be there or be HUNGRY.
ride will be 26-28 miles. Pace will be similar to last week.
(medium-fast; kind of like the 'hot' between 'medium' and 'super-hot' at shitty fast food taco places)
pachamama04.22.08 - 10:02 am
cool......i won't be struggling as much......im not riding apple tonight.....im riding orange.
DAYLO04.22.08 - 4:18 pm
We had like 8 or so people last ride...and we need MOOOOREEE tonight!! so everyone show up and bring your friends and your parents and their friends and possibly their parents, depending on how good of shape they are in.
it is going to be quite a nice ride tonight so gooooo!!!!!!
The ride time is going to be at about 9:15 (in biker time that would be about 8:45)
pachamama04.22.08 - 6:48 pm
okay. next week, i'll be definitely bringin my shitty digicam and document this ride. and post new pictures
DAYLO04.23.08 - 5:00 pm
what kind and which spot?
DAYLO04.26.08 - 9:39 pm
we are going to be visiting the one and only DONUTMAN!
the ride is about 28 miles. gradual decline for the first 15miles and gradual incline back. there are no 'hills' tonight. =)
pace will be quick, we have been going fast lately, lets keep it up.
so tell your friends relatives significant others; whoever can ride a bike to come on out!
meeting at 8:34 ride whenever Daylo shows up. (9-ish)
pachamama04.29.08 - 9:17 am
See you guys tonight. I'll try my best to be there by 9:15
catguy04.29.08 - 1:45 pm
haha at least you got me being nice in that one.
that strawberry dohnut was BOMMMBBBB.
any ideas of where to go this next tuesday?
also, I am going to be riding to claremont and taking the metro to LA almost every saturday for the next two months or so...
...tomorrow is west hollywood for yummy cake made by my bakerista friend and downtown LA for photosessions.
if anyone who i havent already invited wants to go send me an email.
pachamama05.2.08 - 7:28 pm
see everyone there tonight!!
...and thank you daylo for posting up the ride. i thought i did last week but, guess not haha.
pachamama05.6.08 - 7:08 am
you got it mitsubishi.
DAYLO05.6.08 - 9:00 am
See you guys tonight. I made some spoke cards. They're kinda small but, they should work.
catguy05.6.08 - 5:15 pm
we are going south for the first time this week...well the first time since i've been riding at least.
Either that or we are going to pasadenaaaa.
pachamama05.6.08 - 6:39 pm
daylo, which city exactly are we stopping in?
and your ride this week better be sexy...aka hills.
pachamama05.18.08 - 11:14 pm
check out these threads please. i need your support. let's do this y'all. it's only 175miles and for you wimps you can do 40 each day. there is that option. you only pay $25 to register and only have to raise $250 individually.
Thread started by Eddie GOpez at 05.20.08 - 4:23 am
Thread started by ***** ***** at 05.20.08 - 2:28 pm
ALC TEAM MIDNIGHTRIDAZZ i need you guys to help me fight for another cure... the cure for Mulitiple Sclerosis
Thread started by Eddie GOpez at 05.20.08 - 2:49 pm
Eddie GOpez05.20.08 - 12:32 pm
ok....just heard that pachamama hurt himself......who's doing the route for tuesday ????
DAYLO05.26.08 - 11:48 am
woooo wooo riiiide tonight...my ass will be all bandaged up to prevent my newly healed foot from opening up again haha.
see everyone there. easternly route for tonight, with only a stop or two at gas stations. which means faaaast.
pachamama06.3.08 - 7:20 am
ok....everyone seems to think that this ride is dead (claremont kids). but it's not. i'll see you guys there tonight (whoever shows up).
DAYLO06.3.08 - 6:42 pm
how is it dead when last time i was there...(the week before last) we had ten riders show up??
also, i am going on vacation from june 24th to 14th ( 3 tuesdays) does anyone want to do the routes/lead for those?
pachamama06.3.08 - 7:12 pm
i'm not coming tomorrow. i'll be to BAKED to ride.
DAYLO06.10.08 - 1:18 am
I'm riding tomorrow. Be about it. I'll try to rally up some people so the ride doesn't suck. If no-one has any suggestions I kinda want to go to Donut man and bonneli park.
catguy06.23.08 - 1:25 pm
looks like ill see you tomorrow, i cant pass up donut man
onlyxneedxone06.23.08 - 7:59 pm
Way togo everyone that came out that was a solid ride. See you next Tuesday.
catguy06.25.08 - 1:11 pm
Man, y'all gonna be bumping up the time anytime soon, it's too early for my ass!!
bentstrider06.25.08 - 1:52 pm
Riding tomorrow meet at 8:45 ride a 9:30. See you there. I'm thinking about doing a chino/chino hills ride, but I'm open to suggestions.
catguy07.1.08 - 12:00 am
I am going, for sure.
tern07.1.08 - 12:01 am
Same meetup place? What are the cress streets, again?
tern07.1.08 - 12:05 am
I meant to say....what are the cross streets?
And, you could also just give a new address, if it has changed since I went on your ride last time.
tern07.1.08 - 12:07 am
man...this will be fun. I haven't been on a ride with you guys for a while. I'm excited.
tern07.1.08 - 12:14 am
Hey catguy sorry i missed the ride last week...i was running late from Chaffs and busted a tire on Campus on the way...and blah blah blah, boo me!
Anyway im down to ride tonight but I dont close here till 930pm i would need till at least 1015 but if it aint cool it aint cool.
If I dont see u all have a kick ass ride!
later gators
hassydawes07.1.08 - 4:15 pm
Tern: It's the same meet up place as before. I'm glad to hear you're coming out.
Hassydawes: I'm gonna call around and see what's up with everyone and I'll let you know if we can push the ride back an hour.
catguy07.1.08 - 4:40 pm
So after talking with a few people we are changing ride time tonight to 10:15/ 10:30 ish. Hopefully this works for everyone.
catguy07.1.08 - 5:17 pm
Fuck Ya!
You guys are too cool for summer school. I will be there between 10:15 and 10:30!
Thanks for the time change y'all.
Juggernauts baby!
hassydawes07.1.08 - 5:57 pm
Ride tonight 10:15 pm ride time. Same meet up spot.
catguy07.8.08 - 5:02 pm
Ride tonight 10:15 pm ride time. Same meet up spot.
catguy07.15.08 - 8:32 pm
shit i wish i read this earlier. i will be there for sure next week.
pachamama07.16.08 - 12:25 am

hey, i've never ridden with you guys before, but tonight (july 29) i tried like mad to find you at the end of 10th, at the adress listed, and the place was dead. was tonight canceled, or is there some secret clubhouse you meet at to avoid attention? i'd love to get some sweet rides in, i'm getting lonely riding all by myself.
meconium07.29.08 - 11:54 pm
Well, the ride itself is kind of a go/no-go for the most part.
I remember when it started during the winter, there were at least 15-30 people that showed up, ending with 5-10 at the end of the night.
bentstrider07.29.08 - 11:58 pm
okay, so i'm not crazy. if you could post something next time it goes down, i'd love to join. also, do you know of any other close local rides that might be fun? i'm trying to get some in before i go home to portland in a few weeks. thanks.
meconium07.30.08 - 8:24 am
Well, not trying to burst your bubble, but I last when on that ride back in December.
Despite living in Victorville, my unique form of employment has allowed me to concentrate more on all the West LA activities.
Nonetheless, try getting out there between 9pm and 10pm.
The start time is sometimes changed due to conflict with work and school for some people.
Another, less-fearsome ride would be IECM that's held at the corner of Daycreek/Foothill in Rancho Cucamonga at 7pm, the third Friday of every month.
Many Juggernaut veterans appear at this ride and would be a good chance to meet them.
Portland, eh?
That place had quite an effect on myself and the rest of "Swarm The Cascades" expedition.
bentstrider07.30.08 - 12:20 pm
anyone riding tonight? anyoneanyone?
meconium08.5.08 - 8:48 pm
We'll have assemble a small, search party to ensure this does still go on.
It was pretty good from the get-go, but then it died off/went low-key for various reasons.
Speaking of which, I haven't seen catguy on these boards in quite awhile.
bentstrider09.16.08 - 9:24 pm
heard he goes to calarts now.
DAYLO09.16.08 - 10:27 pm
greezybear !!!!!!!
ride tomorrow !!!!
meet @ starbucks. corner of fairway and colima. 730. ride at 8-ish. come out!
DAYLO09.16.08 - 10:29 pm
I'm still looking into revamping a one year, anniversary ride before I put in my papers for Swift-reinstatement.
Some might have moved, some might have broken off their relationships.
But, the Westsidaz taught me what love is and now I've got to spread them cyper-hugz to the IE!!!!
bentstrider09.16.08 - 10:45 pm
I go to Art Center in Pasadena. What's up with this ride these days? I heard it's been turned into a social ride.
catguy05.17.09 - 8:28 pm
Because I used to do this ride quite a bit and wonder whatever became of it.
bentstrider07.3.10 - 2:12 pm
i bumped it for OG JUGGERNAUT thread happy fun time.
DAYLO10.10.10 - 11:18 pm
For sure, that small town/down home vibe of this ride was something else.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by DAYLO
10.10.10 - 11:37 pm
Anybody know if this ride is still on?
meconium03.27.13 - 2:38 pm