Tyrone Rocha

Thread started by
Tyrito at 03.18.13 - 3:08 pm
Is it online bullying if I call myself a bitch on the forum?
Its only bullying if its not true bitch
Avner03.18.13 - 3:41 pm
fuck bitches, throw traffic cones.
(i hope it's not too soon)
KeepinEtNorma03.18.13 - 8:00 pm
Don't fuck it up Norma. I like you and Hamilton being friends again.
Tyrito03.18.13 - 8:37 pm
not to break up this cute family gathering, but if anybody would like a lesson on the differences between
-bullying and trolling
-online bullying and real life bullying
-online and real life
-forum life and real life
-complete bullshit and reality
i'm happy to give private lessons.
but we're not exactly in the business of expanding our minds here, our we?
brittany03.18.13 - 10:33 pm
This thread is about how Tyrone's a bitch and he's hurting the cycling community.
Tyrito03.19.13 - 8:27 am
you hurt the cycling community the first time you came out with me.
1.your first Taco Tuesdays, you broke your bike, that hurt my legs to ride it the rest of the night on that tank.
2. you came out to your first RWNN, that hurt my ego watching you walk with the bike the final 10 minutes to the park.
3. you crashed into ohsnap on your first MNR, which hurt his hand!
what a fucking bully
BATMAN! responding to a
comment by Tyrito
03.19.13 - 11:40 am
First of all you pumpkin pie haircutted freak...
1. My first ride was RWNN and then TT and then MR. I was such a bitch the last portion of that ride. I had to walk the fucking tank. Fuck that bike!
2. I then made you my bitch by having you give me your nice bike since I couldn't hang on that fucking tank. TAAACOOOO.....
3. I t-boned Osnap and fucked up his bars... Shit got real. Remember we went to The Snug and got drunk because I wanted to punch him in the face.
4. Slap yourself in the balls and take a video of you doing it, send it to me so I can laugh at you.
Tyrito responding to a
comment by BATMAN!
03.19.13 - 12:17 pm
you desperation to get "private" with my friends is pathetic and quite frankly, a bit depressing, as is your ignorance as to what "bullying" actually is.
please stop. stop having so little self-respect for yourself that you insist on coming on here and reading things that will further lower your already rock bottom self-esteem.
at this point, we are not even making fun of you, we are making fun of the situation. making fun, however, does not equal bullying. please stop using a buzzword that you have so little understanding of. it takes away from the current real issue with bullying where teen girls are killing themselves and elementary school children are being beaten to death by their classmates.
either join in the fun or GTFO, you're annoying...i wish i could throw a traffic cone in your direction.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by brittany
03.19.13 - 12:34 pm
haha you ruiner of rides. and don't try to bully me. You're just Robin. and that's a fact
BATMAN! responding to a
comment by Tyrito
03.19.13 - 1:24 pm
and get your shit straight, i said your first TT, your first RWNN, and your first MNR ride. not the ride order you unfortunately appeared and started ruining this community.
love ya buddy.
BATMAN!03.19.13 - 1:29 pm
Did someone say RWNN?
barleye responding to a
comment by BATMAN!
03.19.13 - 5:04 pm
Yes, there's a picture of you as Robin, somewhere on the Passage gallery. But I was the one who took us to La Cienaga parking garages and hads the tunez. LOLWTF
PeterR03.20.13 - 12:34 am
T T Boy nicknamed me Robin during my first TT. I never liked being called Robin so it never stuck. The only people that call me that are T T Boy and Cesar fromTaco Tuesday. Batman come back! Muchachos de la Noche! 45's. Brad called me a bitch on a different thread. I'm pretty sure either called me a bitch or a pussy at the race.....
Tyrito responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.20.13 - 7:35 am
i totally dressed like Robin for the remotely led WTF during Bike Angeles. but i don't think anyone got it.
also, I'm pretty sure we all called each other a lot of things at the Crash Race.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by Tyrito
03.21.13 - 12:56 pm
Indeed norma. You made a better Robin than tyrone could ever be,
Where's that phot peter?
BATMAN! responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.21.13 - 3:43 pm
Roadblock, is this you?
"I am looking for a Web Design Tutor. I'm interested in front end designing and coding by hand. I have learned how to code using XHTML and CSS, and I am also learning Wordpress and how to edit manually through the css and php code. I need further help with Wordpress and manual manipulation of the code in the templates. I am also interested in learning Mobile Web Design."
R@WKIT03.21.13 - 8:22 pm
or this one:
R@WKIT03.21.13 - 8:23 pm
Tyrone sold me some penis enhancement pills and im still waiting for it to work.
Huey55503.22.13 - 11:45 pm
Sorry those were Flinstones vitamins, not penis pills. Also, I'm out the dick pill game. I have a legit job now. No more selling online boner pills for me.
Tyrito03.27.13 - 8:51 am