Displaying 1 - 20 of 120 L.A. Legends
What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group
bike ride?
I heard about Midnight Ridazz via my friend Kyle from college (he joined the
Navy and was stationed in San Diego) when he came up to visit and wanted
me and my roommate to go on this "bike ride" thing called CRAN...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Catherine, CatCampion, and now (as of OccupyLA) MamaCat
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
When I moved back to LA in 2005, one of the first things I did was find a forum (Bicycle Kitchen) and posted, "I just moved back here from bicycle-friendly Minneapolis. Where ...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Dan Barr. Dan the Man.
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?Haloween 2009, I was riding around old town Pasadena in costume, spooking crowds at the corners... Someone yelled "MIDNIGHT RIDAZZ" at me. My inquisitive mind took note, and through curious research I fo...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Jesse but everyone knows me as Aktive, Reverend or Aktive_420
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
People were noticing me at the local bike shops when I'd be getting tubes or service on my bike but they never saw me out on group ride. One day some dude asked who i ride w...
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Ride Leaders Part 3

***** Your name and What ride(s) are you most known for organizing?
Brad; The Ride With No Name. on here, my M.R. log in is BARLEYE
Roadblock. I organize The Hustle Ride and Midnight Ridazz rides here and there.
My name is speedybrian2000, I organized a couple of valley rides a few years back in 2006: Barchopz and Cruzz with us. Presently I dont organize any rides (Im retired! haha)
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What’s your name and/or Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Name: Rosie Log-in: Rosiekins
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
I first heard about the Ridazz a couple years ago when I used to attend punk and hardcore shows. There was a group of kids who thought those “big groups of people on bikes” were interesting and had a lot of the same...
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What’s your name and/or Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Gern has been my nickname since 1979.
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
My first group bike ride was boy scouts in the early 1970’s. By 1976 I was group riding with friends in Santa Cruz. We did Downhill’s all over the Santa Cruz & San Francisco Bay Area, including Mt Tamalpa...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Bentstrider, and some have called me Adam for some unknown reason(whomever that person is).
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
In 2004-2005, I began perusing this other "forum" when I began to ride my bicycle to work after stopping completely in '02.
I thought it wa...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
My name is Krista Nicole and my MR login is Kryxtanicole.
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
I first heard about Midnight Ridazz through Alex aka Joker/tallcans4tallbikes. We went to college together and stayed friends afterward. I invited him to my birthday party, and...
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How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
first group ride was a nela critical mass.about 6 people were there.nelson and joseph were there.this was some time in 05.we ended the ride at sandpaper books .i think thats what it was at the time.its now the bike oven.from there i found out about MR.dont remember my first actuall MR ride.
How did you fi...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Tong aka tfunk408
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
In the Winter of 2007, I was driving in KTown and saw a group of 50+ ridazz hanging out on the side of the street. I didn't know what it was, but remember being fascinated by it. Riding bikes at night with a group ...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
I bought a bike back in late 07 just because I was feeling like a fatty and back in the day before I was old enough to drive, riding a bikes was the best feeling. So I tried to get every friend i know on a bike w...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Beth / gottamac
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
A friend of mine was a New York bike messenger. He got me started by showing me videos of riding on NY streets. The first ride I had been on was Crank Mob, I forget the year, but I was instantly hooked. Went out and got...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz login name?
Fabian ..Fecalized Rectal Sperm Spewage
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
i first heard about Midnight Ridazz from my neighbors randy and jimmy about 5 years ago..I’m not sure what the bike ride was called but it was a ride my community did (The Los Angeles Eco Vill...
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* * * Your name and What ride(s) are you most known for organizing?
Marcus McKenzie aka SKIDMARCUS
Cubcamp – co-operated 2/07 to 5/08
Friends Of The Friendless – founded 11/07
Funderstorm – co-founded 7/08
Wetside Watergun Ride – founded 1/07
Los Angelopes – co-founded 1/08
Sharecuts – founded 8/08
CRANK MOB – 1 of 50 founders 11/07
Lance Kanawi,...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
I first heard about group bike rides listening to Design and Architecture on KCRW. Frances Anderton did a segment on RideARC and I was convinced I had to try it. My first ride was in October, 2006 and I was hook...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Nicole Arneson - mixtemotions
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
About 3 years ago Rev. Dak told me about Midnight Ridazz. He helped me put together a bike ( Mel C, my beloved mixte that I still ride!) I did a few small Tren Way rides and as soon as I was comfortable o...
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What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
Currently what rides do you attend regularly and what ride(s) would you like to see make a comeback?
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Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.