Thread started by
Roadblock at 08.22.12 - 12:48 pm
izzz happening.
heading to chicago oct 20th staying for a day or two then taking the train to Detroit! Coming back Nov 5th.
Like I said in the other post, I have hookups for places to stay for everyone. Just buy the ticket!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.22.12 - 1:52 pm
Still interested but I am out of town for a while (no, not because of desert rave) so I won’t be able to really look into this until September. I would like to get into details here or via email with everyone going to get an idea of our location(s) in case I go earlier and stay at a hostel I don’t end up booking something 20 miles away from you guys. and you know, talk about cost per person and all that.
Kakihara08.22.12 - 2:13 pm
cost per person should be pretty minimal for accomodations if anything. I spoke to a friend who owns a bunch of buildings out there including a bike house.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Kakihara
08.22.12 - 2:56 pm
Is this that artist guy who has done those houses up nice?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.22.12 - 3:02 pm
no but I have a couple buddies staying out there who are part of an art project being funded by a federal grant to do up some of the buildings. I will get in touch with them.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.22.12 - 3:23 pm
toilets, running water and heat? i am in!
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.22.12 - 5:07 pm
I'm in for sure for sure!!! I'm buying my ticket this Sunday ... Where u at Coe Coe butta? Get some monayyyyyyyyyyy don't be chip!
andres8408.22.12 - 6:00 pm
I'm in for this.
I'll buy mine this weekend too.
What dates again? Oct 29th - Nov. 5th?
BellaHenny responding to a
comment by andres84
08.22.12 - 7:20 pm
Your all going to be there for Devils night!
Burn baby burn
Stay an extra couple of days so all you voters will have to absentee your ballot. Makes it even easier to rig or not count at all.
sexy08.22.12 - 9:34 pm
I'm going to have to show up a few days after yall arrive. I'll be there thurs-mon. Waiting on Andres to make the leap (getting tix this weekend)
Who has their tix already?
Coe coe buttaa08.25.12 - 3:54 pm
Coe coe buttaa08.25.12 - 4:10 pm
this is known as a butt'rcup
so did you buy tix?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
08.27.12 - 11:24 am
hey i just called you ...your voicemail is funny. im buying my ticket tonight. what day will you and tahj be in detroit???
andres84 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.27.12 - 12:09 pm
looking at october 20th ish to be in chicago for a day or two then take the train to detroit. planning to stay for halloween then back to chicago.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by andres84
08.27.12 - 1:44 pm
just for halloween??? stay for the weekend too no?
andres84 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.27.12 - 1:48 pm
Im buying my ticket on Weds night. Mon to mon. Do we need to research place to stay, or RB you have friends there that can accomidate us?
Coe coe buttaa08.27.12 - 1:55 pm
please wash your hands before handing over the money
buckchin responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
08.27.12 - 2:55 pm
See you guys there!!!! Im biking up from texas right now!!!!
louisiana08.28.12 - 8:59 am
Yes there will be accomodations! Bring sleeping bags!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
08.28.12 - 9:21 pm
Bike smut will be in new York October 23rd. We will be doing shows in all te surrounding areas! When it gets closer to the time I will contact roadblock and make I happen but it would be awesome to see you guys out there on the tour!
BethWillowYeah!09.1.12 - 11:00 am
Yo! Me and haknock-knock are buying tickets to N.Y. As we speak and plan on taking a train over to met you gayz. RB keep us the loop about travel plan and a place the stay, C-ya there!
Xray09.11.12 - 4:44 am
Estherbunny and PC bought tix.
Detroit for Oct 29 - Nov 5th
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Xray
09.11.12 - 7:01 am
PC responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.11.12 - 6:27 pm
Soo who else got tickets? COME ON! Nickki? Andres? +10?
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.13.12 - 10:01 am
I did. I'm going to Chicago first then taking the train to Detroit
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Kakihara
09.13.12 - 3:42 pm
If you enjoy coffee, try Ipsento in Bucktown. Also, they have really good whiskey bars.
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.18.12 - 2:58 pm
soo how many people from the list are coming?
1. bondink
2. Coe coe buttaa
3. Joe Borfo
4. slowrighthand
5. Roadblock
6. andres84
7. Kakihara
8. Mixtemotions
9. PC
10. larsenf
11. lackflag
12. Rosiekins
13. BellaHenny
14. 420LaHaRR
15. supa
16. toweliesbong
17. rayrayray
18. katiepoche
19. dylan
20. Mikey Wally
21. Louisiana
22. el zilcho
23. Rev. Mook
24. Marino
25. Drooby420
26. Skano aka Reg. Mike
27. NikiNiki
28. somebody
30.dirty thirty ex ray 2 da max power!
(Get on the list!!!)
Kakihara09.25.12 - 11:22 am
I will go if Laharr goes. Drooby is out there waiting for us.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Kakihara
09.25.12 - 12:31 pm
Lahar wants to go... waiting on a few things to see if he is available. hopefully we'll see him with his construction-cowboy hat out there
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.25.12 - 1:52 pm
Roadblock got a place. let's go!!
Kakihara10.13.12 - 4:10 am
PC responding to a
comment by Kakihara
10.14.12 - 11:45 pm
PC10.15.12 - 12:36 am
Did you get the dates from RB? I think i get there on the 28th or 29th, sorry my phone is dead right now.
Kakihara10.16.12 - 3:44 pm
So far, I think PC and I are the only ones with tickets.
Henny is in
RB needs to buy his tickets ;)
BETHWILLOWYEAH flying on the 28th?
Alice is interested?
LAHARRRRRRRRRRRRR due et for your birthday .. or for the kids
Kakihara10.17.12 - 10:55 am
sooo whereabouts are we staying? text or email plz
i want to start looking at bikes nearby
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.17.12 - 1:58 pm
OK RB is ignoring us and i guess when he wrote he has tickets, he didn't mean it. So, RB, please confirm because if you aren't coming on this trip next week, i really gotta start looking for places to stay and find a bike nearby. thanks
Kakihara responding to a
comment by PC
10.18.12 - 9:00 am
Can't make it. Sorry, timing didn't work out. Have funs!
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by Kakihara
10.18.12 - 10:31 am
YAY they have abandoned buildings there! and graffiti! sadly the techno is all gone.
I hear they actually have the best abandoned buildings, graffiti AND violent crime in America! lets spend hundreds of dollars on plane tickets!
yall should be going to bike kill instead.
newarkhouse10.18.12 - 10:36 am
Im not gonna leave ya hanging. Email me and i will get you in touch with people out there.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Kakihara
10.18.12 - 2:54 pm
Fuck it, this bullshit is not happening. Too many people bumping their gums.
PC10.18.12 - 3:03 pm
Oh, there you are!
PC10.18.12 - 3:18 pm
Nah man I don’t want to go and say “hey you know that guy RB, yeaaa I am his friend!” I’ll get a hostel. I am gonna be bummed to miss the actual Detroit Ridazz trip if/when it happens as I doubt I can go again but I have always wanted to visit and well, I got the days off and the ticket. I am REALLY excited about this trip and the more bike-y things I read about, the more I can’t wait to get outta here and explore. Plus, I am going with PC!! How can one not be excited about that?
the abandoned buildings are rarely abandoned or have actually been bulldozed (at least the ones on my list from years ago). They have been photographed to death and I don’t like bothering people who sleep there just the same with tunnels in vegas so I doubt I will be doing too much of that. The only bummer is the lack of techno, oh Newark you know me so well. ps, I miss Olive. Where is she?
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.18.12 - 3:19 pm
Although if you guys wanna hook me up with the Detroit house info I would like to give them some $$ and beer to borrow a bike vs a random store pending the bike co-ops do not have anything that will fit me and CR folks flake
you have my email address and #
Kakihara10.18.12 - 5:40 pm
I'm still trying to work all this out. and may go after all.... -hans yolo
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Kakihara
10.18.12 - 5:42 pm
cool. just let me know when you know so i can start looking for a place
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.18.12 - 6:04 pm
I was just in Detroit for the bike smut tour almost two weeks ago now. It's fucking incredible there. To anyone who is going, check out Heidelberg street (you won't regret it, changed my life)
There is an abandoned car mill too called the Packard plant that's pretty incredible too with a lot of graffiti too. We didn't run into anyone living there, just a group of young guys spray painting a mural.
The hub bicycle co op is the shit, they helped me out a lot with my bike and had some great bikes for sale for cheap.
Bike porn actress and bike enthusiast Amy snell lives out there also, pretty radical lady. If you wanna meet up with her lemme know and I'll put you in contact.
And the best bar is the Bronx bar. Wicked old lady who bar tends there has a dirtier mouth then all of MR put together.
The Cass city cinema also has some cool independent films showing for super cheap. That where we did our show, crazy guy with einstein hair works there.
It's been one of my favourite cities we have visited so far. I wish we had more time to adventure!
Hope you all have fun, it's a bummer we missed each other!
BethWillowYeah!10.21.12 - 10:36 pm
Detroit Ridazz trip is postponed.
Let's come up with a date range next year (late spring/early summer?) when the weather is good and all the people who wanted to go can actually go.
PC10.22.12 - 5:39 pm

It was a brisk September evening when the Ridazz rolled out to play,
They were riding and drinking, they were smiling and stinking as they pedaled on their way.
We are ridin to Detroit city. Got some Bath salts and a gun.
We're gonna make a big bonfire. Dont ya know we'll have some fun.
Peesus Christ is killing time, looking for another fukin americano joint. Meanwhile we got food to find. It's kill or be killed in this time and season oh Lordy.
Riding in Deetroit citay. We're all outlaws on the run.
It's gonna get real real shitty, unless we find shelter 'fore the night is done.
Andres he's got I.B.S., Nikki Got the scabies, rayrayray is causing a scene, taking off his clothes and acting like a big ol baby.
Yeah we're Ridazz in detroit city, ain't nobody gonna take us down.
Gettin jiggywith some big ass titties, hookin shit up in this gd town.
One more time.
Ridazz in Detroit city, nobody likes us, calls us klowns.
Blowin shit up in Deetwahht city, ain't no one gonna stop us now!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by PC
10.22.12 - 9:28 pm
Yezzzzzz!!!! Its too damn cold out there right now.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by PC
10.23.12 - 1:59 am
yes! yes! please!! i really wanted to go (i like the cold, but springeee weather is awesome, too) i just couldn't swing the dates off with work :/
but.... what i would really REALLY like to do next year is go to Paris at the end of July. it could be for just the weekend. the 100th anniversary of le Tour de France is next year and i think the bike party in the streets of Paris will be pretty awesome!!!
bondink responding to a
comment by PC
10.23.12 - 8:50 am
how about Memorial Day weekend + some extra days? Maybe the guys who really wanted to go can make it in May???
are people still doing that Burning Man thing? if not, we can try to go in August?
i am not even sure i can go with MR since i am taking some time off in June/July but we'll see. at least if i go to Detroit alone i will have longer days and not freeze my buns off.
Kakihara responding to a
comment by bondink
10.23.12 - 9:46 am
burning man - yes! and i know the hacienda will be down. Jonnyboy said something to me last night about going :)
bondink responding to a
comment by Kakihara
10.23.12 - 10:30 am
last week of May ok for you guys?
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
10.25.12 - 11:42 am
Too bad. X-ray and I will be there to party it up for lil olives (droobys baby) first Halloween! Back in LA on Nov 5th. Let's party.
moondance10.27.12 - 12:55 pm
you guys missed it! it was the best! there was fun, excitement, beer, green, high fives, games, rides, frozen butts, a drooling cute baby and much more!!!!!
but if you do go to detroit in the spring, your bones will thank you (very cold)
thanks drooby, nicole and olivia for an excellent time!
louisiana! it was so great to see you! safe travels!!!
woop woop!
moondance11.7.12 - 11:45 am