How Come Nobody's Talking About Lance?

Thread started by
PC at 01.15.13 - 10:39 pm
No, not Lance K. The other Lance.
no one cares about
that kind of dope
ioioio01.16.13 - 12:04 am

Lance Ito. Oh yeah he like the clocks HA HA! I thought he was fair judge. Why talk about him, OJ trial was so long ago?
GermanguyfromtheEast01.16.13 - 12:30 am
Lance Berkman is just your average outfielder. Woop dee doo...
Joe Borfo01.16.13 - 12:59 am
Performance enhancing drugs rock my world...
alicestrong01.16.13 - 8:50 am
How about Lance "Proctor" Kinsey?
andres8401.16.13 - 3:21 pm
Do he do it for the kids
or did he do it to get laid
Whatever you do. Don't follow his example of Drinking and riding

sexy01.16.13 - 3:31 pm
If you look at the top ten riders in the peloton of every tour that Lance won in, 80% were booted for doping. I surmise the the ones that did not get caught for doping simply hid their tracks (insert laugh track here) well. Doping in some form or another has always been around professional cycling, always will be. They should just have a juicer race and a non-juicer race. And Lance, if you're reading this, you'd be welcome at a Coaster Brake Challenge anytime.
rev106 responding to a
comment by sexy
01.17.13 - 9:07 am
What? The Coaster Brake Challenge isn't UCI sanctioned?
mr rollers01.17.13 - 10:04 am
It's a thorny issue with no easy answers. Lance accomplished a lot by 'cheating' amongst other cheaters and using that fame to promote a good cause. He also trampled anyone who stood in his way. Hard to deify someone who does all that regardless of how much good they do. Professional athletes really shouldn't be lionized in the first place, except for Bike Polo players...
JOKER01.17.13 - 11:34 am
Hey Borfo, Lance Berkman is an above average ballplayer. He practically won the world series for St. Louis a coupla years ago.
JOKER responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.17.13 - 11:35 am
fuck. should have known I'd get outed by a jock.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by JOKER
01.17.13 - 11:40 am
NO! Keep those sticks in the mud away from me! uci....bleh..
rev106 responding to a
comment by mr rollers
01.17.13 - 7:12 pm

thoughts on this:
he won 7 Tour de Frances on drugs. hmm... on one hand, has this race (amongst others) become a race that you dope for? is everyone doing it? therefore, if everyone is doping then he did win, right?!
enough about Lance. let's talk Fabian Cancellera and his 2010 Paris Roubaix win. Did he have a motor on his bike :P
and while we're at it, what about Michael Phelps?
aaaaaannd why does everyone have to go on Oprah to confess? i can't wait for Tom Cruise's confession in fifteen years:
Oprah: So, Tom, and know I love you very dearly and won't judge you for answering these questions, but did you make your wives sign legal documents in order to stay married to you for a certain amount of years? For instance, Nicole Kidman had to be in three movies with you as well?
Tom: Yes. And Yes.
Oprah: Why?
Tom: (breaks down crying) I didn't want the world to know I was gay.
Oprah: But we already knew you were gay. Why Come out now?
Tom: I want Siri to know who her real father is.
Oprah: Who is her real father, Tom?
Tom: You know that guy from the American Pie movies? The Lacrosse player.
bondink01.18.13 - 10:28 am
does this mean Santa Claus isn't real either?
bondink01.18.13 - 10:54 am
After watching that interview I realize Cole Maness is the only person in cycling who doesn't dope. That is why he always placed 2nd.
Even Brandt Sorenson got pop or so say this link I wonder if he was juiced up for any of the local alley cats? might explain why he so adamant about not accepting defeat.
sexy01.18.13 - 2:47 pm
What do you think the repercussions, if any, will be towards cyclists in general from noncyclists and cyclist haters? People, especially non riders, seem to be really upset at Armstrong and the state of competitive cycling. It's easy to see a trickle down effect towards cyclists of all levels.
July01.18.13 - 3:10 pm
it seems like most of the people i see on facecrack shit talking lance are fat and dont ride, so haters are always gonna hate
the whole debate about performance enhancing drugs in professional sports is such a joke. the list of prohibited substances is always going to be playing catch up with new products - what's illegal now was legal 10 years ago - why not just end the prohibition all together and recognize that no matter how much you dope up, theres still one guy, two legs and two wheels doing something that very few others can do.
These people have million dollar sponsors and contracts theyre going to do whatever it takes to win. Maybe if they took the money out of these sports there would be less incentive to cheat...
newarkhouse responding to a
comment by July
01.18.13 - 4:14 pm
I rode my bike today and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Your mileage may vary.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by July
01.18.13 - 5:44 pm
These people have million dollar sponsors and contracts theyre going to do whatever it takes to win. Maybe if they took the money out of these sports there would be less incentive to cheat...
wise words
gotta make that dolla.
dudebra420 responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
01.20.13 - 6:05 am