Dear MR Readazz:

Thread started by
slowrighthand at 11.27.12 - 10:39 am
Dear Midnight Ridazz Readazz: We are non-profit, but also the #4 website in the world. With 480 million monthly users, we have costs like any top site: servers, power, rent, programs, staff and legal help. To protect our independence, we'll never run ads (except that bike lawyer guy). We take no government funds. We run on donations averaging about $30. If everyone reading this gave $5 (PayPal to, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. If Midnight Ridazz is useful to you, please take one minute to keep it online another year. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Midnight Ridazz. Thank you, from the Midnight Ridazz Foundation.
Yes you did. Haha Tim? Whats this? Thanks for the endorsement. :)
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.27.12 - 11:33 pm
I like to give in other ways, like tricking vegans into eating chili with hamhocks in it.
rev106 responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
11.29.12 - 7:38 am
Read the fine print or taste meaty goodness, bitches.
rev106 responding to a
comment by andres84
11.29.12 - 6:33 pm
i read, i saw the consumption, and laughed
andres84 responding to a
comment by rev106
11.30.12 - 2:07 am
How much would I have to donate to make Funzie go away?
PC12.12.12 - 3:45 am