foot retention for small feet.

Thread started by
mechazawa at 11.25.12 - 9:51 am
what do folks with small feet (size 5) do for foot retention? it is the sole reason i continuously use clipless pedals.
MKS makes XS clips, but you probably knew that.
Here they are at some Australian shop.
Whether anybody in this country sells 'em, I do not know.
PC11.25.12 - 7:38 pm
If you’re looking for single strap, I would suggest trying the MKS, if XS is not available at your bike shop of choice, I am sure they can order it for you. I prefer these to the Soma toe clips I have (whichever Somas I got are longer and really narrow toward the toe; had to shove my combat boots in them for a few days to stretch it out, which can also be done by hand but I thought they were going to snap if I continued to stretch them this way). If you already have pedals, make sure whatever you get is compatible.
Kakihara11.26.12 - 9:40 am
didn't think about half clips. i'll look for some.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by mossygoodness
11.26.12 - 6:05 pm
these seem like they could work since they don't have a limit in how much i could pull. i'll have try to know.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by trickmilla
11.26.12 - 6:07 pm
Ive tried them on other people bikes, I thought they were comfortable.
If I ever get different pedals, (they require BMX platforms) I will get some.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by mechazawa
11.26.12 - 7:17 pm
I have been curious about these as well but never got around to making the purchase. Got mixed reviews from friends.
mechazawa - are you/will you be running brakes on your bike? if not, i am not sure these are the best choice based on what i have read on other bike forums.
Kakihara responding to a
comment by trickmilla
11.26.12 - 10:19 pm
This site also sells mks pedals with their own custom straps, the only ones i found that did not need the bigger bmx style platform pedals.
marleydog responding to a
comment by trickmilla
11.26.12 - 11:02 pm
Nicki has a tiny foot too so i got her a pair of MKS sylvan track pedals, Cadence Double straps, and a pair of Soma Oppy-XX four gate toe clips(sm/med).
she has not complained about them so thats a good sign...maybe try those
andres8411.26.12 - 11:11 pm

look shes not complaining just putting stuff in her nose
andres8411.26.12 - 11:15 pm
Yo Stella, check out this link. I know a few ppl that tried this and it worked for them. Got to use SPD compatible pedals tho. I prefer the TIME ATACs, but whatever...
tallcans4tallbikes11.29.12 - 10:20 pm
I've been thing about doing this for a while.
mechazawa11.30.12 - 4:59 pm