Sgt Krumer!!!!!!!!

Thread started by
Aktive_420 at 09.1.12 - 7:12 am
how long til we can get an official account as to what happened during august LApdCM
details are sketchy and i dont want to jump to conclusions
(can you email me the exact location so i can place a ghost bike
thanks bro
I return to work on Tuesday...but I am no longer the liaison as I transferred over to Devonshire division. I will make some calls and have someone send an update out.
Sgt. David Krumer09.1.12 - 9:36 pm
Sorry to read this! Thank you for all the good work that you did...:(
alicestrong responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
09.2.12 - 8:40 am
What happen that you are no longer the liaison?
When did you get the transfer?
sexy09.2.12 - 11:14 am
Who is the new liaison? It doesn't seem like they are doing the greatest job of liaising if we have no idea who he/she is?!?!
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by sexy
09.2.12 - 11:59 am
I am going to a meeting this Wednesday and will post the names of 4 officers (one for each of LAPDs geographic bureaus) there will be four people doing what I was doing before...unfortunately this incident occurred before their orientation and introduction.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by liquidpremium
09.2.12 - 10:20 pm
Congratulations on your promotion and thanks for your perseverence in making this a better place to be a bicyclist
mk4524 responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
09.3.12 - 2:47 am
Thanks...but not a promotion. I had some family issues that required me to take n assignment closer to home.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by mk4524
09.3.12 - 10:20 pm
Hello All,
The following folks will be addressing your questions, concerns, and comments in my place. As you may know I have transferred to another assignment, but the LAPD wants to continue to partner with the cycling community to address your needs. These individiduals are your local liaisons.
For those in the San Fernando Valley
Valley Traffic Division
Sgt. Emalee Baptiste 818-644-8030
For those in South Los Angeles
South Traffic Division
Sgt. Jon Aufdemberg 323-421-2588
East Los Angeles and Central Los Angeles (East of Hollywood and Koreatown)
Central Traffic Division
Sgt. Thomas Tavares 213-972-1864
West Los Angeles
West Traffic Division
Sgt. Chris Kunz 213-473-0215
If you have questions about procedures, specific collisions, have a request for enforcement, or would like their attendance at a commuity meeting than please give them a call.
Additionally, you can contact Sgt Al Mendoza at the Office of Operations if there are any issues at 213-486-6054. He is assisted by Officer Jeff Kievit (213-486-6063).
Sgt. David Krumer09.11.12 - 9:48 am
will there be regular meetings akin to the LAPD bike task force?
Can we have a meet and greet with all of the liaisons perhaps at Ciclavia or bike task force meeting? I want to see a continued communication line between LAPD and cyclists. It was a great experience being able to interface with LAPD on issues that cyclists face.
I sent you a personal message but might as well post a sincere thanks here too. Thanks for your work and for often times going above the call of duty to follow up on a case or provide updates and information, statistics and generally helping with issues that the cycling community faces. Thanks for keeping it cool when the peanut gallery throws accusations at you and the LAPD on here. I respect the fact that you absorbed the criticisms when they came up and continued to provide answers here even admitting when the department failed.
good luck in your new spot!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
09.11.12 - 9:59 am
Sgt. K.
I think its a testament to your work that the department has assigned 4 people to handle the work you were doing.
While I haven't always agreed with the actions of the officers and bureaucracy you represent here. I appreciate the humanity and professionalism you put into your work here.
A meet and greet with the new bike reps would be really useful for the community.
Best of luck with everything.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.11.12 - 12:05 pm
A meeting is being scheduled for early October where our partners will meet the liaisons. The meeting is not open to all...but after the introduction any stakeholder who wants to set up regular meetings with their local liaison will be able to do so.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by trickmilla
09.11.12 - 8:54 pm
Sgt David Krumer welcome to northridge qeustion for you.How does one get LAPD to respond tonight I watch the house 4 doors down get robbed on hold for 13 minutes got tired of waiting then called devonshire station got told to call another number by this time about 20 minutes what a joke.Lesson learn LAPD does care
crossbones responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
09.25.12 - 9:41 pm
You should see my face when I call 911 and they say the operators are busy....
It happens.
brittany09.26.12 - 12:28 pm
Hi crossbones,
Your experience with 911 is not unique as I have heard of similar complaints from others. For an incident like you describe the average response time is usually less than 7 minutes once the unit is dispatched. What number did they ask you to call?
If you call the station and ask them to create a call for a burglary/robbery in progress they should be able to put the information out immediately. I will make sure that the officers at the desk do so in the future.
Thank you for your feed back and we will strive to provide you a high level of service. I will also call down to Communications Division tomorrow and find out what the skinny is on a 911 being so busy.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by crossbones
10.8.12 - 6:43 pm
Per Sgt. Krumer's comment above (reposted below), have any of the Ridazz talked to any of these local liaisons?
Hello All,
The following folks will be addressing your questions, concerns, and comments in my place. As you may know I have transferred to another assignment, but the LAPD wants to continue to partner with the cycling community to address your needs. These individiduals are your local liaisons.
For those in the San Fernando Valley
Valley Traffic Division
Sgt. Emalee Baptiste 818-644-8030
For those in South Los Angeles
South Traffic Division
Sgt. Jon Aufdemberg 323-421-2588
East Los Angeles and Central Los Angeles (East of Hollywood and Koreatown)
Central Traffic Division
Sgt. Thomas Tavares 213-972-1864
West Los Angeles
West Traffic Division
Sgt. Chris Kunz 213-473-0215
If you have questions about procedures, specific collisions, have a request for enforcement, or would like their attendance at a commuity meeting than please give them a call.
Additionally, you can contact Sgt Al Mendoza at the Office of Operations if there are any issues at 213-486-6054. He is assisted by Officer Jeff Kievit (213-486-6063).
JB responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.20.12 - 3:08 am