Lights Out!

Thread started by
PC at 10.7.07 - 11:19 pm
"Everything looks better when the world is black" -- Angry Samoans
So, the word on the street is that October 20 is Lights Out Los Angeles night. Apparently the idea here is that at 8:00 PM, everybody in the city is supposed to turn off all nonessential lighting for one hour. The purpose is not only to save energy, but also to sort of remind people that there is such a thing as a dark night sky, with stars in it and stuff.
I know, I know. Nobody's really going to do it. But a few people may. Does anybody feel like riding up to, oh, let's say Griffith Observatory that night to watch either the stunning darkening of LA's massive light-spangled landscape or the stunning anticlimax of most of the lights staying on? Hmm?
...and if nobody does it, we can always poke poke poke our eyes out!
PC10.7.07 - 11:21 pm
Hell I do this every night! I burn two 15 watt fluorescent lights for my regular lighting at night. I guess I could turn those off on the 20th too. On going up to Griffith Observatory, just was up there. I could do Signal Hill though. But seeing how this is Saturday night, I seriously doubt you would find me up Signal Hill or for anyone to take this seriously.
User110.7.07 - 11:51 pm
So what if you've just been up there? What, there's some law against going up to Griffith Observatory twice in a month? It's a fun ride and this is an excuse to do it.
PC10.7.07 - 11:53 pm
I don't think i can make this ride. I'm going to still be too tired from the H to EH ride. If there is another Lights out 2 ride, i'll do my best to make it.
stevo410.8.07 - 12:00 am
Hoist by my own petard. FUCK.
PC10.8.07 - 12:16 am
So what if you've just been up there? What, there's some law against going up to Griffith Observatory twice in a month? It's a fun ride and this is an excuse to do it.
Well yes, it's written in the bylaws of Midnight Ridazz somewhere. Something like, "it is against MR laws and standards of behavior to do a ride to a location two or more times in a period of one calendar month. A violation of the said upon standard will be disbarment from the MR for a period of no less than two years."
I'll see if I can dig it up for ya and get the exact wording later this week!
User110.8.07 - 12:22 am
Mere bylaws do not apply to me.
Lights Out! It's on!
PC10.8.07 - 12:35 am

You really had me going there with the thread title PC.
I thought this was going to be like some type of "infiltration onto prohibited property ride".
One where we had to keep our bike "lights out", so we wouldn't get nabbed by a watch-person or something.
On that note, there were plenty of lights on in Des Moines, IA this early morning, but no one home.
bentstrider10.8.07 - 2:45 am
That looks like Bakersfield Critical Mass last week.
I really want to do this, BTW. So what if it's Saturday? It'll all be over by nine o'clock. I'll do it by myself if everybody else is a big fat dud.
PC10.8.07 - 5:49 am
one rider down. i don't care sounds poetic.
ontherocks10.8.07 - 8:50 am
See, Alan? See?
Don't be a naysayer. Be a YAYsayer!
PC10.8.07 - 3:24 pm
what's YOUR twenty?
does anyone know how to cause a major blackout? anyone?
I'm in
dannyzuko10.8.07 - 3:29 pm
PC, for the spoke cards laminate a few pieces of black construction paper!
dannyzuko10.8.07 - 3:31 pm
I'm in w/my moutain bike. Will we be able to get on the property though?
G rider10.8.07 - 4:28 pm

Hey Zuko... I have a couple ideas on how to create a black out... We might need to sacrifice a bakers dozen worth of cute fuzzy squirrels, but it will get the job done. Oh... Can anyone get a hold of DYNOMITE?
Rogue Rida10.8.07 - 11:58 pm
This I've got to see!!!
I've been reading into the MR bylaws and there maybe a loophole. It doesn't really states it's an infraction if you used two different routes to the same spot in a calendar month. It only states what I posted up there^ ^ ^ I think what I'll do is come in disguise to this just to be safe. 'm thinking a pompous pencil thin mustached French bicycle rider with a striped shirt, scarf, and a baguette in my basket. I'll complain about about how all the American riders are cheaters and couldn't win a thing in a fair, honorable way.
Please don't throw me off the mountain!
User110.9.07 - 12:16 am
G rider wrote:
I'm in w/my moutain bike. Will we be able to get on the property though?
Apparently some sweet and tender hooligans got in there the other night with no problems.
PC10.9.07 - 1:55 pm
remember it took eight of us to lift bbd's trailer.
dannyzuko10.9.07 - 3:11 pm
Big Bike Dan, if you're reading this, feel free to come to this ride and NOT bring your trailer. We love you for who you are, dude. You don't have to bring the tunes every time.
Does anybody know whether the Fern Dell / Western Canyon route is usable right now, or should we do it the way the hooligans did it?
PC10.9.07 - 3:58 pm
ask Lahar he followed up two riders that took a wrong turn, I think they went all the way up.
We went trough the back door for a little sneaky sneaky action.
dannyzuko10.9.07 - 4:19 pm
Yeah Backdoor Action! Uh... yeah, Dan DOES have to come with his trailor...YES we will (!) still LOVE him if he doesn't but I sure as hell will LOVE him MORE if he does!!! (And I'll smoke him out!) I think this is an f'n brilliant ride. This is the first I've heard of this lights out action. Is this being publicized?
onyurmark10.10.07 - 7:20 pm
WOW there's even a website for the LA event!
Don't forget to register!
"Pledge your support to turn off your non-essential lights from 8-9 p.m. on Saturday October 20, 2007"
HUH?!?!?!? So what are people suppose to do the other 8759 hours of the year?!?!?!?
User110.10.07 - 9:47 pm
Please note that on the
ride page, I've added a pre-ride gathering at Scoops at 6:00 PM. Obviously, this is optional, so if you don't want to do that or can't make it that early, just be at Scoops
by 7:00 PM, because rollout will be prompt. We want to get up there in plenty of time to see the great huge (something? nothing?) at 8:00.
Lights out!
PC10.11.07 - 12:28 am
Are you sure people are going to get up there in an hour? I think I might use that hour at Scoops to take my time up the observatory.
Think about it. One flat tire would ruin it for alot or a few.
User110.11.07 - 12:52 am
Shit, I thought an hour was being generous.
PC10.11.07 - 12:55 am
OK I thought it was further away. It's less than 4 miles away.,+90029+&daddr=2800+Observatory+Rd+Los+Angeles,+CA+90027&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.214763,72.861328&ie=UTF8&z=13&om=1
User110.11.07 - 1:01 am
Does this flurry of interest on your part mean that you're going to bring your naysaying ass up the hill with us after all? Come on, it'll be fun. Or at least not overtly un-fun.
PC10.11.07 - 1:12 am
Well if I get my French bicyclist disguise together, I might. ~8)
User110.11.07 - 1:18 am
Because it wouldn't be an LA bike ride without a cutesy-pie theme, I encourage you all to dress in black, Ă la Danny, and to mask up with black bandannas if you have them. You know I will. And bring your darkest-colored bike, or at least the darkest-colored bike on which you feel comfortable climbing up to the Observatory.
Also, I'm thinking of putting into practice something that was discussed right here in the forums a few weeks ago (alternatives to beer), and bringing a bunch of delicious boxed wine up there for all to
share and enjoy. Votes? Yea? Nay?
PC10.13.07 - 3:21 am
I don't YET know who you all are by your monikers but I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU ANYWAY!!! You all crack me up on a daily basis. Thanks! - Really looking forward to this ride.
G rider10.13.07 - 1:28 pm
How about some delicious cheese to go w/your delicious boxed wine? I could bring that.
G rider10.13.07 - 1:30 pm
Russy-poo, count me in for this ride.
And uh....I think I may have to paint my bright red bike black in order to go. Ha!
markedge10.14.07 - 9:26 am
A post-ride and post-gathering option to consider: hustling to the start of C.R.A.N.K. mob! It's about thirteen miles from the Observatory to the intersection of Sawtelle and LaGrange. Lights Out LA is from 8:00 to 9:00; Crazy Naptime Killas Mob allegedly rolls out at 10:00. I would personally like to have the opportunity to see Funderstorm before they sell out and all the uncool people start getting into them.
What say you? Yay? Nay? If people would rather stay up on the hill and continue to drink delicious boxed wine, I'm up for that as well. Or, let me hear
your bright ideas. Hmm?
PC10.14.07 - 11:47 pm
I like the plan! That's nay for me!
User110.15.07 - 12:58 am
PC10.15.07 - 1:12 am
Hey man, it's YOUR ride! You make sense out of it.
Here I'll help you out,
Good night and sweet bicycle dreams!
User110.15.07 - 1:21 am
GODDAMMIT THAT'S NOT WHAT I calm blue ocean. Calm blue ocean. Calm blue ocean.
I mean, do you want to sprint to C.R.A.N.K. Mob? Stay on the hill and sip delicious boxed wine beneath the starry firmament? Do something else? Say our adieus and all go our separate ways? I'm trying to be fuckin' democratic, over here.
PC10.15.07 - 1:37 am
I'm down for a sprint to C.R.A.N.K. Mob.
I mean, provided I have enough energy after the Hollywood to East Hollywood ride.
markedge10.15.07 - 8:35 am
Count me in. Im down to stay local since i live close by. Not too interested in Crank Mob though.
jchungerford10.15.07 - 9:32 am
PC ... is it corny to suggest we do a press release about the ride?
the possibility that it may generate some press could possibilty effect the end result ... more people educated about the Lights Out movement and time.
If youa re intersted in such a thing I'll help generate it and get it out there.
trickmilla10.15.07 - 11:05 am
Ahh . . . I'm bummed that I won't be able to do this ride (we have tickets for a puppet show), but if I was there I'd vote for the hanging out & drinking wine option.
The whole thing is a cool idea; I'll be with you in spirit, have a swig for me.
mr rollers10.15.07 - 11:25 am
I've kind of had it up to here with the press, to tell you the truth. Does anybody remember that treacherous little weaseltit from the Times who showed up at the Bike Oven on Park(ing) Day, smiling and gladhanding everybody? Then he crawled back into his cubicle and wrote an article portraying the creators of the parks as well-meaning but slightly daffy neohippies trying and failing to connect with the Man On The Street.
Or, to hit it from another angle: I'm interested in getting together with some of my favorite elitist riding buddies and licking some Scoops and riding my bike up a hill, and I'm not terribly interested in framing it as an Event® for media consumption.
P.S. This means you're coming, right, Milla?
PC10.15.07 - 1:45 pm
PC why ya hatin??
I'll roll with the pack. If they want to meet up with some outlaw bicycle gang, then so be it.
Here's something happening before the ride and fits in perfectly to a nice long day of being blissed-out. And there's no hating in it either! Well all except for this dead animal hanging in this artist piece! I guess that could make some people pissed, but hey we don't know the full story, so don't be hatin, yet. It could be a plastic prop for all we know.
This gives me a chance to get my art fix on too. I've been out of the "scene" since I started rolling with you clowns on Friday and Saturdays!
Anyone else that wants to meet up and ride to the galleries can show up Ace Gallery, 5514 Wilshire Blvd between 12-1pm.
User110.15.07 - 7:06 pm
I like Artwalks.
Set it up as a separate ride Alan.
marino10.15.07 - 7:26 pm
The only thing I will hate is if you don't come to my ride, Big Silly.
PC10.15.07 - 7:40 pm
Haters can stay home on the 20th!!!
User110.15.07 - 7:42 pm
yes many in "the meida" and those who pull their strings are total dickwads. on the otherhand if some total dickwad wrote a dickwad story about a bunch small group of niave neo-hippies that were planning to ride thier bikes up a hill so they could obsereve LA's non participation in a growning national enviromental gesture that will probally have no effect on anything. Would it pique your interest? Would it possibly interest you enough to turn out the lights?
Um yes i think I'll go. everything about it sounds perfect (unless I can't go).
trickmilla10.15.07 - 7:44 pm
Do it Patrick!!! Let's hijack this mofo!!! Get the the word out there and keep us posted if anything develops. It's time to hijack the hijacker!
User110.16.07 - 12:55 am
I'm not trying to make a statement with this thing. I just want to ride my bike up a hill and drink some delicious boxed wine. I don't have to be an activist all the time, do I?
I'm always out there subverting dominant paradigms and shit. I want a day off, dammit! If I feel the old urge coming back, I'll go find some cops to argue with. Other than that, I just want to have the experience, rather than make a display of having the experience.
Come have it with me! The experience, I mean!
PC10.16.07 - 2:00 am
1. that no can do was written before you just posted.
2. I agree 100% PC my last response was just a fill-a-soka-full meditation on manipulating the media.
3. that image compressed like shit ... here it is again.

trickmilla10.16.07 - 2:09 am
Hey PC,
I'm coming to your spectacular ride and was wondering if anyone was planning on heading back to the start afterwards (i wasn't planning on hitting CrankMob). Just did't know if i'd be going it alone. Like, maybe i need one more scoop of icecream after the wine and cheese dealie.
stevo410.16.07 - 11:22 am
I have no idea, Stevo, but if that's your plan, you have very little chance of getting lost. When we all bomb Vermont on the way down, you just keep going down Vermont instead of turning right at the bottom of the hill. Right on Melrose, right on Heliotrope: Scoops! (Might be closed by then, though.)
Mr. and Mrs. Rollers, if you come with us I promise I will bring finger puppets and we can do "Ridazz: The Puppet Show."
PC10.16.07 - 3:30 pm
are you guys seriously sprinting to crank mob?
trekkie10.16.07 - 4:18 pm
That was my plan.
PC10.16.07 - 4:57 pm
PC, for the spoke cards laminate a few pieces of black construction paper!
10.8.07 - 6:31 pm
no wolfpack.
ruinedbyidiots10.16.07 - 5:34 pm

I don't get it.
PC10.16.07 - 6:02 pm
the wolfpack spokecard is an a laminated square of all black construction paper.
ruinedbyidiots10.16.07 - 6:05 pm
Take the black construction paper and then paint it black. It will be a richer and deeper black. That will show Wolfpack who makes blacker spoke cards.
GarySe7en10.16.07 - 6:14 pm
Actually, the Wolfpack spokecard is made from a far more special material than just plain black construction paper and can only be cut with a certain tool.
But I am sworn to secrecy . . .
mr rollers10.16.07 - 6:53 pm
Don't worry. I ain't making no damn spoke cards for no damn-ass four-mile ride.
PC10.16.07 - 9:00 pm
First published mention of the Lights Out event I've come across without specifically looking for it. Maybe 6 people will turn off their lights instead of 4 now. Woo, into the darkness!!!,1,4790282.story?coll=la-commun-los_angeles_metro&ctrack=5&cset=true
GarySe7en10.17.07 - 4:32 pm
FYI if you get a log in screen, you can go to bugmenot and get a temp name and password,
I love that site!!!
I wish I would have thought of it!
User110.17.07 - 4:40 pm
I'm still coming!
markedge10.17.07 - 4:44 pm
Sounds fun...although there is a concert that night at the Greek Theatre up Vermont...we may not be able to get through...
tlight1210.17.07 - 5:22 pm
I wasn't planning on going up Vermont. Either Ferndell > Western Canyon, or do it the way the Hooligans did it.
PC10.17.07 - 5:27 pm
I, too haven't heard a peep about it on the news at all. I'm surprised (or maybe not) that there hasn't been more in the media. Sure you can find out about if you knew it was happening this weekend and went looking but its been marketed as well as Live Earth was in July. Yet i am totally up to speed on Brittany and Kevin's Child Custody battle. Friggin pathetic.
stevo410.17.07 - 5:40 pm
Ok, NOW i know this thing is real. Channel 7 just had a quick clip on Lights Out and displayed the lightbulb logo and url.
Can't wait!
stevo410.18.07 - 6:31 pm
I saw a short news story on NBC around noon. Looks like Lights out is making more noise now that its coming up.
Mr. Raymond10.18.07 - 6:37 pm
Me 2!!! Heard it with my own two ears! Part of it said that community leaders are requesting that we turn out our lights, etc etc..... My question is WHICH community leaders are these?!?!?!? My bet is that if you asked 100 community leaders about this event, you would get 100 responses that would go like this, "huh????"
User110.19.07 - 2:03 pm
One more thing, and I hope you'll all pardon the irony: bring a light that you can see by, because the lights going up to the Observatory are nonexistent.
PC10.20.07 - 2:28 am

I'm sober so if anyone wants some welches grape joose, I'll have some.
dannyzuko10.20.07 - 9:49 am

I want some Grape Juice..
Bring cups!
NEWB31010.20.07 - 11:07 am

Yo Zuko....!
we'll be there, took youre advice on the parking, will do!
we might takeing a friend with us...we'll see.....and some fun JUICE!
S.B.P. RiDa4LiF!10.20.07 - 1:56 pm
will you or anyone else be ridding after, we put the Lights Out..2night?
S.B.P. RiDa4LiF!10.20.07 - 1:58 pm
So much thread to follow I can't find info where to catch up y'all. I live in West LA, am rolling alone (again), so I'll need to drive my car to find you. WHERE??? WHEN????
G rider10.20.07 - 4:55 pm
Sorry to be a pest but I don't know where Scoops is and can't find it via Yahoo or 411. Address?
G rider10.20.07 - 5:04 pm
if all else fails meet at the observatory
I'm still stuck at f-ing work!
dannyzuko10.20.07 - 5:08 pm
just go to the corner of melrose and heliotrope you'll find it. It's across the street from the little orange building with all the bikes in front.
Sadly I'm not going to make this ride, it's after five, I just work up, and need t get ready and shit (i.e. eat something and take a shower and whatnot) and I have an hour bus ride (at least, if it shows up on time), to union station, then at least a 15 min ride (maybe more) out to scoops. I will see how long it takes me to get to LA but I doubt I'll make it I'll probably just end up headin out to crank mob, and see y'all there.
FuzzBeast10.20.07 - 5:17 pm
I have my lights out. Hope you guys are enjoying the view. Wish I was there.
P.S. See you at C.R.A.N.K. MOB!!!
onethirtynine10.20.07 - 8:15 pm
Thanks again for setting this up PC.
It was depressing (but not surprising) to see the lack of participation by our city (residents or commercia/Government buildings). What a sad statement it says about us.
We could have been as successful as the original city that started this, Sydney Australia, if only our government, the media (god forbid they pump something positive for a change), etc. gave a shit.
Check out this article
stevo410.20.07 - 11:26 pm
Even if LA actually got brighter at 8:00pm, I had a blast on this ride, PC. I've never biked up there before and now I have. That rules. So thanks for organizing this.
And the sprint to CRANK Mob was fun too!
markedge10.21.07 - 11:32 am

WOOOWWW ! ! ! firts of all that was a great ride, goin up the hill and down I was the second rider next to E-gomez getin to the bottom of the hill plus sprintng to CRANK - MOB with ya all pure rush lov it, hey and thaks for the boxed wine, salud....
SONNY10.21.07 - 1:09 pm
Lol, I was heading out to C.R.A.N.K Mob and I fell behind and lost you guys, probably too much of that boxed wine...
bluesbreaker8710.21.07 - 4:42 pm
It was a cool experience going up to and down from the observ and kickin it with everyone. Props on the idea PC. See yall soon.
jchungerford10.21.07 - 10:14 pm
PC! Thanks for taking us up to the observatory, even though the lights stayed ON it was a great ride! MOON x 15!!! I especially enjoyed a the delicious boxed wine before the star police made me give it up. Beautiful spoke card toooo!!! >^..^<
mixtemotions10.22.07 - 12:55 am
One or two people didn't get spoke cards. Sorry about that. I didn't think people were really going to show up for this, so I only made 25, and was surprised when enough people turned up to claim them all. I didn't even keep one for myself.
Anyway, I do hope you all enjoyed the stunning anticlimax and the delicious boxed wine (which was all the more delicious after the star police teleported out of there and we discreetly resumed service). I did. Hustling to C.R.A.N.K. Mob through the gusty wind was likewise a real kick in the pants.
I want to organize a ride up the hill one of these nights to check out one of the monthly "star parties" that the binoculars guy was telling us about. Any interest? Yay? Nay? Don't say nay.
P.S. G rider, for future reference, you can almost always find any eating establishment in LA by plugging it into
PC10.22.07 - 3:49 am
Our new astronomer friend's name was Del, with one L. I bet wei'll see him on rides very soon!
stevo410.22.07 - 7:25 am
Thanks for putting this ride together PC!!
It was the best non-event I've been to this year!
I can't wait for next year!!!
User110.23.07 - 5:14 pm
PC, i'm sure you are aware that last night, Earth Hour happened. Well, it did in SF, NY and many other cities all around the world. Even Google changing their page to black.
But of course, Los Angeles couldn't have cared less.
stevo403.30.08 - 7:47 am
Yup, I knew about it. I was checking the Lights Out site periodically, with a view towards organizing another Lights Out ride on the 29th. Once I realized that these lame hippies had given up the ghost in favor of this "Earth Hour" crap that didn't even have any events scheduled in LA, I said the hell with it. Those guys are lucky that I don't have the time to give them the verbal punish-fucking they deserve.
PC03.30.08 - 2:09 pm
I would have supported a bike ride out to Pasadena for this event. Seems like they were one of the few cities around here that gave crap.

User103.30.08 - 8:52 pm
I was in Pedro on 19th St and most everyone on the street turned off their lights. But, damn, we could see a long way and area-wide I didn't see much darkness.
toweliesbong03.30.08 - 9:29 pm
The better way to electricity is to use LED lights technology. Best efficient long lasting technology.
Sayimo08.6.12 - 12:04 am
Yeah, I paid this guy to register and bump my old thread with a non sequitur. So what? Attention is attention!
PC08.8.12 - 3:11 pm