Thread started by
Roadblock at 08.26.09 - 7:02 pm
come on everyone.... the fake names... the negativity.... damn. I barely look at these boards anymore because of the BS.
there are people on the internet who literally just sit there waiting to pick someone apart and snark and get a reaction and so forth.... why suck the joy out of this website like that? this is a gift for us all to just learn to live with each other and organize with each other.
Maybe its time for you to start flexing your delete muscles?
BMFW08.26.09 - 7:08 pm
I wish I had the time to sort out who the instigators are.................
Roadblock responding to a
comment by BMFW
08.26.09 - 7:09 pm
Might be time for a new forum; get specific sections (ex: rides, bike parts, stuff for sale, Joe Borfo's House of Memes, etc.), and get a few mods to help curb the trolling. has a pretty good forum set up, maybe something similar to that.
BMFW08.26.09 - 7:12 pm
hahah Joe Borfo's house of memes lol... that would be one giant rick roll refresh zone hahahah!
there are unfortunate limitations to this aged ass web site that doesnt allow for categories unless someone mods the site. MR2.0 will hopefully make things a little better....
until then I'm asking the instigators to CHILL and the people who get picked on by the instigators to just IGNORE. if you ignore the instigators they melt away. they have only to live for YOUR reaction.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by BMFW
08.26.09 - 7:16 pm
thank you
I was wondering when you were going to step in. It has really been getting out of hand. What is
with people?
la duderina08.26.09 - 7:19 pm
I really think it would be great to have rides with their own websites, with ways for riders to participate on them. Either by discussion for organizing the ride, posting route maps, posting pictures from the ride, and things like this. The websites can prominently link to similar rides that they think are good, connecting the sites together still. There is lots of diversity in rides and people here, but not a lot of diversity of the websites representing them.
With that said,
I am a developer. Putting a ride on is a bit of work, and very helpful if a few people are helping. So I am more than happy to help out here as my contribution to the cause. We can make the sites open-source, so that others can pick up where others left of, making for a richer and more diverse web world.
braydon08.26.09 - 7:45 pm
the trolls are a symptom of the popularity of midight ridazz.
the ride calendar is (to me) the most important part of this website, and as far as i can tell it works fine.
"" does not equal "midnightridazz"
resist the urge to change things or exert any type pf control over what people do with this forum.
(p.s. my opinions may be retarded. i visit for a minute or so every day, and i hardly ever go on any rides, mostly because of my geographic location and my other obligations. however, i'm good at the big picture. se la vie.)
p.p.s. i wish i was at bm right now
lackflag08.26.09 - 11:03 pm
is junu trying to get banned again??? he is such a rebel.
theshues08.26.09 - 11:11 pm
I just had a bm after barchopz. then I showered. now Imma go sleepy time
spiraldemon responding to a
comment by lackflag
08.27.09 - 12:44 am
i dunno... i think it ends well every time. in the end we all have come to an understanding with one another, regardless of whether we like each other or not, but just that we have accepted they are who they are.
we always have good spirits
snowcone08.27.09 - 1:23 am
when you gonna be back out on Mondays? we miss you.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by lackflag
08.27.09 - 12:53 pm
tbh i know you guys all know each other and have a scene going on and stuff, but the forums are ridiculously annoying to find info on the actual rides.
thank goodness for ctrl+F
perhaps y'all should make like, a MR social forum, so one forum could keep to ride info and discussion. and the rest to bored people.
imagine what it's like for somebody not in your "scene" who just wants to go on a ride. the forums can be somewhat discouraging.
just an outside perspective.
peace and love
brittany08.27.09 - 3:13 pm
rides need no discussion. info posted ---> there.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by brittany
08.27.09 - 3:14 pm
Is there info there about people riding from different areas to the ride start?
buckchin responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 3:17 pm
case in point, i just asked questions on TWO seperate rides tonight, and they'll probably get bumped down from BS posts so no one can see them to answer legit questions that would get me on a ride tonight...
just as buck just said....
i was going to ask about if anyone rides to midnight social from the hollywood area....
but what's the point? it's going to be #20 in 10 minutes.
i'm sorry but you're wrong. the posting is not enough.
i totally understand the fun of posting and trolling on a forum. trust me, I've KILLED forums having fun doing this stuff. i'm just saying, for people who want to just go on a ride and are just getting into the scene (i.e. not all knowing like some of you may be), it's very difficult.
i just want to know what level onecupcamp means, if anyone's going to rosemead from echo park, and if any girls go to polo. :( frustrating!
brittany08.27.09 - 3:23 pm
level 1 cubcamp means its the easiest fast ride.
yes there will be girls at polo
sure i may have bumped down your post but not everybody is going to read whether people are going from EP to rosemead. should we just stop all our forum activity until someone is ready to answer you?
better overactive than inactive i say.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by brittany
08.27.09 - 3:28 pm
Just what we need trolls repelling females from rides. And on a anti troll forum.
buckchin responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 3:34 pm
haha in the mix of all the other ATTN threads, i thought this was a bumped thread, from a long time ago.
failed to realize it was posted YESTERDAY
_iJunes responding to a
comment by buckchin
08.27.09 - 3:36 pm
right? and this coming from a guy who barely goes on rides anymore. _ijunes is fucking up everyone's fun isn't he...
_iJunes responding to a
comment by buckchin
08.27.09 - 3:36 pm
Pay no attention to itroll. I would definitely recommend Polo. It is virtually run by girls. I am just a guest in their house.
Foldie responding to a
comment by brittany
08.27.09 - 3:38 pm
itroll!?!?!? LOL funny name! Like!
Brittany, call the dudes up. You got two numbers listed in the ride ad. That's what I would do if I wanted an answer fast.
BTW, I've been on the ride a few times and it's a cool ride. Good turn out too. There should be 50-75 ridazz tonite.
User1 responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.27.09 - 3:58 pm
you guys are all annoying and i hate you all
peace & love
snowcone08.27.09 - 3:58 pm
wow you guys thought MR was bad
PDFIXED (link) is having a bashfest right now with a ridaa LIVE
and they're a lot worse.
she's outnumbered.
_iJunes08.27.09 - 4:02 pm
And I would not say you are ruining everyones fun. I just think when roadblock puts out a sincere plea for people to stop doing this type of thing, and then you try to discourage someone from going on a ride on the very same forum. I think that it is a total lack of respect for someone who has put a lot of work in to create something positive.
buckchin responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 4:05 pm
Sounds like she needs our help then ijunes....
Debut213 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 4:06 pm
whoa whoa i didnt discourage anything from doing anything.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by buckchin
08.27.09 - 4:06 pm
dude i dont step into the unknown zone. but yeah she's so helpless there its almost sad.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Debut213
08.27.09 - 4:07 pm
'Worst thread ever! I regret posting it. You foos are dicks. Not all of you, but you're dicks.'
_iJunes08.27.09 - 4:07 pm
Brittany do you feel discouraged?
buckchin responding to a
comment by brittany
08.27.09 - 4:10 pm
* miguelaron
* CommentTime 1 hour ago
_iJunes responding to a
comment by buckchin
08.27.09 - 4:11 pm
That is an awesome post... fuck i need to get back to work...
her complaint... sort of like posting on craigslist, after posting 10 min later youre on page 15.
This site is different though... she can always post "bump", right?
md2 responding to a
comment by buckchin
08.27.09 - 4:14 pm
what i did yesterday was almost necessary, TAC gets annoying when he starts rolling around the mud.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by md2
08.27.09 - 4:16 pm
the tipping point between almost and not is the underscore in my name.
and it tipped in favor of almost.
"Yeah, after this I'm just not gonna post anymore! Or keep the posting to a minimum... I don't know shit about internet forums, but I do know what a fucking TROLL is, hahaha. "
im sorry im just absorbed in this thread.
responding to a comment by snowcone
08.27.09 - 4:19 pm
i thought she would have gotten some valuable experience from this forum to be prepared for her future... but no
snowcone responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 4:23 pm
some peepel just dont get it.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.27.09 - 4:23 pm
you look like an ugly myspace page
_iJunes responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.27.09 - 4:27 pm
why did you have to go there...
you just pissed off everyone now...
at least it was a pinned striped hat... luckily you didnt so the official one.
md2 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 4:28 pm
Ijunes has gone from itroll to idouche.
But I get it. It's just the internet DGAF.
Foldie08.27.09 - 4:28 pm
this was found on pdxfixed where they are BASHING northernsoulbyrd.
its interesting to say the least
_iJunes responding to a
comment by md2
08.27.09 - 4:31 pm
you missed out last year when i got banned. twice.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.27.09 - 4:31 pm
that was totally the look i was going for... thx ;D
snowcone responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 4:35 pm
how did this thread end up like this???
snowcone08.27.09 - 4:37 pm
I blame Brittney.
Is tonight's art show going to be any good (see any of the work)? Any of you go to the overpriced concert last night?
How was it?
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.27.09 - 4:43 pm
and in regards to brittany's complaints,
it wasn't the trolls that bumped down her threads
it was forum activity.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by md2
08.27.09 - 4:55 pm
bentstrider responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 5:01 pm
i like the last thing you said not the first two
_iJunes responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.27.09 - 5:02 pm
Well, you're a poor sport there now, Cardinal Kang.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 5:05 pm
if you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough
_iJunes responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.27.09 - 5:08 pm
Braydon, we need you to devolop the MoM RiDaZz web page soonnnnn.....
Debut213 responding to a
comment by braydon
08.27.09 - 6:29 pm
Woorrd, lets do it :)
Been looking at Drupal stuff recently, check this out:
Building a Conference Website. Source code, etc, for an event site, could be a good inspiration point....
braydon responding to a
comment by Debut213
08.27.09 - 7:46 pm
i didn't mean to come off as complaining.
just wanted to put another perspective out there.
do what you want, obviously.
see y'all around.
i'll be the girl in a dress and a pink bike :) in advance, no, i'm not cold.
brittany08.28.09 - 8:14 am
+7 hahaha! Juno probably rocks this 24/7
Alfredo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
08.28.09 - 8:29 am
I'll bet
YOURE* life on it.
-Dexter- responding to a
comment by Alfredo
08.28.09 - 9:53 am
RB has spoken. Trolls are not wanted here.
la duderina09.8.09 - 1:06 pm
_iJunes10.19.09 - 5:47 pm
The MR forums have become a sort of punching bag, squeezy thing, or for some, masturbation...
let it out ridazz, let it out.
Just don't bring it to the rides, please.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.19.09 - 5:54 pm
I agree. It's disappointing. I'm glad I came around when this site was still useful for sharing information and ideas. It's devolved into a disgusting display of hatred and ill will. FAIL.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.19.09 - 5:55 pm
Save it for the people who give a rat's ass....
Debut213 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.19.09 - 5:56 pm
being a troll used to be an identity.
now being a troll is like riding fixie.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
10.19.09 - 5:56 pm
does this mean you are done with trolling??!!!?!?!
TheDude responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.19.09 - 5:57 pm
remember the good ol days when we had to earn our titles as trolls?
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Debut213
10.19.09 - 5:57 pm
no this just means im too lazy to enforce.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by TheDude
10.19.09 - 5:58 pm
dee dee dee deedee dee dee dee deedee....
coldcut10.19.09 - 5:59 pm
What Midnight Ridazz is:
-Non Confrontational
-Open - Minded
What Midnight Ridazz is NOT:
-Mean Spirited
CrazyPenis10.19.09 - 6:51 pm
What Tren Way is not:
-Non Confrontational
-Open - Minded
What Tren Way is:
-Mean Spirited
CrazyPenis10.19.09 - 6:59 pm
Lot of serious trolls in this thread.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
06.5.12 - 3:10 pm