LBC Bike Collective

Thread started by
NotSoHungry at 05.13.13 - 9:02 am
Trying to start something up down Here; any takers?
Been living down here for over a month now; people are friendly in certain areas. I asked a few locals how they would feel about starting a collective for the needs, and services to those who want to learn, and give back. For the love of the bike.
Yes absolutely. The lack of a Long Beach Bike Co-Op is very noticeable and I heard there used to be one...
These guys will tell you what it was called...
I would volunteer mostly because I really need a co-op in town and don't want to go up to LA and I'm sure it would become a hotspot for the tonsssss of ridazzzzzz in the LBC.
I'll whip them till they volunteer. Don't even worry about it.
Come out on Thursdays, bro. Meet everybody. The ride will be posted there >>>>>
By Thursday.
brittany05.13.13 - 10:00 am
This guy sounds like he has a good heart,
but due to 4am posts on the internetz (so srs) instead he chooses to call total strangers he doesn't know online
"bimbo (excuse me, feminist)"
"looks like a dog"
just jumping onto any bandwagon hater bullshit he finds online. What a fucking douchebag! Just wanted to put that info out there.
Stay away from this sexist, piece of shit, bully bandwagoning dickfuck who is clearly Hungrrryyyyyy for something. Attention? You can easily have 10-100 total strangers on here jump on the bandwagon of disliking me just because it's fucking fun on the internet. You feel cool now, bro? Cause I'll tell you, they're over it. They know it was wrong and it was months ago, and I'm just facilitating karma here CRUISE CONTROL STATUS. The time for this is over. And I will crush you.
Yo NotSoHungry show your face and name, pussy.
Mama's sending you to school.
Let's ride this out. They love to race on Thursday. :)
brittany05.13.13 - 10:15 am
Dumbass mother fucker you got a big mouth. You're gonna learn what happens when you say bullshit without thinking about the consequences.
I won't even bring up the people around here that you can ask allllllll about it.
Cause we're over it.
You're an idiot. I will ride with you soon. I only hope I know who you are. It's only fair. ;)
brittany05.13.13 - 10:19 am