Midnight Rollerz
Thread started by
KeepinEtNorma at 01.5.13 - 12:43 am
I know I've seen these guys around LA with many of you, and apparently their name is actually Midnight Rollers...and it is a statewide thing. Always wanted to coordinate a ride with em.
I cant ride next to rollerbladers for two reasons, one being that their blade strokes pop side to side and it feels like im going to run them over, two being they are rollerbladers.
Roadblock01.7.13 - 7:59 am
OK, I'll admit that I had to check this thread to see if it was about me.
There was that one night on Ride-ARC long ago when we were joined by a group of rollerbladers in Santa Monica and they rode down the incline and along the PCH with us. And GarySeven used to do MR on 'blades sometimes. Memories . . .
mr rollers01.7.13 - 9:44 am