The dumb cop that grabbed the kids arm and made him fall

Thread started by
TXBONE at 06.30.12 - 10:52 am
Yesterday on the critical mass ride I noticed a lot of stuff riding up high on my tall bike.
First off, i watched this asinine of a cop grabbed a kids arm as they were riding and he went down hard. He may have been 16-17 years old holding his phone and filming all of us riders. The kid rode by me at not much faster then my pace on the tall bike and as he goes by the cop, the cop grabs his arm as he's filming, and the kid went down hard, real hard. The dumb ass cop pulled him down right in front of me and i had to severly swerve to avoid crashing into them.
What a fucking asshole of a cop to do that. First off, kid was not doing anything wrong and was inside the the police line that the cops were making with their bikes. I feel this cop should be reprimanded for this unexceptional behavior. He should suffer some serious consequences. That was totally unnecessary and I should have got his name on his badge.
SGT. Krumer, can you help us out finding this ruthless person who should not even be called a cop. They are supposed to protect and to serve, not hurt and destroy.
no badge number or name? its pretty much a lost cause, unless the kid that was taken down comes out and reports it himself.
andres8406.30.12 - 12:56 pm
Yeah bastard cop deserves a punishment. And did you notice how the cops forced people to keep moving as if nothing happened. Thankfully that area was full of pedestrian witnesses or the cops would've probably beat the poor kid while he was down. They wonder why we dislike the damn police.
Rage07.1.12 - 4:22 pm
I know other people saw this happen. Does anyone know the kid or see what happened when the cop grabbed the kids arm and he went down hard?.........I really rooked it by not getting his name or badge number etc....
TXBONE responding to a
comment by Rage
07.1.12 - 6:30 pm
Relax, guys. I'm sure he yelled "STOP RESISTING!" as he pulled the kid off his bike. That makes it OK, right?
PC07.1.12 - 11:24 pm
Unless they wanted to play that really fun game where one says "get up" and the other says "get down" and you have to think of a dance to satisfy these directions at the same time.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by PC
07.2.12 - 4:37 pm
or the other game they call "quit resisting" while youre perfectly still. OHHH! and the good old knee to your spine while you're laying flat on the floor.
andres84 responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
07.2.12 - 4:42 pm
Or when they ask a question and then tell you to shut up!!! Oh, those cops! So silly!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by andres84
07.2.12 - 4:44 pm
Or when they look at your ID while you are on the curb, legs crossed, arms crossed behind your back, and even though you are three blocks from home, they turn to you and say "you're a long way from home, aintcha boy?' and then you ask for their badge number and they threaten to take you in for mouthing off!
marleydog responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
07.2.12 - 4:53 pm
Or when they lie under oath..........
TXBONE07.6.12 - 3:12 pm