Thread started by
barleye at 06.25.12 - 1:17 pm
I started the last RIDE WITH NO NAME at 8pm instead of the normal 9pm rollout...
I think I may continue that...with that said,
I may be alone in this regard but I think the larger rides without a specific demographic so to speak should leave no later than 9pm....reason being I think more people will be inclined to come out as opposed to the somewhat standard 10pm rollout with bike time leaving at 10:30 or even later.
What do you think?
i liked the earlier roll out time because the suns still out. Its also real nice cause its not to hot and not to cold to ride. keep it early
andres8406.25.12 - 1:35 pm
I think it honestly doesn't matter what time you start. People always have some form of complaint about "its to early".. ."its to late" ..etc... People just show up late because no ride leaves on time.
OsnapsonJC06.25.12 - 1:54 pm
I got kinda carried away..... I agree with you. Leaving at 9pm is better.
OsnapsonJC06.25.12 - 2:02 pm
The earlier start for me was pretty cool. I rode into DTLA earlier, got a chance to take some photos of the city, some skateboarders doing jumps, met some cool people, etc. Before the ride it was light enough to get some good pics. And I liked riding at dusk...
During the week I prefer earlier because I start work early, but I know that's not the case for most.
Having said that, some of the best rides I've been on started late and ended at dawn the next morning.
Manny06.25.12 - 7:08 pm
Earlier start meant earlier end. Easier to find a place to eat afterwards and a fighting chance to catch a metro.
mk452406.25.12 - 8:49 pm
Personally, I usually take the Blue Line up from Long Beach for most rides. I often have to break off early to catch the last train at 12:40 am.
That's OK, but I still have a 10 mile ride to get home from the L.B. station, so the idea of riding longer, or getting home an hour earlier (1 am vs. 2am) is appealing to this thing.
Creative Thing06.26.12 - 3:10 pm