Attn: Women of MR

Thread started by
danya at 06.20.12 - 6:08 pm
Following a discussion on Facebook, I decided to try and begin to address the issue of sexual harassment and other related inappropriate behaviors on rides and/or between Ridazz. I am now collecting data and ideas to be put forth at the next Ridazz Summit. These findings will be presented in absentia, as I will be in Milwaukee.
For more information, please see my post here:
And although this is primarily directed at women, others please feel free to share. I know very personally that the cultural elements at work here can allow the victimization of all genders.
This is very troubling. I never had any such experiences, although I tended to avoid the party rides. I do believe the problem exists, however.
Danya, you are an intelligent, articulate, and strong young lady. Thanks for speaking out. I hope others do as well. This shit's not okay.
shotgunBOOMBOOM06.20.12 - 9:28 pm
Danya -
glad that you are posting this. while riding my bike on Saturday night's ride, a guy came up next to me (whom i have never met/seen before) and chatted me up. when i did not play into his "advances" he became agitated and harrased me for ignoring his advances but as i was about to ride off, he grabbed my wrist. i reacted to this, calling him out on it, invading my space, potentially causing me to crash and harming others.
his excuse: "he was about to fall and was catching himself."
i don't care who you are - this is unaccapetable. i could not find him at the stop to further correct the issue - but incidents like this should not be tolerated.
bondink06.21.12 - 10:44 am
bump because this thread is extremely important.
mechazawa06.21.12 - 9:13 pm
maybe I havent been to many rides other than mine,but Ive never really seen any sexual embarrassment,but if it is happening.
Huey55506.21.12 - 10:07 pm
nIght owl ride does not condone any sexual harassment.Unless its towards the ride leader.
Huey55506.21.12 - 10:09 pm
Id hit it! i would DESTROY that asian ass!
Ahem.... LOL
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by Huey555
06.21.12 - 10:42 pm
come on man, considering the topic at hand shit is not appropriate. take this shit seriously.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
06.22.12 - 12:49 am
umm that was towards a male you Ninja!! lol @Stella im sorry I take it serious.I dont let that fly.Ninja was just joking.Wrong thread to joke/ sorry
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
06.22.12 - 4:53 pm
You post is really moving. Congratulations on your well timed vomit.
I'm glad you have stepped forward to deal with this and hopefully your leadership and openness will help prevent this from happening to others.
To a certain extent, Ridazz functions as a support group to help deal with the trauma that inevitably occurs by being a cyclist on the streets. That sense of support helps us grow bonds of trust very quickly, and I feel I have been very lucky to have many many aquanintences in MR, that I can count on to have my back and likewise.
Many of these people i don't consider close friends ... I just know them well enough to know I can trust them.
Beyond, dealing with the unacceptable cancer that is sexual assault and harassment in our society as a whole, I appreciate that you are also doing something for our community. As ridazz we should be able to trust each other, be protective of our fellow Ridazz, and check anybody to takes advantage of that trust and violates somebody.
I hope your attacker is held accountable at some point, even it is just personally because that type of behavior is intolerable.
trickmilla06.23.12 - 4:31 pm
Well said. I've written before how to me the biking community in general - and the MR community specifically - shares many qualities of a tribe, and certain rides with loyal members are akin to a village within a tribe. Everyone within the tribe or the village needs to feel safe and protected by each other from the outside dangers of drunk drivers, road rage, shitty streets with gaping potholes, no bike lanes and less bike awareness, thrown beer bottles, etc. Behavior like danya describes can't be tolerated by the village or the tribe.
Manny responding to a
comment by trickmilla
06.25.12 - 7:29 pm