Thread started by
theroyalacademy at 04.2.12 - 3:28 pm
One of the saddest things about the inactivity in the forums these days is that threads do not.
midnight ridazz is still way better than l.a. fixed
andres8404.3.12 - 1:16 pm
with facebook
markd04.4.12 - 6:21 pm
I personally think the decline of MR is due to the absence of rides like RWNN and C.R.A.N.K. MOB. I used to call it the F.U.N. week due to me always looking forward to every third week of every month.
palucha6604.4.12 - 11:13 pm
the cycling trend is over...and this is what's left...on to the next trend!
adrian04.5.12 - 12:54 pm
Palucha -- I've met you, seen you around, and seriously you seem like a nice kid, but I gotta say that the only super-lame MR ride I went on was yours. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I'm sort of growing tired of you jumping on the threads with the 'MR is dead' stuff. If you mean it, what are you doing here? If you don't mean it, then why are you saying it?
Just do another, better ride, don't be discouraged!
PeterR responding to a
comment by palucha66
04.6.12 - 6:55 pm
For real there's like 3-4 rides a nite, how is MR dead?
JOKER responding to a
comment by PeterR
04.6.12 - 7:48 pm
My ride was lame? I guess I did my job :D
palucha66 responding to a
comment by PeterR
04.7.12 - 1:38 am
take care of it ill be back up there. where my look shoes bro.
andres84 responding to a
comment by rayrayray
09.9.12 - 3:05 pm
Who's been here recently...
beifyBuisee | Arcammacith | Jaz | bondink | Kakihara | apallemia | Joe Borfo | Nowsoiste | cycle-sexualist | sexy | animosity | Roadblock | Musejulse | andres84 | brittany | el zilcho | ktushies5550 | barleye | UsingMOARBACON | Mook | buckchin | Gtoffmycld | odolligouby | Jazzy Phat Nastee | XRumerTest | BABYGAISSARIA | onemorefixie | 7ifeBui7dCu7ture | Rosiekins | genetalia | Wink Martindale | CRANKY | Arresceld | simphilips5542 | rev106 | Freckled_Toad | josephm.riley | dudebra420 | unsalcuff | sophia | alec | Funarchist Bike Movement | trickmilla | CeteUplilla | Coe coe buttaa | nathansnider | PC | RideALC | kylemckinnis | jonnyboy | fact check | DEVILZ_NIGHT | svthst | POOP DICK | Ignat_Fut
Coe coe buttaa11.6.12 - 12:22 am
lol if everyone who thought MR was dead got off the forums this site would have been gone a long time ago!!!!
don't be ridiculous!
brittany11.6.12 - 6:35 am
Who's been here recently...
sexy | | Mook | beifyBuisee | CryBaby | Gtoffmycld | mr rollers | Manderzol | AftelmTellevy | Joe Borfo | omilypeDonDip | Roadblock | sophia | Presto7 | tallcans4tallbikes | Arresceld | PC | astorpord | Fumgrastytaut | rev106 | dudebra420 | alec | hipster | roongepex | jasaseo5544 | Rosiekins | derogamneme | chandratim5539 | neilashley
Mook11.8.12 - 6:02 pm
I blame facebook. However, I'm ok with the less interest.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Mook
11.8.12 - 6:51 pm
I know that this joke is so 2008, but...
blaming facebook is so 2011
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by rev106
11.8.12 - 10:35 pm