NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Every second friday ride Is being organized by midnight ridazz veteran... 3 sequel rides ufo vegan banana penis and heavy metal ride III... John clark is going to start a new ride... I'm gonna have a few daytime ride with no names... Westside mosey is bigger than ever... Tall bikes everywhere... There's talk of the " BIG SUMMER SOMETHING" ride... and even another all city ride sometime soon...
At the very least come out for every second friday ride....let's make this shit happen.
Sounds wicked good. I'd love to see the rides get back to the close community we had several years ago. And don't forget Cub Camp. I hope that continues too.
I'm going to keep doing the same old stuff, I want to add more but I don't want to over do it ya know?
Ideas I've yet to launch:
Single Speed Mountain bike race
Vintage mountain bike race
wal-mart bike race (where you complete the race by returning the bike)
BMX side hack races (I have the hill picked out already)
More Ninja Battles.
Some sort of annual cruiser run like the one in SB.
Alley cat race series "alley in the valley" over a few months
Another Paperboy race
I could go on and on...I need help.
rev106 responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
12.25.11 - 7:53 am
I challenge those of you who have enjoyed the efforts of a few to raise the bar for yourself and others.
This year you should:
1. Organize a ride or bicycle related activity.
2. learn how to do repairs on your bike.
3. rescue a bike from the trash and get it going again.
4. get to the top of that climb that's always been daunting you.
5. design a button, sticker, or t-shirt and make a few and give them away. (bike related of course)
6. the hardest one, show up to other people's rides on time.
7. less time on the computer, more on a bike seat.
Do these things and 2012 will be great, we need to breathe some life back into the LA bike culture, get out there and do stuff, make shit happen!
rev106 responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
01.4.12 - 6:40 am