Its Fenders Time
Thread started by
Creative Thing at 10.22.10 - 9:23 pm
I really hate riding in the rain, but occasionally during this time of year I get caught on my daily commute to work.
I recently bought a $15 clip-on rear fender at REI, but I still needed some cover for the front wheel.
I saw a ridah last spring with a 2 liter plastic bottle cut down the middle zip tied to his down tube. He said it worked pretty well. So I got the idea of trying something like that on my bike. I didn't have any bottles laying around, but I did cut a 12 inch x 3 inch flared piece from a tile of linoleum. Riding in the wet this week, it did a great job of deflecting the splash.
Any stiff water proof material should work. Its a lot easier to install than the after market fenders that take me several hours to attach.
Yeah, I switch to my mtn. bike for the nasty weather too.