Paradise off Jefferson
Thread started by
sexy at 05.16.13 - 11:45 am
Big Big Big Thank you for another wonderful social. Thank you to all the residence who opened their Kingdom gates to all of us guest. Thank you to all of the residence and guest for all the great vibes, stimulating conversation, warming fires, soul bouncing music ahh inspiring art. I especially love the dress, hair and looks of everybody. You are all so so sooooo beautiful. Somebody was telling of longing and misses of days of old. I missed those too but the joy of the social fills the soul ever more full and opens the heart for more gifts. The love, appreciation, warmth and caring in your kingdom is a slice of heaven on earth.
twas a pleasure to see and converse with you, kind sir! we must pick up where we left off eventually at some point, yes? if/when you get a chance, please email over the links and thoughts discusses last night - it would be muchos appreciated!!
thank you!
bondink05.16.13 - 11:55 am