Amtrak's new anti-bike Surfliner policy

Thread started by
PC at 05.9.13 - 4:30 pm
In case anybody missed it.
Starting June 1, you have to make a reservation to bring your bike on the Surfliner and it costs $5 each way, every time. Good luck getting the conductors to put your bike in the back car now if the bike space is sold out.
Amtrak is spinning it as a way to make the system more efficient, and apparently a few uncritical cycling "advocates" have swallowed the sugary red drink. But in fact it's a way to force cyclists, and cyclists alone, to pay for Amtrak California's decision(s) over the years to whittle down the number of bike racks on Surfliner trains from ~12 to ~6 per train (in favor of luggage space for able-bodied adults who don't want to carry their backpacks up the stairs).
Go yell at them or something.
"A cyclist will either have to call Amtrak or go to the ticketing window to make a bike reservation and pay the fee; there isn’t any way to do this online because Amtrak apparently is operating in 1992."
but, seriously, this is bullshit.
bondink05.9.13 - 4:49 pm
Agreed this is terrible.
et05.9.13 - 6:19 pm
When AMTRAK presented it locally they said that this way you can be sure you've got space for your bike. BUT, if I want to use the train at the last minute and someone made a reservation a little ahead of me, they've got the rack. So if that person is only travelling between Simi Valley and Camarillo, they'll have the bike reserved for the entire distance.
Technically, the California Surfliners are CALTRANS trains and AMTRAK operates it with their equipment. If you need to yell, yell at CALTRANS.
AMTRAK is even worse. Going North, there's only one AMTRAK train, it''s called the Coast Starlight and it goes between LA and Seattle. If you take that train, you have to box your bike and they charge you for it and then you have to check it in. That means you have to leave from a station that handles baggage.
Sounds like CALTRANS is encouraging me to drive instead of taking a chance on the Surfliner.
mk452405.9.13 - 8:36 pm
Hope Metrolink isn’t going to fuck us the same way (and make us pay for the fucking no less!). too bad their hours are limited. I saw the sign posting on the Amtrak on my way back from San Diego last Sunday and the conductor I spoke with wasn’t pleased with this move either. He was worried about all the folks this would catch off guard who just want to go up or down the cost for a few stops in the summer and ride around.
Well, PC, get ready your hate for Amtrak seeing as you will be on one soon enough.
Kakihara05.10.13 - 10:35 am
sux i love the surfliner. never taken it with my bike but i've seen the free spaces... now i if i can't go without it fuck that shit. i don't even waste my time buying tix at the machines...
the amtrak people will sell you a ticket at your seat. they won't sell you bike tix? wtf? my bike is going with me in my fancy ass amtrak chair :/
san diego whaddup
brittany05.13.13 - 3:21 am
YO you know how i'm crazy on MR? I'll post on amtrak's facebook and twitter ALL DAY.
you wanna play let's play.
get down GLENN GRITZNER status.
brittany05.13.13 - 3:29 am