Digi Cam Trix

Thread started by
HANDBONE at 03.6.09 - 4:11 pm
hey guize
just picked up a nickon coolpix wsith all the doodads for 80 bucks/
downside it looks like jaz's eagle summit.
anyway hes my dilema ive had this cam before but it always took 3 hours for it to take a good shot.
any body know any cheatcode ? how do i lower the ISM ? and how do i do it withot miniamaly comprimising the shoot qaulity ?
i know there will be alot once in a life time shots i dont wanna miss. thank you guys. ill try to keep up. refrain from head injury or stolen bike jokes.
(Voice of the farmer in Napoleon Dynamite)
"Are there what? I didn't understand a word you just said boy."
"Up there in that creek man (inaudible) I found some Shoshone arrowheads."
ruinebdyidiots03.6.09 - 4:24 pm
It depends what you're shooting. Just put it on auto, yeah? That should do the trick without all the photographers giving you a one hour spiel.
imachynna03.6.09 - 6:32 pm
My condensed speil:
I have Nikon film cameras. I had a Nikon 9xx series camera as my first digital. I hated the time lag between my pressing the shutter button and the image capture. I gave it to my brother who has children. It was good for posed shots. I got a digital slr body. First a D50(stolen), D100(stolen), now I have my wifes D70. I manipulate it to shoot faster but it still has low-light limitations. Only thing to make the digitals shoot faster is an expensive slr body and fast lens'. I buy them used as I smash em, drop em, leave em laying unattended...
Gern03.6.09 - 6:57 pm
It's funny to search yourself and find out you are mentioned in various threads you never saw.
Jaz08.18.13 - 9:13 pm