Feel My Legs They Have No hair

Thread started by
rayrayray at 04.27.13 - 6:01 pm
I shaved my leg's for the first time today ever.. Is that weird??
I shaved mine for 18 months. It made me FEEL faster!
I like the look too, but shaving was a real drag, so ultimately let it all grow back.
Doomed to be an un-hip, hairy leg fred.
Creative Thing04.27.13 - 6:46 pm
Nah dude. I use to do it alll the time back in the day.
OsnapsonJC04.29.13 - 11:32 am
holy cow. I had just gotten over you..... and see your shit again. Do you troll every post?
I have a day job to get to..... grow up kid.
Find yourself an institution to attend. Either for mental health, or education.
NotSoHungry responding to a
comment by brittany
05.13.13 - 8:12 am
So, I'll see you Thursday, right?
brittany responding to a
comment by NotSoHungry
05.13.13 - 11:42 am