
Thread started by
KeepinEtNorma at 05.7.13 - 1:42 pm
Since I can't get enough of you guys (outside of LA) and want to take all the trips with you all, who's up for Pedalpalooza next month?
I want to be there on my birthday (June 8th) and for Rayrayray's bday (June 9th) DOUBLE BDAY OMG.
let's do et.
more info:
KeepinEtNorma05.7.13 - 2:09 pm
Rex Hazard and I are driving up for the last week of June, after Camp Tipsy. I'm especially excited about the "Accessory Dwellings," and, "Tiny House," tours, on the 29th. We were hoping to make it there in time for, "Swim Across Portland," but may be spending that day in Eugene.
Anyone know of anyone who would loan/rent/sell us a van/truck to take on tour? We need to transport a few of Rex's new bakfieten:
CatCampion05.7.13 - 11:32 pm
brittany05.13.13 - 4:11 am
that's fine. ima find a Dead Baby to keep me warm and snuggly.
no one else seems to want to come pfft.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by rayrayray
05.13.13 - 12:49 pm
If you come down for Camp Tipsy, I bet you can lure some folks up.
Or, are you only interested in going early on? Personally, I think they save the best stuff for last!
CatCampion05.13.13 - 10:26 pm
I really want to go for my birthday.
plus later on in the month of June I have other commitments (mostly running the WPH Crit ha ha ha)
when is Camp Tipsy?
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by CatCampion
05.13.13 - 10:33 pm
reply (sorry, never learned how to make links clickable on here)
Keep an eye out for photos of Troy and Rex on that page.
CatCampion responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
05.14.13 - 10:51 am
Camp Tipsy 2013 is from Thursday June 20 to Sunday June 23.
CatCampion responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
05.14.13 - 10:52 am
I heard Rayrayray is going to cry from lack of LA peeps there for his 21st bday...
KeepinEtNorma05.30.13 - 9:45 pm
Now we're skippin' Tipsy - everyone is going to (free) Ephemerisle instead. Although, we'll be huntin' & fishin' in the north woods of Wisconsin the week of Ephemerisle. Ah, we'll - can't win 'em all.
My point is, we're still in Portland the entire last week of June (anybody?), but will be in SF(!) the weekend before that (6/21-23).
See some of ya up the coast.
CatCampion05.31.13 - 6:47 pm
will anybody be driving from PDX to LA this summer?
i need to get a heavy ass keyboard down there. the sooner the better. i bugged rex on his facebutt, but figured i'd ask here too.
you will be compensated for your hauling.
slowrighthand06.6.13 - 5:43 pm
What time should I expect delivery to my house?
buckchin responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
06.7.13 - 1:55 pm
Since the the plan for Rex to build a bunch of Bakfieten (google it) with which to drive up the coast was foiled by his opening a new upscale Russian restaurant, Mari Vanna (say it out loud, Russian accent and all, then smoke it if you got it), we are more than likely flying up. We are not driving back either, since we're flying to Minneapolis from there, for my annual 4th of July underwear ride, Freedom From Pants.
And, since we are no longer driving bikes up there...we need bikes up there - just two, for a 5'6" li'l lady, and a 6'3" gent. If anyone has leads for us, please email ASAP - we leave in 2 weeks! Cat (at) catherinecampion (dot) com
CatCampion06.8.13 - 8:45 am
Talk to the Gib. He's supposed to come down from Eugene in July.
lackflag responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
06.9.13 - 9:43 am

Was wondering if anyone was gonna call me on that.
Um, hunting for fishies (said the city-slicker);
or, aluminum cans?
My folks are recovering addicts, and they looove their Nintendo (classic addiction substitution), so *Dunk Hunt* it may be.
CatCampion responding to a
comment by secretragingcow
06.12.13 - 12:44 am