stolen bike

Thread started by
adrian at 07.16.11 - 6:34 pm
Just happened at the eat real fest in culver city. Taken from LACBC Bike valet. Picture in my profile. Keep an eye out, thanks. Nashbar 48 cm frame. Campy wheels. Single speed. Campy Chorus crank altered to 39 gear single in front. Zoom stem. Nashbar handlebars. Single Nashbar brake lever on left side. Campy Athena headset and hubs. Campy Athena brake in front only. Michilen pro race tires, grey sidewalls.
Some parts have been upgraded. Brake, seatpost, pedals
adrian07.16.11 - 6:41 pm
current pictures of my stolen bicycle
adrian07.17.11 - 1:02 am
dang. so much for bike valet. I never really saw the effectiveness of that.
I hope you find it.
gado_gado responding to a
comment by adrian
07.17.11 - 2:06 am
I STOLE YO BIKE KID!! SO WHATTT!!! hahahahhhh jkjkjk
Domingo07.17.11 - 4:35 am
Does the LACBC carry liability insurance for instances like this?
barleye07.17.11 - 11:02 am
thanks gado gado....I'll probably take my chances with a u-lock next time...
adrian responding to a
comment by gado_gado
07.17.11 - 11:08 am
I think both parties (the event organizer and the LACBC) will confer with each other to see who takes responsibility. It seemed like they both have some kind of insurance. That will remain to be seen, I suppose. The hard part will be proving the "value" and "cost of replacement" I think, since my bicycle was made up of parts from the 80's to the present... at least I do have a pretty comprehensive and detailed list of the parts and such. And recent pictures!
The best outcome would obviously be some miracle of recovering the bike, but we all know there's only a small chance of that happening.
adrian responding to a
comment by barleye
07.17.11 - 11:20 am
btw... the bike valet is run by CCBC not LABC...
I was planning to ride there and eat big today... guess I'll be bringing my lock. Sorry your loss is teaching ME a lesson adrian. I truly hope that you find your bike.
DancesOnH2O07.17.11 - 12:11 pm
This is obviously the worst nightmare for anyone who's done bike valet. I've volunteered several times at the LACBC bike valet and I know that everyone tries to be careful not too let any bikes get into the wrong hands by keeping a careful watch on the bikes and by checking tickets, but it can get pretty chaotic at times.
I usually u-lock my bike to the valet racks when I'm parking and I'd encourage others to do the same - it actually makes the job of the valets easier.
mr rollers07.17.11 - 1:09 pm
"I usually u-lock my bike to the valet racks when I'm parking and I'd encourage others to do the same - it actually makes the job of the valets easier."
July responding to a
comment by mr rollers
07.17.11 - 7:37 pm
I've only used the valet services a couple of times...I would have locked it up right away, if I had known that was an option...
adrian responding to a
comment by July
07.18.11 - 12:39 pm
thanks mr rollers...this should be the PSA for using the bike valet services...and for everyone else...always lock it matter where/when/how/who...
adrian responding to a
comment by mr rollers
07.18.11 - 12:40 pm
thanks Dances...I think there were people from LACBC there also...
adrian responding to a
comment by DancesOnH2O
07.18.11 - 12:43 pm
Wow I always thought about this but never thought someone would actually try to do it. Sorry for you lose but I will be u-locking my bike in Bike Valet fromnow on.
OsnapsonJC07.18.11 - 1:08 pm
jeez that sucks =(
i did not know that locking your bike was an option with bike valet, this is one big reason i have never used the bike valet services, my brain thinks, "i want to lock it up, i am certain i can find a good spot to lock to"
natefrogg07.18.11 - 1:28 pm
Just to add and clarify a little from my experience - the LACBC bike valet is run by volunteers, some experienced more than others, and it can vary from location to location depending on the logistics of the situation. I've been on both ends of the equation - both volunteering and happily availing myself of the service.
When I volunteer and somebody asks, "Hey, can I lock my bike up?", I always say yes because it not only reassures the bike owner, but like I said earlier, it makes the valet's job a little easier - you now that bike isn't going to walk away or end up in the wrong hands.
Likewise when I'm parking my bike, most of the time I'll throw my lock on it just for added security, and it's one less thing to carry around while I'm enjoying whatever event I'm at.
Having said all that, being able to use a bike valet, whether you lock or not, is still way more secure than having to lock your bike up with u-locks, cables, taking your wheels off, etc. in an unattended area - I'm always grateful when I see that an event has bike valet.
Finally, keep track of that little ticket they give you and make sure you show it to the valet when retrieving your bike. And if you're working the valet, make sure you check those tickets!
mr rollers07.18.11 - 5:50 pm
Sorry to hear about the loss. I suspect LACBC has some coverage for this kind of thing, and considering how many tens of thousands of bikes they lock up at all the events they show up for, yeah it sucks, but losing one bike to theft--(that I know about)--is pretty awesome odds.
Compare that to the endless stream of bikes lost and their many related stories at group rides or other events when the owner decides to park down the block on that parking meter or hang it on a chain link fence with a knog rubber lock, or even a u-lock and they come back and it's all gone.
Bike valet rocks and overall, is safer than going it alone.
stevesie07.18.11 - 7:20 pm
"Finally, keep track of that little ticket they give you and make sure you show it to the valet when retrieving your bike."
wow Ive never been to a valet service where they have get your bike. I;m always waiting for my bike when I give them the ticket. I would image you could make someone kind of pissed if you went and got your bike.
DArK ENERgY07.18.11 - 8:07 pm
Sorry, I could have written that a little better - I didn't mean to make to make it sound like you'd be getting your bike by yourself, but when you hand over your ticket to the valet.
Although if you've locked it up, you'll have to go back there with the attendant.
mr rollers07.18.11 - 8:31 pm
stolen bike update...
no insurance from either Coaliations (Culver City and Los Angeles), or the Food Fest...
have an "out-of-pocket" offer from the Bike Coalition, but not even close to covering replacement cost... deliberating my options
adrian07.26.11 - 7:31 pm
Small claims court....seriously...
barleye responding to a
comment by adrian
07.27.11 - 2:14 am
If the event had LACBC doing bike valet, they sure as hell better have insurance or be prepared to be able to replace the exact bike that was stolen. you are given a ticket and expect to retrieve your bike by giving back your ticket to match the one on the bike. At least they are admitting fault by offering you something....
if you have any receipts or photos or anything proving what bike was stolen, you really need to sue them for the difference. That's bullshit if we can't expect our bike to be there when we get back....they're trying to screw someone because they didn't do a proper screening of the volunteers...if there is even a screening process. If this is their policy for bike valet, I think we should hear from a rep from LACBC right here on this thread.
barleye07.27.11 - 9:11 am
update to my stolen bike...
the powers that be are making good on replacing my bike... at least in the spirit of things... obviously, they are not an operation with deep pockets, and obviously it can't be an exact replica of my original bike, but I have recently gotten a set of wheels, tires, tubes, single gear, the crank, stem, handlebar, brakeset, brake levers, bottom bracket, saddle, seatpost, and frame!
I'm going to pitch in small parts, like brake cable and handlebar tape and a chain, and the elbow grease...
it took a while, but at least it's something!
Just waiting for pedals and a fork now... might throw on an old fork I have lying around....will post a picture when it's closer to being finished...
adrian12.19.12 - 4:15 pm
It's been rebuilt! This was finished about two months ago... forgot to post about it... the powers that be made good on replacing my stolen bike... I did contribute the labor and some minor parts, but I figured I was lucky just to get most of it replaced...
adrian06.20.13 - 3:07 pm