HandlebarCam Timelapse: EddieBoyinLA Memorial Ride

Thread started by
Agent Orange at 08.19.13 - 7:22 pm

So yeah, I finally managed to break my long streak of not going on night group rides to saddle up and ride the streets in memory and celebration of one of the bike community's most unique members.
The turnout to celebrate him was incredible and the ride reminded me of how much I used to love getting out on my bike to course through the dark city with a bunch of loveable miscreants, ne'er do wells, degenerates, and rabblerousers.
Rest and ride in peace, EddieBoy.
Notes: I did something different dimensionally this time and inserted portions of real-time footage "replays" into the timelapse. The first is at the 2:55 mark when we went through the 2nd Street Tunnel. The second is at 5:20 as we rode out of Chinatown north past the Cornfield park where a huge rave-style event was taking place. Lastly at 7:29 at Lincoln Park using a still I shot I got, I paired it with audio of that rider who scaled the statue with a megaphone to lead everybody in an "I say EDDIE, you say BOY!" cheer.