Discount Prada Watches and Ci@lis Hair Wigs

Thread started by
ubrayj02 at 05.21.13 - 12:28 am
I wish that we could get some of that spam back in this mug again. It is lonely here on Midnight Ridazz.
...not tahtdrunk...;)
Do we need more drunk people or less drunk people?
More fake user names or less?
More trolls or less?
Remember the Great Forum Wars of 2008? When LAFixed started ..and
I still sometimes post at BikeForums .net...I'm loyal...:)
alicestrong05.21.13 - 1:45 am
What the hell is a cialis hair wig?
Someone or entity out there is attacking the fuck out of this site right now with fake accounts. I dont know how to stop the barage....
Roadblock05.21.13 - 9:55 am
You post on bikeforums/net??!!!! I cannot stand that forum. Blind leading the blind most of the time.
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by alicestrong
05.21.13 - 10:26 pm
Induction loop waterproof iphone cases HTC EVO renior luxury gold flange Burb3rry watch band says it don't mean a thang.
I like the spam. It shows that someone cares and has spent the time learning how you site works and custom wrote something just to fuck with it.
Telling you: for all this stuff and for some plug and play site. The LA bike community needs a forum that will pull them out of the ghetto of Facebook and get us re-connected. The mass actions we could pull, the voting block, the fun - it could still come back through these rides and this site.
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.21.13 - 10:34 pm
Okay. After the race, after my kid is enrolled in a summer program, I am going 1/2 time at the shop and working on bike lanes and now I am working on finding a good alternative to get this site ripping people from Facebook back here. Because fuck Facebook.
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.23.13 - 1:17 am