Thread started by
bondink at 05.17.13 - 11:42 am
anyone interested in volunteering, please email me:
please keep Sunday, June 16th and Sunday, June 23rd open!!
if you have already emailed me, you will be receiving an informative email very soon - thank you =)
we're at 60+ volunteers, but need all the help we can get. if you're interested, please email me:
thank you!!
bondink05.20.13 - 12:49 pm
Wolfpack Volunteers!
Thank you for your time and enthusiasm as we kick off the second part of Wolfpack Hustle's Unified Race Series: The DTLA Criterium. The event itself will be taking place on Sunday, June 23rd from 10am to 10pm - mark your calendars!
This is a Historic event for both Wolfpack Hustle's Urban Racing competition as it reaches new heights as well as the City of Los Angeles which has supported bicycling races like The Tour of California, but has yet to experience a Criterium race centered around City Hall, The Courthouse and The LA Times Buildings. Together, we are writing history!
Volunteer Details:
There will be a mandatory Volunteer Meeting taking place on Sunday, June 16th at 2pm. We will be meeting at Grand Park which is across the street, northeast of City Hall. Lunch will be provided after we walk the Criterium course and go over what will be needed the day of the race to make sure everything runs smoothly.
As always, each volunteer will receive the following:
1. One meal voucher for the day of the race (6/23)
2. One "Wolfpack Hustle: DTLA Crit Race" t-shirt
3. A credit in the "Thank You" list under the Volunteer Job Title held the day of the race.
In order to receive these items, all Volunteers must show up at the Mandatory Meeting on June 16th and the Volunteer for at least 6 hours on the day of the race.
Social Media Team:
If you are interested in becoming a part of Wolfpack's Social Media Team in the weeks leading up to the event, please email me back and I will add you to our Volunteer Team.
What this consists of:
Every week we here at Wolfpack HQ will be promoting different aspects of the Criterium whether it be Competitor Spotlights, SWAG write-ups, Crit Race details/information, Unveiling of the registration, etc.
What we're asking:
We will add you to out list and email to you what will be going up into the Viral World that day so that you may "share" on facebook, "re-tweet" on twitter, Google Plus, blog, opinion-ate, Tumblr, reedit, etc., etc.
Please email me back with confirmation of the following:
1. You will be at the Mandatory Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, June 16th at 2pm
2. If you would like to be a part of Wolfpack Hustle's Social Media Team
3. If you have any questions or concerns
Again, I would like to take the time to thank you for your interest and excitement in being a part of Wolfpack Hustle's Volunteer Team! This is the biggest challenge yet, but with all of our efforts together, no doubt, the DTLA Criterium will be an event to remember for years to come!
Sara Bond
Production Coordinator
Wolfpack Hustle
*****IF INTERESTED, PLEASE EMAIL ME: thesarabond@gmail.com
bondink05.24.13 - 1:00 pm
PLEASE EMAIL ME IF INTERESTED: thesarabond@gmail.com
Wolfpack Volunteers!
Thank you for your time and enthusiasm as we kick off the second part of Wolfpack Hustle's Unified Title Race Series: The Civic Center Criterium. The event itself will be taking place on Sunday, June 23rd - mark your calendars.
This is Wolfpack Hustle’s largest, most complex production yet. A LOT of pre-planning and political work has been accomplished thus far. Now it’s show time! We want to show the city that these kinds of events are worth backing so that next year we will continue to grow the FUN.
We are excited to announce that some of the world’s premier urban cycling athletes will be at this event. Our aim is to create the SAFEST racing environment that we can so that they can perform to the best of their abilities.
Since we have only a limited time in which the streets are closed, we will be following a minute by minute production schedule for setup and teardown.
Volunteer Details:
There will be a Volunteer Meeting taking place on Sunday, June 16th at 2pm. We will be meeting at Grand Park which is across the street, northeast of City Hall. Lunch will be provided after we walk the Criterium course and go over what will be needed the day of the race to make sure everything runs smoothly. Also, Justin Garcia will be present, our EMS, to talk ‘emergency preparations.’
Volunteer Status for day of the Race (please choose one):
Warrior Status: All day crew from 7am to 10pm (2 meal vouchers)
Dawn Patrol Status: Setup crew starting at 7am
Marshall Status: Race Marshall on the course from 11am - 8pm
Night Owl Status: tear down/clean up crew 8pm - off the streets by 10pm
As always, each volunteer will receive the following:
1. One meal voucher for the day of the race (6/23)
2. One "Wolfpack Hustle: Civic Center Crit Race" t-shirt
3. A credit in the "Thank You" list under the “Volunteer Job Title” held the day of the race.
4. A free beer at the after party
In order to receive these items, we ask that Volunteers help out with 6 hour shifts.
Social Media Team - What this consists of:
Every week we here at Wolfpack HQ will be promoting different aspects of the Criterium Race whether it be Competitor Spotlights, SWAG write-ups, Crit Race details/information, Unveiling of the registration, etc.
What we're asking:
We will add you to our list and email you what will be going out into the Viral World that day so that you may "share" on facebook, "re-tweet" on twitter, Google Plus, blog, opinion-ate, Tumblr, redit, etc., etc.
Please email me back with confirmation on the following:
*** Please make sure to put your first and last name in the "reply" email
1. You will be at the Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, June 16th at 2pm
2. What your Volunteer Status will be on Race Day
3. If you would like to be a part of Wolfpack Hustle's Social Media Team
4. T-shirt size
5. If you have any questions or concerns
I would like to take the time to thank you for your interest and excitement in being a part of Wolfpack Hustle's Volunteer Team! This is the biggest challenge in the Unified Title Race Series yet, but with all of our efforts together, no doubt, the Civic Center Criterium will be an event to remember for years to come!
Sara Bond
Production Coordinator
Wolfpack Hustle
bondink05.24.13 - 1:22 pm
my interview with World Champion Messenger Bike Racer, Austin Horse:
also..... we are still in need of volunteers :) if interested, please email me:
Thank you!!!
bondink06.3.13 - 2:29 pm
yes - you are on the list! Thank you :)
bondink responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
06.3.13 - 3:32 pm
if you know of anyone else, please encourage them to volunteer. this event is HUGE and we need all the help we can get.
thank you!!!
bondink responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
06.3.13 - 3:32 pm

Wolfpack CVC CTR CRIT race t-shirt!!!
bondink06.3.13 - 5:33 pm
I can volunteer again, I'll send an email!
Redline responding to a
comment by bondink
06.3.13 - 8:02 pm

VIDEOGRAPHERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS needed for the Wolfpack CVC CTR CRIT on June 23rd!!!! if you are free and interested - please email me at thesarabond@gmail.com - THANK YOU!!!!
bondink06.4.13 - 12:19 pm

Athlete Safety is our number one concern. We will be implementing our "bunker buster™" buffered hay bale configuration on wide high speed corners such as corner number 3.
bondink06.4.13 - 1:02 pm

Wolfpack has met with some of the top racers and race directors all over the U.S. to put the CRIT RACE together!
bondink06.13.13 - 10:02 am

Wolfpack has had their final meetings with LADOT, LAPD, City Hall, Councilman Huizer, Security, etc., etc.
bondink06.13.13 - 10:02 am

Wolfpack has finalized the course and the staged setups with their sponsors: Red Bull, CHROME, Thomas Forsyth, AVENTON Bikes, City Grounds.
bondink06.13.13 - 10:04 am

Wolfpack has ***46*** volunteers!!! but we need more! especially for setup and breakdown!!!!
if you are free in the morning or evening on Sunday, June 23rd
if you would like a free Wolfpack t-shirt and a meal
please contact me and let me know!!!! i would love to have you on my team!!
Thank you!!
bondink06.13.13 - 10:06 am

THIS JUST IN: We have $540 of Chrome Industries goodies to Virtually®©™ throw out to y'all for the FINAL 8 days till the #wolfpackcrit on JUNE 23rd.
All these goodies will be awarded to ONE TEAM who trains the hardest the farthest shows us the most scenic of spots.
Mark your photos on INSTAGRAM and FB
Photos must be newly uploaded.
hashtags must be in the original photo comment
(no going back in time and tagging old photos)
your team must have at least 4 riders in the photo
This team must include at least ONE FEMALE!
You must pick up prizes at the Chrome truck with at least 4 team mates on June 23rd at the WolfpackCrit between 12noon and 6pm
bondink06.14.13 - 11:42 am
in need of bike valet. if interested or know a party or person who has the means and is down to do this, please contact me!!
LACBC double booked and won't be able to help out.
i have already contacted Santa Monica Spoke....
any other leads, would be so great right now as we are just days away!
thanks so much!!!
bondink06.18.13 - 10:25 pm
BIKE VALET for wolfpack crit on sunday - WHO CAN HELP? PLEASE!! IDEAS?!
bondink06.19.13 - 4:44 pm

if you're interested in coming out to this event, below are some links to introduce you to the race competitors I have had the pleasure to interview over the last couple of months!
Link to Streetsblog info for event:
Competitor Spotlights:
Marc Marino: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-marc-marino/
Mel Seeger: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-mel-seeger/
Jason Clary: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-jason-clary/
Evan Stade: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-evan-stade/
Chas Christansen: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-chas-christensen/
Austin Horse: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-austin-horse/
Jo Celso: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-jo-celso/
Scott Piercefield: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-scott-piercefield/
Asia Morris: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-asia-morris/
Veronica Volok: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-veronica-volok/
Craig Streit: http://wolfpackhustle.com/competitor-spotlight-craig-streit/
bondink06.20.13 - 12:29 pm

@ Roadblock & Bondink + fellow wolvzz and pupzz
Fuck yeah!
What an amazing day.
I know this is challenging as fuck.
It take a lot of courage to try and do something like this knowing all the risks, and being 1000% committed to mitigating them as much as possible.
Cheers for an historic day in LA.
Can't wait for then next WPH event to rock this city.
trickmilla06.24.13 - 4:46 pm
Good times! Happy to see a lot of 'old' faces!!
@organizerz-who knew herding cats would be so much work?!
@volunteerz-thanks for all your time and sweat!
@racerz-wow you're fast!!
@spectarorz-thanks for your patience, hope you enjoyed the show!
Can't wait for next time!!!
420LaHaRR06.25.13 - 1:23 pm
Results? Why do I even bother haha
JOKER06.25.13 - 2:42 pm
Psft! A big whatever to that tall bald guy on 1st and main with the beard who wouldn't let me cross the street. I think the vest and radio was going to his head. It looks as if he just wanted me to be ah struck of how popular he was and how many people came up and gave him hugs. Great going man. Go have another Red Bull why don't you.
hipster responding to a
comment by 420LaHaRR
06.25.13 - 3:03 pm
Sunday was amazing!!! i am finally able to sit back and take it all in. i'd do it again next week :)
here are some picture posts:
GIANT SHOUT OUT TO THE RACERS!!!! some of you i had the pleasure to interview, others i met briefly yesterday - all in all, it was a pleasure to watch your skills and entertaining to see the results of such amazing hard work and passionate dedication to what you love. thank you for all of your support, traveling, your ideas, helping out and showing up!! without you the event would not have been what it was... i thank you!!
VOLUNTEERS - I HAVE THE UTMOST RESPECT AND LOVE FOR YOU. most of you went above and beyond the call of duty. you were there when needed and you didn't hesitate to pick up the ball when no one knew there were even balls to pick up (balls - haha! i am so exhausted).... i don't know how to thank you all personally, but i will when we cross paths in the future. but from me to you, this event could not have happened without you. you all have a special place in my heart - thank you!!
bondink06.26.13 - 8:01 pm
Palucha, LaHarr, Osnap, Hal, Stosha, Hanako, Trickmilla (did you DJ for 6 hours straight??) .... and others i am missing.... thank you, the day could not have happened without you. :)
bondink06.26.13 - 8:04 pm
as soon as i have results i will let you know.
winner of the ladies geared lapped the pelaton to win.
winner of men's geared was 14: Sean McElroy
winner of ladies track was Jo Celso (who just beat cancer)
winner of mens track was from MASH San Francisco!!!
Evan Stade took 2nd men's geared
Austin Horse took 3rd men's track
bondink responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
06.27.13 - 3:06 pm
Winner of track was Walton Brush from MASH SF.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by bondink
06.29.13 - 1:39 pm
official results.... http://wolfpackhustle.com/official-results-recap-and-thank-you-list-wolfpack-hustle-2013-civic-center-criterium-presented-by-red-bull-and-chrome/
bondink06.30.13 - 10:23 pm