C.R.A.N.K. MOB 2.09

Thread started by
richtotheie at 02.17.09 - 8:58 am

FIRST C.R.A.N.K. MOB OF 2009!!!
Sawtelle and La Grange (1950 sawtelle blvd)
Feb 21st
Meet at 9:30
Ride at 10:00
1. HAVE FUN - That's is why we're here! Let's make sure that we
can keep having fun by
paying attention to
the rest of these points.
2. BE SAFE - We don't want anyone to get hurt,
that includes you. If you or your bike are in
no condition to
ride, don't ride.
3. BE RESPECTFUL - Respect the people around
you and be aware of what you're doing.
Respect yourself
and don't get hurt. Respect the places we go to so that we can come back next month.
4. BE RESPONSIBLE - Your actions have
consequences. They also reflect on the entire
group so please be
smart. If you spot anyone being unsafe or disrespectful, call them out on it.
5. COMMUNICATE - Call out hazards in the road.
Call out the next turn. Call out if you're
slowing, stopping or
starting to go. Call out everything.
6. PASS IT ON - If you hear someone calling
something out, repeat it to make sure everyone
7. LEAVE NO TRACE - Clean up your litter. Let's
leave this place like we were never here.
8. HOLD YOUR LINE - Watch where you're going
and don't weave recklessly through the
crowd. If you need
to stop, slowly make your way to the right side of the road where stopping is safe.
9. STAY RIGHT - Leave the left lane open for
passing cars. Please don't ride into oncoming
10. SLOW DOWN - The party is right here, not up
there somewhere. Stay with us and follow
the ride leaders.
They know where we're going.
11. HAVE F.U.N. - Cuz it's worth saying twice!
We Ride on this ride.
We Drink on this ride.
We Smoke on this ride.
We Impregnate on this ride.
We PARTY TIME on this ride.
We DANCE PARTY on this ride.
We MAKE IT HAPPEN on this ride.
So Bring It.
We have a lot of new riders - SO...
Silly String
Beach Balls
Whipped Cream
Noise Makers
Sidewalk Chalk
Want to have a say in the music on C.R.A.N.K. MOB??
Upload here! Just create folder with your name on it.
Username: u40259815-isaycrank
Password: yousaymob
***The only weapon you should carry is your F.U.N. BAZOOKA
Sorry, not this month, I already have 3 confirmed riders, looking for a fourth westsider to join in on the fun/pain :P But next month, Root Run can take over the CrankMobile, that would be awesome!
jericho1ne02.17.09 - 12:35 pm
Superheroes will be there to lend a helping hand......
jericho1ne02.18.09 - 5:40 pm
im ready!
not ready not ready
ready with
ready to be ready
i think
moondance02.18.09 - 5:40 pm
look for me ill be the only douche in a banana costume.
javi02.18.09 - 11:03 pm
a friend of mine (which happens to be a super fruckin hero!) told me he was going to attend crank mob...along with his comrades...
pretti*ugli02.19.09 - 10:55 am
I'm walking down a dark alley, I hear noises. I'm fearing for my life. I hesitate to turn around and I see its only Crank mob running after me, telling me I forgot my dignity.
Tarmonster.02.19.09 - 11:04 am
this is gonna be sickkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!! i met some new ridas and they are coming out to this - it's gonna be HUGE! so ready, so ready!
my one year anny of C.R.A.N.K. MOB and i haven't missed one yet (knock on wood!)
bondink02.19.09 - 11:40 am
First CrankMob for me and going to be my 5th ride ever. Just thought I'd post if you see a hoodie with a red mask, that will be me.
Hexxor02.19.09 - 12:37 pm

Chief 'Dances with Pants' of the Hoopaheehee Tribe will be there
jonnyboy02.19.09 - 12:46 pm
Is it true that C.R.A.N.K. Mob is going to try to beat this new world record on Saturday?
B-b-brian02.19.09 - 4:14 pm
Obviously Mother Nature is aware Crank Mob is coming
buckchin02.19.09 - 4:17 pm
Jonnyboy some native people might be offended by ur costume...
Debut21302.19.09 - 4:19 pm
aye this is not the first cmob of 09, i want a refund.
theshues02.19.09 - 4:21 pm
51 hours to crank mom...
cant wait...
Drooby42002.19.09 - 4:38 pm
ritchie, can you bring the mom vest??
Drooby42002.19.09 - 4:39 pm
yessir! please remind me though! you have my # right?
richtotheie02.19.09 - 4:53 pm
Well I may not be native american, but I did do this thing called Indian Guides when I was a child. We used to go out into parts of lush wilderness deep in some of Ohio's forests and camp. Learned all sorts of interesting facts about the way native americans used to live / made weapons / learned about their history. It was a really good time, some of the better experiences of my childhood came out of it actually. I'd like to think that some of those experiences contributed to me becoming somewhat of a modern day mcguiver in camping / outdoor situations. If someone really has a problem with the headdress it I'll take it off (probably reluctantly), but hopefully they take the time to talk with me about it
before judging me because they'll most likely realize that I carry a great deal of respect for native american history (even though I'm pretty rusty on the topic)
Ahhhh... good times :)
Carry on with the crankcitement!
jonnyboy02.19.09 - 5:28 pm
I was asking because my good friend and a fellow MoM Ridda Yaxkim (yoshi) is Native American and he gets extra extra pissed when he sees non Natives wearing headdresses and will be more than happy to give you his piece of mind. Ill give him the heads up that you mean no diss since you do have respect for his culture and wear it with respect.
Debut21302.19.09 - 5:46 pm
EARTH HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Says the E-surance commercial
02.19.09 - 8:34 pm
it was rbi's fault! check the source code. His first image tag source was quoted first with an apostrophe and the quote was ended with a full quote mark... Have to use the same kind of quotation!
should be like this (which he corrected the second time he posted it, btw - so it was only a half fail):
jonnyboy02.19.09 - 5:54 pm
I just got poked by crank mob!
And I poked back!
jonnyboy02.19.09 - 6:06 pm
Mihai likes Jonnyboy, but he may be offended by his native attire as well...
Mihai has been known to instantly stereotype anyone who wears Indian attire. Pls don't do it. Unless you're that 15 yr-old British kid - I guess that's somehow okay since he hasn't graduated high school yet and taken any real history classes.
Bottom line, there's too many other dope costume choices, no need to go there.
jericho1ne02.19.09 - 6:30 pm
the theme for this month's crank mob is "BUY AMERICAN"
Buy Pabst Blue Ribbon!
Tecate sponsors state terrorism!
Nuke the Whales!
Especially Rush Limbaugh!
tortuga_veloce02.19.09 - 6:30 pm
Indian? I was thinking village people :-P
asparagus02.19.09 - 6:49 pm
Where once C.R.A.N.K. MOB could be called EPIC {"long poems about legendary heroes"} we now realize the experience has evolved it to SAGA STATUS:
"Sagas are prose epics about famous men and women, especially of medieval times."
Then if medieval times = before cars = ride a bike, let the SAGA begin!
bondink02.20.09 - 10:26 am

Holy shit.
If the proportion of facebook confirms to actual attendance relates at all to previous months, it's possible this ride will be 1,000 strong.
I mean, bigger is better.... right????
I'm scared!
jonnyboy02.20.09 - 10:40 am
1000+ pre-pubescent minors gettin' their drink on!!!!
coldcut02.20.09 - 10:42 am
i'm not really hating when it's reality.
coldcut02.20.09 - 10:51 am
Bikes are for Lovers™
To get a spoke card. YOU NEED A COSTUME!!
We have a live band playing at our first stop at the Albertsons.
You can check them out here:
Ancient CRANK MOB spoke cards will be available for sale to help fund the current and future spoke cards!
Which are available?
Jan. 2009 $2 (12 left) (photo shoot)
Jun. 2008 $4 (14 left) (tits)
Apr. 2008 $4 (7 left) (woodblock print)
Mar. 2008 $4 (31 left) (individualized by hand)
Nov. 2007 $4 (too many left) (green)
Oct. 2007 $5 (14 left) (boogaloo creation)
Any 3 for $10 (no multiples of Oct 07)
(find richie aka PARTYTIME at the stops to purchase)
Est. size of the ride tomorrow night:
More than 650.
p.s. - tomorrows spoke card is dead sexy.
richtotheie02.20.09 - 2:09 pm
Fun Gun == Bop Gun?
jericho1ne02.20.09 - 4:29 pm
Mihai, you need to get out more. I'm gonna dance so hard!
Mohicano02.20.09 - 4:33 pm
"Mihai has been known to instantly stereotype anyone who wears Indian attire. Pls don't do it. Unless you're that 15 yr-old British kid - I guess that's somehow okay since he hasn't graduated high school yet and taken any real history classes. "
so what about me? am i "approved" to wear a headdress?
too bad my headdress of choice is my helmet!!!!
respecting ones fresh since 1984
moondance02.20.09 - 7:18 pm
I'm consistent! I mean what I say! I say what I mean!
I'm 28! Where's my bday sharecutttt!?!?
jericho1ne02.20.09 - 10:37 pm
i'm bringin the clippers, just for you BIG BOY!!
omg it's tonight.
richtotheie02.21.09 - 11:06 am
Hey does anyone have a pickup truck thats driving from the east side to west side?? i realllllllly need a ride with my music trailer!
richtotheie02.21.09 - 11:07 am
Zeppelin? What?!! Yeah thats right! I said it. Bunk shit I tells ya.
Let the bagging commence.
CRANK MOB IS TONIGHT! Omygawd. :D This is the night that I tell C. Mob that he's the father :O
Tarmonster.02.21.09 - 12:42 pm
This shit's been sucking for me big time, someone pour a 40oz on the curb for my ass not being there.
Catch y'all whenever I'm rightly able to do so.
For now, get some homework done, make sure this one employer calls me and tells me to pick up my uniforms, then shoot some "bruh" trucks with a PBG.
bentstrider02.21.09 - 1:19 pm
If only work would let me go early today :(
Avis_One02.21.09 - 1:30 pm
Thanks Richie. Looking forward to getting weird stares at work next week.
"WTF happened to that dude's head?!?"
jericho1ne02.21.09 - 3:06 pm

Wear a costume tonight and get one of these ->
richtotheie02.21.09 - 4:56 pm
KK! WOOT damn i'm so excited. Tongiht is going to be freakin epic.
richtotheie02.21.09 - 7:16 pm
do i have to comedown with something on this night of all nights :(
i just started feeling sick at around 2pm today
so no crank mob for me tonight
ONEwayRIDA02.21.09 - 8:26 pm
That was awesome!
If we had that many people on a gray day in February, summer's going to be completely out of hand.
JB02.22.09 - 2:57 am
sooo, based on tonight..... C.R.A.N.K. MOB 1000 Saturday, July 4? Just a drunk thought.
Hair02.22.09 - 4:54 am
Well, at least that's a sure sign that this shit will be far from "shut-down" once I'm able to start coming down there again.
I stayed home and vegetated all night in protest, all solo-riding would've done was get me into cop trouble after lighting off fireworks in the yards of random neighborhoods.
bentstrider02.22.09 - 5:20 am
to many fucking cops, am I going crazy or did a cop say "unless you guys want to be on youtube getting beat by the cops you guys should leave"?
apineda02.22.09 - 10:18 am
Really?? damn.
maybe all this could have been avoided if that one guy didn't slam into the oncoming car on sawtelle just before getting to the starting point
theladiesman02.22.09 - 10:23 am
Why did I have to miss all the drama?!?!?!?!?!
bentstrider02.22.09 - 10:58 am
If you heard the cop say:
"unless you guys want to be on youtube getting beat by the cops you guys should leave"
please email me at alexcthompson@gmail.com
Group complaint time. Serious - that guy should get reprimanded at the least for something like that.
Alex Thompson02.22.09 - 11:25 am
did that really happen?? when the cop got to the out of asia place, he started getting all loud and rowdy and what not, so im guessing thats when it may have happened. couldnt really hear what he said though
theladiesman02.22.09 - 11:31 am
Yeah, the cops at "Out of Asia" made my dad come pick me up because I was underage. They were totally verbally harassing me. What a bunch of bullies.
tommygoodkin02.22.09 - 12:17 pm
Want to know why we were harassed by cops so much?
Cops were called on the ride at our very first stop for people stealing.
The whole ride gets put on the line and we get followed. And sometimes we aren't welcome back certain places.
I'd like to thank Marc who donated $30 for the cause last night!!!!
richtotheie02.22.09 - 12:22 pm
Yes, the theft definitely has to stop.
It's one thing to drink underage, but to swipe from community vendors and snip their bottom line, I DON'T THINK SO.
Besides, the last thing I need is to come down there after getting my job and some time off, then find the meet-spot deserted!!!
That would be the saddest day in my book.
bentstrider02.22.09 - 12:26 pm
i dont care if people steal shit from stores on their own time. but it just gets me mad that a large amount of people (not all) on rides do it... that just takes things way too far
theladiesman02.22.09 - 12:36 pm
and by stores, i mean big chain stores. not mom and pop stores
theladiesman02.22.09 - 12:38 pm
If you ever decide to steal something from a store or a fellow rida during a ride, you better hope I'm not there. I will beat the fucking shit out of you as well as I can. And I have a posse to back me up. Not only are you disrespecting that person's job, but you are spitting on our friend's ride and on our cycling community.
I don't care what people think about what I said either. I just know myself, I will be in your face and you will remember it.
Joe Borfo02.22.09 - 12:38 pm
I think it's important to remember to make you voice heard on the spot, on the ride, to the person who you feel is causing problems. The internet is a good place to scream, but it doesn't leave you with that sexy gravelly voice afterward. Talking to people, and not just admonishing them, will have a much more lasting effect on their behavior than changing your facebook status to "CRANK MOB sucks I hate it stupid thieves."
It was a good ride. Top 1/3 of CRANK MOBs, and that's saying a lot.
Alex Thompson02.22.09 - 12:50 pm
I think I've already made my name as the only guy who plays country at the rides.
I mean, people will always hear my tunes before they hear my squawkin'.
Shit, sometimes people hear my tunes comin' out my mouth!!!
bentstrider02.22.09 - 12:54 pm
hey guys.. i just joined this forum cause crank mob was my first group ride yesterday.. that was a TON of fun!!! only problem was after the 2nd stop there wasn't good leadership at all as to when to go or to wait for everybody to catch up... turns were made without waiting for others to catch up, causing lots of people to get lost! oh well i had a blast.
as for those people complaining about what the cops said over th megaphone... chill out... cops say hilarious things over the megaphones purposely all the time. i've heard the most sarcastic things ever.. on the megaphones they're just having fun believe it or not, haha.
Antranik02.22.09 - 1:09 pm
Who's the guy who I gave a ride to in Silverlake? WE'RE NEIGHBORS!!!!
imachynna02.22.09 - 1:12 pm
Very FUN ride last night.. thank you and much LOVE.
Yea, the stealing is NO GOOD since it implicates the whole group.
Funny how the threads come back to this question of personal responsibility over and over again.
All you can do is tell people who act like morons not to ruin it for the rest of us.. and then hope they listen.
adamthelizard02.22.09 - 2:05 pm
First of all,
I think it's important to remember to make you voice heard on the spot, on the ride, to the person who you feel is causing problems. The internet is a good place to scream, but it doesn't leave you with that sexy gravelly voice afterward. Talking to people, and not just admonishing them, will have a much more lasting effect on their behavior than changing your facebook status to "CRANK MOB sucks I hate it stupid thieves."
It was a good ride. Top 1/3 of CRANK MOBs, and that's saying a lot.
Alex Thompson
02.22.09 - 3:50 pm
kryxtanicole02.22.09 - 3:12 pm
I didn't see who did it, but big thumbs down to whoever decided it would be a good idea to tag the fuck out of the wall on the Best Buy roof. That was a great little space we've had to go to, and I bet they'll be putting in cameras and 24 hour security after all that.
dokydoky02.22.09 - 3:25 pm
i had a blast on the mob last night!
+1 about stopping the fucking stealing
+1 about taking responsibility for yourself (i definitely yelled at a kid on bmx who slammed on his brakes on venice in the middle of the street, in the middle of the mob - that's how people break bones please don't come if you can't ride a bike like a reasonable... never mind.)
+1 about party more time
also the spoke card was saucy, ba-dow! :)
thanks to the organizers!
et02.22.09 - 3:47 pm
I just wrote a highly-detailed post on my account of C-MOB. Then I hit 'post' and I was logged out. Fine. I'm too lazy to rewrite it all right now.
Here's a very abridged summary:
BAD: Crashing, stealing, being a douchebag and cutting people off, having a helmet and not actually wearing it.
GOOD: The playlist from the Richtotheie's system, midnight dancerzz, costumed ridazz, pizza people, TC4TB with a torch, makers of F.U.N., all the people I spent time with last night, I absolutely adore and appreciate your awesomeness.
More to come, post-nap.
kryxtanicole02.22.09 - 3:48 pm