Attn MOM Ridazz
Thread started by
sexy at 09.29.13 - 3:07 pm
I'm not a MOM myself yet I'm asking you for help. This is regarding an issue that I believe is near and dear to your heart. Starting Oct 1, 2013 The California Cannabis Hemp Initiative has 150 days collect 800,000 signatures to get this on the ballot in Nov 2014. As a fellow rida I'm asking for you help in collecting these signatures. I'll be at the 2 year anniversary of Occupy on the start date at 6:30pm to start collecting.
Leave a message on here if you want to get involved or you can email me at no war bike ride at yahoo dot your mom
MoM Ridaz* ;)
(I posted this on our top-secret FB page so those damn stoners can get to work on some shit.)
KeepinEtNorma09.29.13 - 11:13 pm
I concur whole-heartedly.
bentstrider09.30.13 - 6:37 am
At least I got a MoM's signature today.
sexy10.6.13 - 12:15 am
you got me @ D&D!
Thanks for being awesome, and pushing for the good :)
Redline responding to a
comment by sexy
10.15.13 - 2:40 am
so yesterday as I was riding to school there was a man trying to gather signatures by my job yelling "free Mary!"...turned out to be for this. and apparently signatures are being gathered at your favourite NELA bike co-op...I'm betting we join Washington and Colorado in 2015.
anyway, I just e-mailed you. :)
KeepinEtNorma12.3.13 - 11:57 am
I saw this at the Bike Oven and was asked to give my John Hancock. Hope this goes through.
AreTwoDough12.7.13 - 3:20 pm
Thanks for every bodies support and signature.
It will only happen if enough people get the signatures required to make it on the ballot. If you can help out email me at
I replied back to you yesterday Norma.
sexy12.7.13 - 6:03 pm