Fat, old, bike hater meeting June 3

Thread started by
ubrayj02 at 05.28.13 - 10:25 pm
Want to see the sputtering edge of 20th century baby boomer defeatism? Want to be comically harangued by people who will soon lose their god-given priviledge to rampage across the boulevards of Los Angeles in their cars tell you what a danger riding a bike is?
Come to this meeting on June 3, 2013:
Or face a life of looking at shit like this and wondering what you could have done to make bike lanes a reality instead of another good idea whose time came and went:
I gots to come out and see this blvd that everybody is up in arms regarding paint on the pavement. Like the world is going to end either way. No bike lane you can't ride your bike, bike lanes and car traffic stops. What in the world!
sexy05.29.13 - 1:13 am
Figueroa needs bike lanes for those who are unerved by car traffic.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
05.30.13 - 7:28 am
I just realized how hilarious this is going to be . This will be a comedy writers dream ripe with all sorts of material a comic can pick.
sexy05.30.13 - 9:45 am
Eery one of these has had totally delusional people get up and bascially call black white and white black at nearly full volume. There is this guy who owns a print shop who tried to unroll a "scroll" of names on a petition - only 78 signatures on his "scroll". Or Tom Topping who throws some petitions on the ground and storms out. LACBC has over 1,400 signatures on a petition in favor of these lanes.
I cannot wait for Hart and Waka Fisher to get up and start their song an dance routine: "Fire trucks! Sidewalk riders! Every lane a bike lane don't need any bike lanes!".
It is pretty bad. It is also better than anything on prime time T.V.
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by sexy
05.30.13 - 1:24 pm
Come over and make some noise, Dave!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ubrayj02
05.30.13 - 4:41 pm
you know I love the non sequitur approach.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ubrayj02
05.30.13 - 8:49 pm
I am waiting with bated breath for the old timer bike hate brigade to let loose on Monday night. If they don't show I will be let down. I hope Tom Topping comes through.
ubrayj0205.31.13 - 1:05 pm
No bike lane you can't ride your bike, bike lanes and car traffic stops. What in the world!
For reals. What a dilemma! Which simplistic ideology looks better on me?
PC responding to a
comment by sexy
05.31.13 - 2:34 pm
Sorry. Simplistic ideology on PC does not work! Trying something more your level. More complex.
sexy responding to a
comment by PC
05.31.13 - 2:54 pm
Um, yeah. I don't need bike lanes, but a lot of people do. More people would ride if there was some solid bicycle infrastructururure, that's all there is to it.
the reverend dak06.1.13 - 5:51 pm
Tonight! Tonight! Tonight! Get in this mtg and comment about how much bikes biked your bike bike safety slower traffic safety safetied your safety local business think of the children.
Got it? C U THAR
ubrayj0206.3.13 - 5:31 pm
D@#* It! I missed it. So bummed. I hope there is some youtube of this?
sexy06.3.13 - 11:57 pm
Shit was cash. Local councilman Huizar fully endorsed most aggressive version of bke lanes AND pedestrian crossing improvements.
We were treated to comments by the new fascist movement in America: the Agenda 21 crowd. Someone brought the house down with sarcasm. It was brilliant.
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by trickmilla
06.6.13 - 8:46 pm
Debating and deciding locally about a roadway design is the most anti Agenda 21 way of doing things I have ever heard.
Does funding from this come from Map21 ARB Cap and trade? Maybe just maybe..............................................................................................
sexy06.7.13 - 3:40 pm
Nope. Bike lane money is Measure R bike and pedestrian funding.
The Agenda 21 people make me sad. :( They think we're being duped by the U.N. into loving bike riding as transportation - which means they don't care about all the great, backed by research, reasons a city should encourage cycling.
They are ardent Happy Motorists til the day they die (likely soon for most of them).
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by sexy
06.7.13 - 5:58 pm