Slim calendar

Thread started by
theroyalacademy at 01.13.14 - 2:46 am
That has to be the fewest rides I've ever seen on the calendar -------->
I know people are still organizing rides (albeit fewer these days, I think), so I guess they just Fbook them? Or don't announce them at all? Or......? It's all paper flyers now, amirite?
We might start announcing upcoming Passage rides by town crier only.
Well thats how the toy ride was.You could find more information on the guys facebook page than the M.R.web site they even had more than 4 pictures taken on his face book page and a much larger discussion forum
crossbones01.13.14 - 7:32 am
I do believe it's time the site got a slight upgrade. Just saying.
blah blah blah
July01.13.14 - 4:12 pm
I made a whole post about an MR app. RB never responded, but I know he had mentioned it before. A site update to vBulletin 2.0 would even suffice. But a smartphone app would be awesome, similar To a vBulletin 2.0 forum website, with seperate sections, groups, etc. it would keep LA bike culture party stuff OFF the online searches... 6 yr olds make iPhone apps, it can't be that hard or too expensive, really. I'd even buy the app.
Redline responding to a
comment by July
01.13.14 - 7:13 pm

I, for one, hate that websites are being replaced by apps.
Every smartphone already has a web browser.
No app, Don. Please.
All this site needs are mobile-specific style sheets (well, after restructuring the layout with CSS instead of tables).
Whenever people talk about the "awesome new features" MR could have, it tends to be all the stuff I hate about other forums and networks.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Redline
01.13.14 - 7:29 pm
I don't care what you guys do but how bout getting someone that care's about the site? you know someone that can keep the site updated. the main page has needed to be updated for a month now. :)) that cant be a good singal right?
I walk the line01.13.14 - 8:47 pm
great point mister Sean. I think it will flesh out soon. Some of the best rides are posted day of the event, tho. As if i needed another reason to check this site 10 times a day still haha
tallcans4tallbikes01.14.14 - 2:17 pm
Actually, that's exactly along the lines I was thinking. CSS is super easy to work with and write code. Better than HTML.
July responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
01.14.14 - 2:36 pm