ACTR Spoke Card....
Thread started by
OsnapsonJC at 11.22.11 - 1:51 pm
First let me say Im amped to make one and one would think after 2 years I would know what to put on it right ... WRONG. I have some downtime at work so I figure why not start now. Do I have to put anything other than where the ride is coming from on it? Like ... blah blah blah to All City Toy Ride... and thats it. Or do I have to put something specific on it?
No unwrapped toy, no spokecard
JOKER11.22.11 - 3:06 pm
Put ya city ya ride and and represent!
OJ do you have the ability to film yourself doing the spoke card? we need footage for the streetfilm about this!
Roadblock11.22.11 - 3:37 pm
RB, you should get footage of a group of Ridazz going out and buying the toys before the rides. I know last year buying the toy with a group of my friends was an absolute blast. We made Toys 'R' Us our bitch.
Rosiekins11.22.11 - 3:45 pm
@Joker .. on it
@ Roadblock ... Maybe, I can ask around and see what if i can make this happen.
@Rosie ... Every year we go to Toy's R US and every year we are always late. Is it really that hard to buy a toy before showing up? I mean REALLY???
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Roadblock
11.22.11 - 4:16 pm
I never go to Toys R Us the day of the ride. I meant before the rides like a week before. Get your head in the game, O'snap!!!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.22.11 - 4:21 pm
We stop at Toys R US on the ride witch is what I thought you said. Also you should know by now Im on point... just very distracted at work.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
11.22.11 - 4:26 pm
What? Valley Ridazz have never been late to the Gazebo. Its less than an hour from TRU in Burbank. We can stop there, shouldnt be a problem.
JOKER11.22.11 - 4:26 pm
and by distracted I mean looking at Facebook.
OsnapsonJC11.22.11 - 4:27 pm
No way dude that year (2 years ago) 666 got a ticket at Toys R US we were late. Last year we got to it with a few minutes to spare... Its a cake ride I know.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by JOKER
11.22.11 - 4:31 pm
Please... nice try. Keep trying you just might get me one day.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
11.22.11 - 4:34 pm
Wow i dint even realize he got a ticket. So if yer leading the Valley ride duz that mean we gonna stop at TRU? Vinh notwithstanding?
JOKER responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.22.11 - 4:35 pm
But to lay this to rest.... we will stop at Toys R Us.
OsnapsonJC11.22.11 - 4:35 pm
Cut it out before I bring you soup again.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.22.11 - 4:36 pm
Word is bond. Haha here I am 30years old still begging to stop at toys r us for the holidays...
JOKER responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.22.11 - 4:38 pm
dude....john....there's over 3 weeks till the ride...if they can't get a toy before that then fuck em....don't be late to olvera street.
barleye responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.22.11 - 4:40 pm
Don't fuck up everyone's fun Barleye!!!! AFTER PARTY AT TOYS R US! BRING YOUR GREEN HAT!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by barleye
11.22.11 - 4:57 pm