Whats your favorite group ride?

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AreTwoDough at 02.5.14 - 5:51 pm
My vote goes for Poppycock
I only went to the passage ride 3 times and the urban exploring was pretty memorable.My personal vote passage and the DONUTs
Huey55502.6.14 - 1:16 am
Passage is King!. The only ride left in LA.
sexy02.6.14 - 1:33 am
For once Sexy is right. The Passage Ride Rules
livewrong02.6.14 - 3:24 am
Cruss MoB!!!!!! Or Crank Mob..... One is really Huge and the other is super tiny....
louisiana02.10.14 - 2:55 pm
My vote goes to RWNN. Music, 99% flat, interesting routes, and directed to all out of shapes riders, which includes a lot of us.
manonmasi02.10.14 - 4:11 pm
The passage ride is hands down the best ride going right now. I ALWAYS have a moment on that ride in which I am completely lost which is pretty hard to achieve for me.
Roadblock02.10.14 - 9:35 pm
Is it fave ride ever, or fave ride rite now? Very hard to pick a single one but rite now Westside Mosey is on top for me...
tallcans4tallbikes02.10.14 - 10:24 pm