
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
Ask Sexy thread
Thread started by toweliesbong at 06.17.13 - 8:26 pm


Can we have both security and privacy? How wrong is the President when says we can't?

Eagerly anticipating your answer.




How do you keep your skin so soft, smooth, and fresh?

Will it work on me?


06.17.13 - 8:27 pm


What is a reasonable price to pay for butthole bleaching?

06.18.13 - 1:56 pm



Why do Armadillos make such great fluffers?

Ranger Brad

06.18.13 - 10:48 pm



How come my feets smell like pelican beaks?

Yeah, ummn...well.


06.18.13 - 11:11 pm


Hi Cathy

That is a great name.

Thanks for the question. Yes Cathy we can have both privacy and security. Actually I don't see how we could have one without the other. Let me give you a couple of examples. You really wouldn't have the privacy of changing your wardrobe or going to the bathroom without the security that restricts me from watching you while you're in the act. In the same vain I couldn't have security of say having a password without the security of me keeping that password private from you. You can only have privacy with security.

How wrong is the President when says we can't?

Cathy I'm no master of grammar nor do I have a great command of the English language (which you will see in my response to these question), yet I don't think there can be level of wrong. Wrong is a either or situation. You are either wrong or right. I would think it would be best to ask our president Joe Borfo that question. When President Joe is wrong he is right, and when he rights it only because someone else in the first family or TWBG say so.

I do think when you posed this question you might have been referring to the President of the Untied States Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II. He is a fine actor and does a entertaining job of playing the role of president. His wife was presenting at the latest annual awards ceremony of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. I think eventually President Obama will receive one of these awards for such a fine job he has done. He really makes people like what he does and approve the policy of the United States when, if they actually observed the policy(ies) they would be appalled by what it is(they are).

As for how wrong is the President when says we can't have both security and privacy? I don't know. I didn't hear him nor did I pay attention to such a distraction. I would suggest you do the same. Ignore the gibberish out of this man or anything that keeps you from focusing on things that matter. I think your smart enough to know the different between wrong and right. If the President of the United States says we can't have security and privacy, that to me say you better get people who live in your congress district together to visit your congressional representative to make enough of impact on that congress member to convince him/her that they pass laws and policies in congress to make sure we as a nation have both.

Remember when the Constitution of the United States was written, it was written to protect the people of these states from the government it was creating. Unfortunately these protection has been slowly eroded by this creation called the federal government and this entity continues to try to take away privacy and security from its masters.
You might have posed this question because of the recent attention of the NSA spying (recording and collecting) on all of the people living in the United States electronic communications. Does that keep us secure by invading our privacy? Lets remember that we never had any laws passed in our Congress and signed into law by the President making this legal or allowable for this/these agency to do this spying. Every employee and contracted employee, government representative elected or not elected who knew about this spying or participated in the spying is guilty of direct crimes or accomplices with these crimes. Unfortunately all of those who would prosecute these crimes or have the ability to call for special prosecutors for these crimes are complicit in them.

Here is a further read if your interested in some ways that this spying is used not only against you but other people around the world for the interest of people with lots of money in our country. Used to make more money for themselves. Global Research.CA The History of America’s Secret Wars: Corporate Espionage and the Outsourcing of National Security

06.18.13 - 11:34 pm


Greetings isawacoyote

You ask How do you keep your skin so soft, smooth, and fresh?
Will it work on me?

I drink plenty of water. One Gallon to one and half gallons per day. I get plenty of sleep. Cover my body in plenty of Coconut oil and my face in essential oils specifically for better elasticity retention and wrinkle prevention. I eat a diet which consist mostly of green leafy vegetables,chicken eggs and grass feed beef.

I also have a weakness for sugar which makes me over weight. Have you ever noticed fat people have softer and sometimes smoother skin? I do every time I look in the mirror. It because there is more fat deposits in the skin to make the skin look more plumb and therefore more smooth and soft. For freshness I shower and wash my body at least two times a day, sometimes three with fresh coats of coconut oil on my skin afterwards.

I have been drinking coffee from The Trystero. Even though coffee is said to be a Diuretic (excretion of water from bodies - which will result in dry skin) I find my skin to be looking better with each cup.
Unfortunately the other beverage that cyclist love BEER is said to be a diuretic and harmful to the body in many different ways beside premature aging of the skin. I would suggest to enjoy because it allows you to see other peoples in such a beautiful way.

Will it work on you? if your human I would say it wouldn't hurt. Give it a try. Remember to eat only things that you think are healthy or that you enjoy. Food choice are a very personnel matter. I have to admit that I come from a gene pool of people that have fabulous skin.

If your a coyote (as your name implies) I would suggest you maintain a diet of live game freshly killed. I would try to get the liver and heart first before others in your pack. This will insure of beautiful coat of fur. Stay away from processed food out of human garbage cans, especially in my neighborhood. Also please stop chasing are cyclist friends in Griffith Park, they mean no harm.

responding to a comment by toweliesbong
06.18.13 - 11:59 pm


ohh that smell

Here is a wink back at you Itswinkingatyou

You want to know
What is a reasonable price to pay for butthole bleaching?

The going rate at a spa or a salon is around $70. Not too bad if you don't want to do it yourself or for some reason you like strangers placing corrosive paste on your anal cavity. Remember to tip. 10 to 20% is a reasonable to sufficient tip.

If your game you might want to purchase some anal bleaching cream yourself which I have seen priced from $15 to $70 per container. You could do it yourself or have a anal bleaching party with some friends who want to bleach their pie hole or might be game to do it on you.

I know because of kaposi’s sarcoma in AIDS patients amyl nitrite aka POPPERS are harder to come by these days. I would put the idea out there that you may want to try to obtain some for all members of this possible bleach party. Who knows where that party could lead to.

If your dark skinned like our friend Mandingo I might also suggest you just bleach the hairs around the skin. I could give your butthole that look of a blonde surfer with dark roots. The look we all loved in the 90's. Think of the memory that could conger up. Plus it could give you a reason to take a break from all that waxing and/or shaving.

Have fun and remember to wash up before hand.

responding to a comment by mandingo
06.19.13 - 12:18 am


Ranger Brad ask Why do Armadillos make such great fluffers?

What are you trying to do; rehash an old bike gang war? There has been peace in NELA for many moons now. I suggest you contact the administrator of this site and ask him to remove your question and my response as soon as possible.


responding to a comment by toweliesbong
06.19.13 - 12:26 am


06.19.13 - 12:34 am


Hi Lefclaw

You ask How come my feets smell like pelican beaks?

I have to disclose that I'm not Podiatrist, Marine Biologist and/or an Olfaction expert.

The main cause of foot odor is sweat. I don't know your foot hygienic habits. I would have to know more about the daily routine of your feet to clearly answer. I would guess you don't allow enough air to come in contact with your feet. You might not keep them in a place that doesn't retard the allowance of excessive perspiration. An example of this would be wearing the same shoes over again day in day out.

I assume that you wash your feet daily and change your socks daily. If not that may be the cause.

I know you didn't ask but a podophilia might be someone that would compliment this situation.

As Lt Dan said in Forrest Gump "Take good care of your feet"

responding to a comment by TROY
06.19.13 - 12:57 am


Dear Mister Sexy,

Where's cry baby?

Joe Borfo
06.19.13 - 8:14 am



What happened to the Ovarian Psychos and the Brovarians? I really enjoyed reading those stupid threads.

p.s. Do you have any pix of brittanay ?

06.19.13 - 12:37 pm



Why are there only boys on this thread?


06.19.13 - 1:52 pm


Wait a minit. Butthole bleaching is a real thing?

responding to a comment by alicestrong
06.19.13 - 1:57 pm


meant to reply in general, not to u Alice

06.19.13 - 1:57 pm


Yes let's let Sexy reply to that one...;)

responding to a comment by tallcans4tallbikes
06.19.13 - 4:09 pm


sexy i have this friend, lets call him Andy T, and whenever he talks to me, he makes rude homophobic comments. sometimes when were together he likes to touch my thighs and comment about how strong they are.

when were on bike rides or at parties i can feel his piercing stare from across the room, and it feels like hes undressing me with his eyes. i think he has a big crush on me but im worried that if i tell him im not gay, itll break his heart and ruin our friendship. what should i do?

06.20.13 - 12:12 pm


Hi Sexy,

So i have a friend, lets call him Henry J. I know he's an undercover officer, maybe LAPD, and everyone around him knows that his cover has been blown. But he insists on trying to take notes on everyone and tries to speak into his shirt like no ones looking. What would be the best way to handle this narcs failed attempt to snitch on everyone around him. Also how does sexual harassment work in the LAPD and an officer. I have also seen him touch plenty of man butts and try to reach and grasp many penises. Please help me help this narc trapped in the closet.

Newfart Rave Nigan

06.20.13 - 1:14 pm


Hi Joe Borfo

cry baby is healthy response that comes out of all of us one time or another. cry baby is a reaction to somebody wining and bitching about something that really doesn't need to talk about. cry baby lets another who is complaining know that what they are crying about doesn't need to be. Some people verbalize the reaction, some write about out and other keep it in, yet cry baby is in all of us.

CryBaby is still looking for Daddy. Are you CryBaby's Daddy?

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
06.20.13 - 2:59 pm


Hi ubrayj02.

you ask What happened to the Ovarian Psychos and the Brovarians? I really enjoyed reading those stupid threads. .

Looking through the midnightridazz.com website I wasn't able to find anything regarding Ovarian Psychos or the Brovarians. You might want to post some links. I only saw a thread where someone suggested to another that they might want to hook up with and ride with the Ovarian Psychos.

I personally don't know of either of these groups (that is if the Brovarians are a group).

I see that last month bikeleague did a spot lite on the Ovarian Psycho which you can read here http://blog.bikeleague.org/blog/2013/05/where-the-ride-takes-us-ovarian-psycos-uniting-womyn-of-color/ .

You say that you enjoy reading the threads. You might probably also enjoy the dialogue it creates. I would suggest you bring them back by posting topics and discussions that are relevant to these groups. You always write post that are interesting and insightful to read.

You also want to know Do you have any pix of brittanay ?
No I don't. I really don't have any brittanay in my life where I would posses any pix of such person or anything that would be referred to as a noun. Yet you spelled brittanay with a lower case "b", so I'm actually not sure if brittanay is a person place or thing?

Thanks for the questions

responding to a comment by ubrayj02
06.20.13 - 3:26 pm


alicestrong sincerely wants to know
Why are there only boys on this thread?

alicestrong are you trying to tell us you are a boy? Or maybe you are trying to express interest into a time reversal gender reassignment?

I don't know why is was (up til your post) only boys are on this thread. My answer would only be speculation. I won't let that that stop me.

It might that be girls are too smart to even bother to Ask Sexy for advice. They might not feel I could offer them words and thoughts that would be of value to them, so they don't even bother. I know girls are usually smarter when it comes to situational problems when they have time to think it through themselves, so there would be no need to Ask Sexy.

responding to a comment by alicestrong
06.20.13 - 3:46 pm


Yes tallcans4tallbikes butthole bleaching is a real thing!

People since the beginning of time have altered their looks for various reason. It could be for protections, to camouflage (hide or blend into the environment around them) or as in this situation beautification. Some people perceive darken skin as more fertile, more stronger, and more beautiful so they may tan their skin. Other see lighter skin as more appealing so they engage in procedures or processes that lightening their skin. A famous pop singer/dancer/entertainer Michael Jackson received negative attention for lightening his skin.

Anal bleaching has become more prevalent because adult (sex) movie actors thinks it is more attractive to have moving or still pictures of their anal cavity in lighter then normal anal tones. This might be because it lessen the constant reminder that this is the area of the human body where a person defecates from. Because of this delusion it might make the cavity more attractive to potential lovers of the lighten cavity so that sexual activity may be more alluring and pleasing to the party performing the sexual act to said butthole.

Before negatively judging anybody who alters their looks let remember it is each individual person body to do what they want with their bodies. I always like to see and appreciate the beauty that may come out of any modifications humans or otherwise. If it doesn't work out so great, remember the person who body is modified probably realize this and have regrets about it. Remind them or talking about a not so great modification does nobody any good except to be cautious when possibly attempting such modification on themselves. Talking negatively about the not so good modification may also create depression from regret for the person who had the procedure. Lets take of each other out there!

responding to a comment by tallcans4tallbikes
06.20.13 - 4:17 pm


loagolaubbere | Keleanora | Prokbrert | IroffGlamma | BeelryRew | ThompsonIsabella | FoeselogSnoks | shaunhenry99 | googieschlot | VeLfsteeneNet | deksSkenobe | bondink | Kedfendyr | mighgrige | emilio9178 | Proombmow | alifengac | spoigobeite | fabregasgedrtyq | gerico564 | albyjessi22 | shawntait | SerryLepFrirm | Ethiptfregree | ovexDyedtorry | henry9958 | carolyn914 | extignIgnonse | Rawnnuads | MitOccath | santamonicsbb | invendagagcep | LeseearitsZek | PeterR | squartoonar | ericnael12 | swicrorce | unconnaLecy | protscoop | thompsondaisy | frankshawn98 | Gav | Jimtinman | princessthompson | BiniVexyreedy | neadnertagoro | Oblibeslica | newarkhouse | sexy | andres84 | adrian | alicestrong | paulromero818 | 7ifeBui7dCu7ture | kingsley969 | dozyqueuedy | ryanamethew | Ememnaxorbene | jmark81 | zersfeava

hey sexy. this is the most folks i've seen on this forum for a while. is it because of the "ask sexy" thread?

06.20.13 - 5:44 pm



I read on Wikipedia that "buttsexx" caused the 100 years war. Why did he'she start such a terrible war?

responding to a comment by statler
06.21.13 - 12:12 am


By far the most informative thread mr. sexy!
Will you be hosting a night on the ever so popular ”the rev show” anytime soon?
I think that would be a great idea.
thanx again,ciao:-)

06.21.13 - 9:01 am


newarhouse writes sexy i have this friend, lets call him Andy T, and whenever he talks to me, he makes rude homophobic comments. sometimes when were together he likes to touch my thighs and comment about how strong they are.

when were on bike rides or at parties i can feel his piercing stare from across the room, and it feels like hes undressing me with his eyes. i think he has a big crush on me but im worried that if i tell him im not gay, itll break his heart and ruin our friendship. what should i do?

Hey Newarkhouse.

I'm really feeling for you right now. I have been in the same situation and know how much it weighted on my heart.

This may feel like it is a harder situation then it really is to deal with.

Let me tell you about my own experience regarding this. I fortunately didn't have to deal with any homophobic comment or luring looks by the guy who was interested in me. He eventually let me know his feeling through a private email communication in a settle way. I didn't know what to do. I also was scared of losing his friendship. A confidant advised me just to ignore the advance and that my lack of response would let him know I wasn't interested in that type of relationship with him. My confidant reminded me how tough it is for a person to put out in the open that they have sexual feelings for someone else.

I was never worried about breaking this person's heart. I know that no matter how "in love" a person is with somebody that the "in love" person will always find other people attractive. Even though you are a hawt stud and your thighs cause all eyes to go instantly to them, your not the only hansome guy up high over two wheels. I'm sure your not the only one he thinks about getting together with in a sexual way. I think about the girls I had crushes on and about how I reacted when I found out they where not interested in me. Like most people it was momentarily crushing, yet that sinking feeling quickly faded away and I just saw that girl as another person. Knowing that the female wasn't interested in me, I let the feeling of attraction go. This may be the same for you and Andy T. as it is for most people.

My biggest worry was losing this person friendship. Since Andy T. is a friend of yours I'm sure he is reasonable enough to realize that the friendship you share is more then just sexual. It might be that the physical attraction grew from what you shared as friends. The experiences and all the things that your friendship includes can have a tendency to draw people closer. We are all much more likely to find people that we spend more time with attractive as we grow closer and see the beauty and wonderful qualities in the other person.

What to do? this is the tough part, that if you step back may not really be so tough after all. I can easily offer you advice as what not to do. I would suggest you stay away from any homophobic comments yourself. Not because it is unacceptable to your generation but because it could give him signals that you feel the same way as he does. As you know people with homosexual feeling may express homophobic thought because they may insecure about the sexual thoughts and feelings they have. If you make homophobic comments in the same vain as Andy T. you may be sending a signal that you are having the same conflicting sexual and emotional thoughts that Andy T. is most likely having, when you are obviously not.

There is many ways you could approach this or not approach this.

You could ignore his signals and most likely Andy will get the signal (from no response signals) that you are not interested. Andy may eventually let it be known with an action more then just undressing you with his eyes and touching your legs with comments of how strong they are and it will give you the opportunity to let him know you value the friendship you share him, yet you are not interested in him or any men for that matter in a sexual way. If it comes to that I would suggest you choose your words wisely and be careful to communicate with him in a way that doesn't degrade him, his sexual preferences or interest (I'm sure you realize this already but it doesn't hurt for someone to remind/say it or in this instance write it again). It may come to him touching you again and you blurt out without thinking that you are not interested in him and that could let Andy know you are not interested right there. I do think in time by the signals you give off (or don't give off) Andy T. will realize you are not interested. Crushes usually do have a limited life span with people that know and interact with each before they die on the vine. Unfortunately I only had the pleasure of meeting you Newark a few times and haven't spent much time with you or Andy T. to see what the energy that goes on between you two to give you a clear answer of what to do exactly.

My biggest hope is that Andy T. reads this forum. That he opens this thread up and sees the question you wrote and realize you're not interested and he lets it go and you both remain long time friends.

Regarding my friend this happened with. We remained friends and I see him from time to time, yet I think our friendship for the most part ran it's course. He never brought it up again, I never said anything about it or looked at him differently. I still think the world of him and appreciate the experiences and fun times we shared together. I do appreciate the courage and braveness it took for him to write that email. I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to push that send button.

Some may ask or say to you "Newark why not try it, how do you know you won't like" or "YOLO"?

In the back of my mind I always thought that I should experience a homosexual experience. What is my life if I don't "size the day" and try everything once? Yet I was never interested. One day I happened to be in a volunteer situation with a cute easy going cool guy who I had meant through a mutual friend. We where talking and he hit on me. I told him that I never had a guy on guy sexual experience or that I never had interest in a homosexual experience but I thought I should try something just to see if it was something I might like. He ask me if I was ever sexually attracted to men or had thought sexually about the male reproductive anatomy, I answered "NO I never ever had any sexual attraction to men in any way". He told me there was no reason why I should even attempt to try since I had no attraction. He knew it would never work, because I wasn't attracted to men. That made sense to me and that was the last I ever thought about it.

I know this doesn't answer exactly what to do. I hope hearing somebody else experiences with this situation eases your mind and give you some insight as to how you might handle this situation.

Ride on newharkhouse, Ride on!

ps I love the fake domain photos. Your photos bring back to life the situations they capture. Looking at them makes me feel like I was there.

responding to a comment by newarkhouse
06.21.13 - 9:30 am


Hi Newfart Raven Nigan (if that really is your name)

you write So i have a friend, lets call him Henry J. I know he's an undercover officer, maybe LAPD, and everyone around him knows that his cover has been blown. But he insists on trying to take notes on everyone and tries to speak into his shirt like no ones looking. What would be the best way to handle this narcs failed attempt to snitch on everyone around him. Also how does sexual harassment work in the LAPD and an officer. I have also seen him touch plenty of man butts and try to reach and grasp many penises. Please help me help this narc trapped in the closet.

This sounds like a recipe for potential F*U*N! Is Henry J the same person as Andy T. If not maybe you should talk to newarkhouse and Point out who Henry J is to him and he could introduce Henry J to Andy T. This thread has the potential to go from advice column to a gay hook up site. I think if love could be found through the interenet and friends, than why not. Just remember, like any set up Henry J and Andy T might not be attracted to each other, so don't be let down if playing cupid doesn't work out.

You say he takes notes? Does he have a note pad, an electronic tablet type device or is he filling out one of those white info cards the LAPD would fill out on us like when we where kids?

You say he speaks into his shirt. Does he have a name for his shirt? Maybe he has a little pet that he speaking to inside of his shirt?

If this narc has failed to snitch on everyone around him then I say that nothing needs to be handled. He is no threat in that area unless you want him to be successful with snitching on everybody? Maybe that has something to do with what you may be having to work on in your life as to why your parents called you Newfart?

I don't know for sure but I think sexual harassment works in the LAPD as it does anywhere else. Unwelcomed sexual advances that may or may not be tied to threats are the same everywhere. It might be a little more intense with all the guns, handcuffs, tasers and night sticks. I guess it would be worse with the possible threats of arrest. Fucking Cops!
LAPD Policy 272, 280 and 285 on sexual harassment

You say you have also seen him touch plenty of man butts and try to reach and grasp many penises. I have to ask if the men had issue with this? Some guys would appreciate the attention, if that is the case I don't see any harm. If it was unwelcoming ass and crotch grabbing, well than that is assault. If that is the case you may want to be a hero and report him. How to do this you may be wondering? Act interested in him sexually. Get Henry J in a compromising position that he will welcome. Proceed to pull is pants down and pull out his wallet to find out who Henry J and who he works for. Then report his assault charges to his supervisor and the DA's office. Assault under the cover of authority is a serious crime. Be careful, if his supervisor is free wielding rapist who likes to sexually assault the public, you may have a serious problem. The thin blue line thingie.

Understand that for a person in our society coming out of the closet can be a very serious issue that may be physiologically traumatic for the person if they are not ready. Only that person can decide when if ever they feel it is right to expose their sexuality and "come out" as it is called. If you want to help Henry J be who he is sexually, just accept him for who he is. It is not your place to help any homosexual come out, that is a personal choice that will be made when that person decides to come out and if they decide.

As for the assaults that is a different story. Henry J is freedom to swing his fist ends at the tip of my dick and bottom of my scrotum sack.

responding to a comment by andres84
06.21.13 - 10:31 am


Sexy likes buttsecs.

Joe Borfo
06.21.13 - 10:42 am


statler writes ---------->hey sexy. this is the most folks i've seen on this forum for a while. is it because of the "ask sexy" thread?

Hi statler

My ego would like think that all of those people are on this site for the AskSexy thread. In reality the majority of those people are on the site to sell us things that none of us are interested in like low cost designer hand bag replicas and drugs like Celia. Funny thing is that this advertisement work. Next time you go on a ride take notice of all the people carrying knock off bags trying to pull them off like they are the original. They be flossing with that Swap Meet Louie.

you can always report these spammers to the site administrator at toobusytrollingonfacebook2properlymanagemyownsite@midnightridazz.com

responding to a comment by statler
06.21.13 - 1:45 pm


ubray02 write
I read on Wikipedia that "buttsexx" caused the 100 years war. Why did he'she start such a terrible war?

"Why ubray02 would write something so lame I have no idea? You think he could havecome up with something better than that jr high gibberish!~
Hi ubray02

I checked with wikipedia and I saw no reference to buttsexx causing the 100 year war. Maybe you have a different internet than I do?

I could cut and paste what is written on my wikipedia page regarding the 100 year war to answer the question Why did he'she start such a terrible war? but my internet might not be right. I suggest you read the wikipedia page on your internet that writes about buttsexx causing the 100 year war to find the answer. You can also check with your college history professor who specialized in European history.

Good Luck!

responding to a comment by ubrayj02
06.21.13 - 2:55 pm


mandingo writes By far the most informative thread mr. sexy!
Will you be hosting a night on the ever so popular ”the rev show” anytime soon?
I think that would be a great idea.
thanx again,ciao:-)

Why thank you mandingo. I'm glad you find this thread informative.

You ask if I will be hosting a night on the ever so popular "the rev show" anytime soon?
and that you think it would be a great idea.

You would have to check with one or both of the rev's to see if they would have me as a guest. I was invited and co-hosted a show with Rev Dak last summer while Rev Mook was on vacation. I didn't realize the premise of the show was dialogue between the rev's, where I was invited to dialogue with the in house Rev. Unfortunately I diatribed through most the show and I think Rev Dak was exasperated by the whole ordeal. Sorry Rev Dak. I don't think they will be asking me back anytime soon, but you never know? Maybe with the approval of this thread by you mandingo they might see me in a different light?

to check the popularity of the show while it is being broadcasted you can always see the number of listeners streaming in during any killradio.org broadcast http://killradio.org:8000/ by clicking http://killradio.org:8000/

Firefox wouldn't let on this page (claimed it is malicious) yet me IE and my opera browser both let me on the page

responding to a comment by mandingo
06.21.13 - 3:10 pm


6 Million Listeners!

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by sexy
06.21.13 - 11:11 pm


mr. sexy,
you've been real good at illustrating the same-ness of the current administration and it's predecessor. could you possibly give us listeners a few examples of their diffrent-ness?
thanks in advance. p.s. is it a valid participatory effort to move your money from beneath the mattress to a hidden cigar box for todays action, or do you have to be involved with the banking system to participate? ,

06.22.13 - 10:50 pm


Sexy- I currently bank with CHASE. Which credit union should I switch to and why?

coe coe b

Coe coe buttaa
06.23.13 - 9:27 pm


6 years since joining this place and sexy still got it.

Hand clap from Eastern New Mexico.

06.24.13 - 12:24 am


06.25.13 - 9:53 pm


Thanks Mook.

I'm working on those last two questions.

responding to a comment by Mook
06.26.13 - 12:31 pm


Can we have both security and privacy?

I submit to you, user "toweliesbong," that you are asking the wrong question. The salient questions are, does anybody really WANT either total security or total privacy, and should they?

And that is the question that I hereby pose to Sexy.

Breathlessly awaiting your reply, I remain


06.28.13 - 3:21 am



06.30.13 - 11:00 pm


mr. sexy,
you've been real good at illustrating the same-ness of the current administration and it's predecessor. could you possibly give us listeners a few examples of their diffrent-ness?
thanks in advance. p.s. is it a valid participatory effort to move your money from beneath the mattress to a hidden cigar box for todays action, or do you have to be involved with the banking system to participate? ,

Thank you for the complement. You ask to give a few examples of the current administration and predecessors diffrences or say you say "differnt-ness". I asumee when you say administration you are talking about the United States of America's Office of President.

That is a great question. I had to do some heavy thinking on how to answer that question. I think most people would find it an easy question to answer and pointing out the sameness for most would be difficult, yet it the opposite for me.
I'll have to admit you really stumped me on this one. It has been over a week. I have written, re-written and re-thought the answer over many times. I have to let the defeat stand hang my head low and tell you I really can't answer it. I have to move on. If for some reason I come up with a an answer I'll get back to you on it.

statler also ask

is it a valid participatory effort to move your money from beneath the mattress to a hidden cigar box for todays action, or do you have to be involved with the banking system to participate? ,

The Move Your Money campaign is more about moving your money out of predatory banking institutions to local institutions that will financially service and benefit your community. So no statler it is not in line with the campaign to move your money from one hiding spot to the next. Although that is funny.

Take precautions if you store your money out of an FDIC insured institution. If you store your money or other valuables at a safe place such as your home don't keep it all under the mattress or in the cigar box. I would encourage you to be like a squirrel and store all your valuable in multiple locations. In case you get robbed there will be less of a chance of the would be thief will find all of your valuables if you have them in different locations. Use your imagination in finding creative and difficult to detect hiding spots. There are many internet articles on creative places to store your valuable that you or a thief would never think of. Also consider a fire proof box or safe. Paper burns real easy, so you would want to protect it from that unlikely chance of a fire. Just remember all the place you store it so you don't lose it. When you forget about it and then find it later it certainly will be a treat for you statler.

responding to a comment by statler
07.1.13 - 1:50 am


coe coe b writes
Sexy- I currently bank with CHASE. Which credit union should I switch to and why?

coe coe b

Hi Coe coe buttaa

It so nice to hear from you. Sorry I took so long to get back to you.
Wow CHASE! That is one of the biggie on the list of the tapeworm 20 banks. So much history with that enterprise. I would love to talk about it's past and present dealings of Chase but that would just be too overwhelming. I will provide a few links and facts about Chase.

It was JP Morgan(founder of Chase bank) himself who lead the creation of the US's private government Central Bank (yup that right - passed into law by congress, board of directors appointed by the President of the USA and privately owned by it member bank shareholders) The Federal Reserve. The central bank that dictates markets and controls our countries money supply. Morgan and his co-conspirators did this to control the nation's money supply. Think of the power that one posses if they control the world reserve currency.

I'll provide you with a few links of CHASE's current day parasitic actions that may make you really want to stay away from them.

one of Chase's economically deadly swap deals.

Chase profits off 23 states food stamp programs and offshores the customer service jobs to India

McDonalds forces employees to take pay with Chase fee ridden debit cards. Violating Pennsylvania state labor law

Chase found by FERC manipulating power market trading in California and Michigan ---------- A time line and the latest on this energy trading manipulation

California Attorney General sues CHASE for illegal debt collections

For the financial super nerdy. The US Senate Subcommittee investigation on JP MORGAN CHASE Whale Trade: Case history of it's derivative risk and abuses

Let us not forget what inspired the move your money day from the big predator banks. JP Morgan Chase involvement in the creation and selling of credit derivative while successfully circumventing regulatory capital requirements. This played a major role in the financial crisis of 2008.

If you click on only one of these links regarding Chase this is the one. ----> SEIU's profile of CHASE 2008-2009: bailout amount, profits, fees, high executive salary and bonuses, low Bank Teller salary, negative tax liability, story of it role in subprime crisis, etc
There are plenty more examples of CHASE's predatory ways.
A large book could be written and probably should be written about CHASE's sordid history .

Looking at its history I will share two links that not much talked about :

One that I found most fascinating and entertaining is about the sinking of the Titanic The Titanic was sunk on purpose.

For those of you that find the US government's conspiracy theory on what happen on 9/11 questionable and have dived into studying what might have happened on 9/11 you will find this link real interesting and may make you say "hmmm" Wall Street Bombing 1920. There are plenty of more links to this particular story if you're interested in reading about it.

On to finding a good financial banking instituion coe coe b.

A credit union is a good choice but not the only one. Some local banks are ran well and serves it's community better than some credit union. Of course like any business you need to judge them independently and for your purpose(s).
Which one all depend on your needs and why you would even park your money at a banking institution and what they can do for you?
Remember banks and credit unions are business that are designed to make a profit (not really credit unions but they need to stay solvent and operate in the black in order to service it's members). They use your money to make more money. When choosing an institution decide what services you need and desire; what are those services that they offer you for using your money. Do you write so many checks per month that they will cover, do you use the ATM (what fees are involved, what kind network do they offer), are you parking money that you will want an higher long term interest rate, do you need to deposit and withdrawal large amount of cash. These are just some examples of why you may want the services of a retail bank or credit union.

I would suggest you start looking in your own neighborhood. Find a branch that is convenient for your needs. I talked to guy who moved his money a couple of years of ago and found a branch that he uses five miles from his home to be so inconvenient (but that is his fault for choosing an institution so inconvenient). Los Angeles is big city with so many financial institutions. (When you go through the links below you won't believe how many there are)

Here are two links to help you find an institution:

Find a credit union that is right for you

Community bank locator

After you find some geographically convenient institutions. You can call up their website and see what service that you want, see what they offer and what kind of fees they try to get from you for depositing your money at their institution. I would suggest you stay away from any place that has ridiculous unjustifiable fees. Some such as insufficient funds are reasonable for small amounts, but if they are too high then cross them off your list and move on to the next institution. Real cost to the bank of a bounced check VS. What fees banks are charging for bounced checks

I talked to somebody that said they bank with CHASE and where being charged $15 per month just for having the account. That is $120 a year. Which over ten years would be $1200. That is real money. Many retirees live off of less than $1200 a month. Those fee add up to real money which you could be socking away for your future.

I remember somebody on this website said they banked at chase because of the free ATM fee's. I have read and heard say this many times. But CHASE does nail customers for ATM fees up to $3.75 per transaction. Many banks and credit unions belong to networks like CO-OP, Star, and Cirrus which won't fee you to death for ATM withdrawals at other institutions. In other word zero fee's for ATM use. Check with each institution to see their policy on this.

A short paragraph read on CHASE's other hidden fees

There are other ridiculous fees that institutions charge that you might want to read about to familiarize yourself with the possibilities.

After you gone through some institution that look good to you click on http://www.bankrate.com/rates/safe-sound/ssPromo.aspx To check the ratings on those that you found. You can also use the feature found towards the bottom of this page (look for) "If you are searching for an institution by its geographic headquarters click here for the advanced search" to search for institutions in your area that will not only list the institutions but also list each institution's rating. Remember to read the "memo" and "financial statement" of the institutions that interest you. I would use this before using the other two sites to find institutions. I found it to be a good starting point. I just wanted to share the other two resources with you first.

Here is another bank evaluatorWeiss Ratings - Evaluate Your Bank's Financial Strength with Weiss Ratings/
I found these sites to be temperamental so play with the options to get the results you are looking for

Now you narrowed it down even more. Time to pay a visit to the branch and decide if it is right for you. Time for you Coe coe Buttaa to interview your future financial institution. Walk on in. What is the feel of the place? Do you like the way the employees are acting and how they are treating you? This is an important reflection of the institution as a whole. If they are not treating there lowest employees well why would they treat you or your money well. Why would you want to allow your money to be used by an institution that doesn't take care of it's employees. Tell them that you are interested in opening an account and want to talk a representative. See if they bring out a manager to talk with you or if they just hand you a application. If they just hand you an application, ask for a manager or representative and judge there attitude towards you after asking for the manger. Do they get huffy or are they happy to help? If they react negatively to any of this consider marking them off the list. Tell the manager what you are looking for and tell them what you don't want in your prospective banking institution. Find out what kind of attitude they have with forgiveness for little things like you had an occasional lapse and had an overdrawn balance and if they would be willing to forgo the fees if it happen say once in a two or five year period.

I had a problem with one institution that would only allow me to withdrawal $2500 cash per day. You would want to ask what their policy is in regards to how much cash you can withdrawal a day. You might want to ask if you had $50,000 dollars in your account and you wanted to withdraw $45,000 cash one day, how would they handle it. If they limit the amount you can take out daily I would stay away. If it is a large amount and they need you to let them know so that they can have the money delivered to the branch you want to pick it up from that is understandable. Many of these institutions do overnight lending and don't want you to be taking out too much money at once. Ask if they do over night lending to other institutions? Others have such a low rate of equity or cash on hand that they don't have it available and want to discourage you from withdrawing your own money. These are bad signs.
Check to see if they charge you a fee if you don't hold a minimum amount in your account. A small minimum such as $25 is understandable. If it is something like $1500 or they charge you a monthly fee you might want to consider looking else where.

You never know where your financial life is going to take you. You want to use an institution that will treat with you respect if you end up striking it rich or going broke. If they treat the customer with respect they will more likely be inclined to treat your money with respect.

Most credit unions require you to buy a share in the union. I know the one I currently bank with charged $5 for the share (I did join in 1987 so the shares may be more expensive now). It is usually nonrefundable. This is normal.

I would also ask to see if a customer takes a loan from them if they hold the loan or sell it to another institution? If yes, this loan will be sold to another institution that may be securitized in a Special Purpose Vehicle, that sell bonds created from the SPV to investors. This is a bad sign especially if they do it with car or personal loans. Many places do it with home loans. This is somewhat understandable in today's business climate. By doing this it takes the risk out of the institution and pass it on to investors (this was the root cause of the financial crisis of 2008). Institutions then will act as just the server of the loan and be inclined to do things like, "say you are late when your not to get you to pay more fee's" which is profitable to them. They won't hold the loan so it doesn't matter to them if you pay it. It is actually better for them if they don't hold the loan and you don't pay so they can add on more fees to charge you . If this happens they may withdrawal the money from your account per your contract you may have signed with them to obtain the loan. As a customer you may want to discourage institutions from this practice by withholding your business from them.

You may want to ask and find out how much equity or cash reserve the institution holds? It is unfortunately around 3% for most bank. Some claim 6% while an audit by the bank will show in reality it is 3%. If goes under 2% it is usually the sign of big problems to come for that bank. I think it should be 20-30%. This may be overwhelming to learn and understand but I wanted to share it with you. You can go more in depth on this subject at EconTalk Here is a not so overwhelming article on the subject Bloomberg, Why Higher Bank Equity Is In The Public Interest

Those are just some examples of things to ask. You will get a feel of the place by just meeting with the manager or a representative for a short time.

Before signing any agreement or contracts to be a member of an institution read and understand what you are signing. You may be signing your rights away to sue if they rob you of your money or have some sort of disagreement. This is usually done with you agreeing to use a mediator of the institutions choosing paid for by you. Yes this happens and it is legal. You may also be agreeing to fees in which you didn't ask about or they didn't tell you about. By signing a document you agree to it and are bound by it, unless of course it is found to be illegal. READ READ READ before you sign anything. . People sign and agree to contracts and they don't even know what they signed or what they agreed to. Read and understand what you are signing before you sign it. If you don't understand it, take it home and read it with a friend who does. If they won't let you take the agreement home to read then don't do business with them.

You can also ask friends and colleagues for recommendation as to where to bank. Don't bank at an institution just because a friend said so. Do your due diligence and find out for yourself if the institution is worthy of your money.

I strongly recommended you read Solari's "How To Find And Evaluate a Local Bank" before doing any of this. It goes over some of what I said but the article covers so much more. It is a short read but has valuable insight and raises certain questions that you may want to ask of your next finacial instituion. PLEASE READ IT!

Here is some other valuable resources you may want to browse that Solari provides called "Bank Intimate. Are You Still With A Corporate Bank.

You may want to find out what will happen when you go to close your CHASE account. They may add some fees. I would ask the bank how to do this and ask around to see how this worked out for other people. I have read Chase will reopen an account if they recieve an automatic deposit. Make sure any money you have coming to the CHASE account electronically is cancelled from going to that CHASE account and/or is directed electronically to the new institution. I have also read that CHASE may charge you for a wire transfer to your new account or for a certified check. You may want to open you new account before closing your CHASE account, write yourself a check from your CHASE account into you new account to transfer the funds. You may also just try to withdrawal the cash and redeposit in your new account. Use options that work best for you. Do try to avoid any extra fees. Here is the Chase account closing form Here is a short ehow article on how to close your chase account Ask for a final transaction statement for the account you are closing.

Hypothetically speaking...........Chase will most likely try to talk you out of closing your account with them. From what I have been reading it seems almost impossible to bank with CHASE and not get hit with fees. It they have charged you any fees in the past, see if you can get them to refund all the fees per you agreeing to stay with them. If this (by some cold day in hell chance) happens you may have keep the account open for 90 to 180 days before you can close it without more fees being added. If this is the case just keep the minimum (they may want you to keep a minimum amount in the account or they may charge you more fees) til the time period that they required is completed. When the minimum time period is over then close the account. Of course still get the other account open at a different institution. . Or you could do like my angel personality would do and tell them "NO thank you" and wish them a good day or do as my confrontation personality would do and tell them they are better than that to decide to work for an evil institution like CHASE.

You may also want to ask the institutions you are interviewing about closing your account if you ever decide to leave that institution. How to go about it and how to avoid any problems in the future such as them reopening the account without your permission or how they would handle that situation if it happened with their institution. How to avoid any extra cost when closing that account.

{ FYI I have read the $150 reward offer for opening a CHASE account that they consistently send in the mail. The terms from my memory are to keep a minimum amount of money (the amount I don't remember), have a direct deposit going to the account and use the debit card for retail purchases at least three times in three different places in a three month period. Keep the account open either 90 or 180 days after all of that I would get the $150 deposited into the account.}

Remember if for some reason this new institution you choose doesn't work out, you can always find another institution and move your money again.

Another bit of advice you didn't ask for is to resist going paperless. It is a smart idea to keep hard copies of all your financial records. Anything can happen to electronically held records like your computer or electronic storage device being wiped out or the statements/record mysteriously disappearing or changed while in the cloud. You never know. Better to be safe than sorry.

Coe coe buttaa, this may seem like a really large and daunting task that you may not want to do. You may have wanted me to give you three institutions to choose from. I know you and everybody reading this is much smarter than me and you will each do a better job choosing the right institution for yourself than I could ever do. This is a personal choice based on where you live and what you individually need and want from your banking institution. This is a great opportunity for you to empower yourself by getting to know and learn about what are the different institutions that are available to you, your friends and family. It may seem scary to do this, especially going to interview the institutions, but it is really not that much work. It will never be as much work as put into earning the money that you posses. Take great care with your money and make sure the place you put it in isn't going to rob you of it.

If everybody took the time to really know where they are banking we might not need the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure our deposits. As it is now people can park their money at any institution that is covered by FDIC insurance and not worry about it up to $250,000. We should all be more diligent about where we place and spend our money. If we didn't have FDIC insurance I'm sure people would be asking all sort of questions and talking with their neighbors about what is a trustworthy financial institution to bank with. When a bank fails and the FDIC has to cover the deposit it is paid for by all members of FDIC banks who contributed to the insurance fund, if that runs out expect Congress to lay the cost on all of us collectively. Cool that certain people like bankers can mistake and everybody else has to bail them out, real cool.

If you have any more questions about this subject , please post it up. I would be happy to answer them. If the question is too personal and yes money is a personal affair feel free to ask me in person or drop me a line.

responding to a comment by Coe coe buttaa
07.4.13 - 9:20 pm


hey sexy. this one should be quick.
what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

07.5.13 - 3:26 pm


why is raw milk dangerous to the public?

07.5.13 - 6:19 pm


jonnypacific ask......
what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

this all depends on the continent of origin of the unladen swallow?

responding to a comment by jonnypacific
07.5.13 - 6:34 pm



responding to a comment by sexy
07.5.13 - 7:36 pm


Dear Sexy

Why am I always bored?

07.5.13 - 8:57 pm


Are we wearing Sexy out?

Yes, that is a question for Sexy to answer in the "Ask Sexy thread" thread. But not until he has answered my other question for Sexy in the "Ask Sexy thread" thread. Which is why I ask the question.

07.6.13 - 12:35 am


sexy doesn't wear out, he acquires a majestic patina.

responding to a comment by PC
07.6.13 - 12:28 pm


Can you please tell us how many times experienced visible disappointment upon somebody learning that you awesome Sexyness emanates from a consciousness attached contained in a male identified body.

I know this harkens back to a time when people on rides were actually interested in meeting people on forums and visa-versa ... but please indulge us nonetheless.

07.8.13 - 12:34 pm


This time in English ...

Dear Sexy,

Can you please tell us how many times you have experienced visible disappointment; upon somebody learning that your awesome Sexyness emanates from a consciousness that is hosted in a male identified body.

I know this harkens back to a time when people on rides were actually interested in meeting people from the forums and visa-versa ... but please indulge us nonetheless.

07.8.13 - 12:37 pm


Because you live in Portland.

responding to a comment by rayrayray
07.12.13 - 6:51 pm



10.13.13 - 6:45 pm


YES! more sex-y!

(this whole thread had me giggling my ass off at work.)

responding to a comment by statler
10.14.13 - 2:24 pm


what are you looking for? comedy or seriousness or a mixture of both?

10.15.13 - 3:31 pm


PC asked
Can we have both security and privacy?

I submit to you, user "toweliesbong," that you are asking the wrong question. The salient questions are, does anybody really WANT either total security or total privacy, and should they?

And that is the question that I hereby pose to Sexy.

Breathlessly awaiting your reply, I remain


Take a breath my man. It is not healthy to hold your breath for too long. Your body need oxygen to function properly. If you did hold your breath for more than 22 minutes? Congratulations you have broken the world record. You might want to get a hold of Guinness let them know and claim your free beer.

You really had me with this one. I wrote and re-wrote it, thought out it, re-wrote it a few more times and then decided to take the summer off. It is still not perfect, yet it is far past time that I answer your question

The formation of your question is saying that Cathy (as you call towliesbong) doesn't know how to ask a question. How dare you tell anybody that their question is wrong! People are where they are at in the path of life of their ability to ask question clearly and coherently. Before you ask or try to make the point with the long held myth of coffee brewers being unable to form a question; I'll tell you right here and now a career in coffee brewing does not make a person less mentally capable than a person with any other career. Don't let the empirical evidence fool you.

The second part of your question expects me to know what anybody really WANT? This exhibits extreme hubris on your part PC. Cathy ask the question the way in which Cathy wanted to ask it. How I can say what anybody really wants would require me to speak for "anybody" in which I can't. I can only speak for Sexy. PC can only speak for PC and not for Cathy . There really is no wrong or right way to communicate an inquiry. If the person who is being asked understand what the person asking wants to know, that form the basis for understanding what the person asking the question is inquiring about.

I will answer your question of "does anybody WANT either total security or total privacy and should they" in the a way that I interpret the world. This doesn't make my answer true or untrue, it is just my interpretation of how I think the majority of people view the desire for total security or total privacy.

Let me thank you for the question PC it does take the conversation into a different direction than how Cathy formed their question.

I will answer this question in regards to the country we both live in, the United States of America (USA). Reflecting on the many years I have lived here.

I don't think this is a question that many people ponder. People for the most part behave in an “automatic response based” behavior that is learned or taught . Previous experiences that changes a person behavior if that experience has had a impact for it to be life changing. Example, most people know to lock their bike for security of theft from having learned of the possibility of somebody running off with it if it is not secured. A person will take more extreme measure of properly securing their bicycle after they have been either victimized or know somebody or heard or read about somebody who has. In such instances: as the bike was not taken, but the front wheel or the seat or the accessory, such as a tail or head light was taken. The person will then include locking both of the wheels and seat . They will also remove accessory that can be easily taken off the bicycle such as a light or a computer.

We are all also "hardwired" to behave in certain ways to respect peoples privacy that keeps a person secure from another person or face repercussion. We know not to take another persons property because it is a violation and we will face a unpleasant result from that person or society as a whole in forms of mental humiliation and/or physical restraint or harm. This applies to violating a person privacy or violating a person security. Men know it is not socially acceptable to pinch a random girls ass in a bar. This action violates a girl's security to be free from unwanted intrusion of her body and the man's action may result in physical force used against him in retaliation for such behavior such as: retaliation from the girl with a slap across the face, a verbal reprimanding, removal from the bars by management or patron, or worse a physical altercation with another man in the bar, and general scorn of disapproval from the community of the bar as a whole. A man who may do this already knows that this is wrong and may be testing the boundaries of society standards in this certain time and place of what they can get away with. Depending on the attitude of the girl and the patrons the results may be just to be ignored, to give a dirty look, or may result in what I previously mentioned and possibly more extreme reactions.

People also respect the securness of another person and another persons privacy not because they can't get away with violating someone else security or privacy but because they not only know it is wrong and don't do such acts. They also know they don't want to live in a world where they don't need to have to worry about someone else violating their security or privacy.

What I'm trying to say is that people know to their own level of knowledge the difference between right and wrong. Some have better understanding than other of what it means to respect someone else privacy. Such as in relationships when a lover or spouse may feel there are certain levels of privacy they can invade with a person that they share intimate moments with. The person invading the lovers privacy wouldn't do this to a friend or a neighbor. Yet they see a justification to invade a lovers privacy to make sure the other person is staying true to a verbal agreement of staying monogamous to one another. A person with a better understanding of what it means to respect another person privacy knows not invade their lovers privacy even if they have a strong suspicion and evidence that the other person isn't being monogamous. That violating their lovers privacy will cause more harm to the relationship and is violating the other person right to keep certain communications that they choose not disclose private.

Talking about security and privacy together and do people expect that? People in this country know that it is wrong to listen in and invade the neighbor's business. A neighbor business is and remains that neighbor's business until they do something to effect someone else life in way that violates the right of the other person therefore causing the other person harm. Until then we all know to respect the neighbors privacy, until they do something to effect us.

If this is involving a person communications. Let us remember that you cannot really commit a crime through a phone call or electronic communication. Well unfortunately you can commit a federal crime. It is the one federal crime where the majority of federal criminal convictions are for this crime. Many people don't know about this and if they did they would be up in arms of the ridiculousness that our Federal law enforcement agencies pays informants or reduces charges of someone facing trial of federal charges being brought upon them if they can get an to get another person to commit this crime. This crime is called conspiracy. You don't have to do anything that will harm another person. What you have to do is get the person to say they are planning to do a said crime. It is easy for the Federal prosecutor to get a conviction for this crimes against a defendant so most defense attorneys will strong suggest that you plea guilty in hopes for a lighter sentence. They average Federal prison sentence is 9.8 years.

Can you commit a crime through communication. No you can't. You may be able to plan something but it is rare that a person can harm somebody through a phone call or written communication.

If it is the case that a federal law enforcement agent has suspicion that a suspect is planning to do harm to the public there are path in which the agent can get a search warrant to listen in or read a suspects communications. There is no legitimate reason for a blanket ability for law enforcement or government intelligence(sic') snops to gather everybody communication and store it for future usage against a person. This is not providing security, this is creating a data base of information on people that are not suspected of committing or planning a crime. This goes against a general tenants of the founding of the United States to be free and secure in your home and with your communications with others.

Therefore you cannot have the security of having your privacy if you have some agency recording your every communications. We have no security if everything you say and do is being recorded to be possibly used against a person in the future. This may cause a person to not freely express themselves and hinder a person ability to associate freely with another person, both of which are rights which where written as a per-emble to limit the power of the government being created. As to protect the people from this government that was formed to serve the people, and not to be a predator against the people it was created to serve.

Let me remind the readers that this question was presented during the time Edward Snowden exposed through major media reporting that the National Security Agency of the United States was and is spying on citizens of the USA that reside on USA soil. This was and is illegal per United States code. More importantly considered wrong and far beyond the desire of the majority of the people of the USA of how far a government agency can go in looking into a persons communications in the name of security in and for the United States.

After all of that, why don't you answer your question PC. I not only give you permission to answer your own question of this specific thread, I invite you to do so.

responding to a comment by PC
10.15.13 - 5:03 pm


Yo sexy,
Didn't really care to read the last response,but have a ?...
My skinny Jeans are fittin a bit too tight.does it mean im getting close to my 40s ,or is it just a sign of not riding enough?
Sausagecasingly awating your response,
El mandingo

10.16.13 - 12:15 am


El mandingo says his skinny Jeans are fittin a bit too tight and wants to know if it is because he is getting close to his 40's or is it just a sign of not riding enough. He also said he didn't read the last response.

Hi mandingo,

I'm glad you didn't read the last response. It wasn't meant for you. Thanks for respecting the privacy of PC and I.
I'll put this in bold letters to get to the point so I don't cause you to have to read too much.
Put the beer down, and stop eating out so much.

Although growing older and being less active may effect a persons metabolism. Nothing puts on the pounds like sugar. Yes your body produces excess insulin from all the simple sugars that you put into your body and don't burn off right away. When that happens the insulin has nothing to do and turns to fat. I won't bore you with the technical.
If you are interested check this video out

Riding your bike doesn't really matter when it comes to losing weight, but it sure can be fun.

Whoever said "eat out more often" was not only a restaurant owner, but the local tailor who made extra money by loosening the waist line on your pants. Or he could have been a pervert with a certain inclination toward ........ NEVER MIND

responding to a comment by mandingo
10.16.13 - 12:51 am


Roadblock asked

why is raw milk dangerous to the public?

Hi Roadblock,

Is that a statement or a question? The way you phrased that question concludes that raw milk is dangerous to the public. So can I conclude that it is safe for the private individual? Yes I know, that makes no sense either.

There is nothing dangerous about raw milk. In fact it is actually more healthy and nutritious since none of the enzymes have been killed. Pasteurization; reduces the amount of manganese, copper, and iron, destroys a substantial amount of its vitamin C, and impairs the bioactivity of vitamin B6 in milk. 4 out of 5 people that are lactose intolerant do not have the same negative reactions to raw milk.

The US Center for Disease Control, US Food and Drug administration, and it's media organ pieces claim that drinking raw milk puts a person at a higher risk than pasteurized milk. If you take a look at actual data, you will find illness from raw milk to be rare. Although it does happen, it happens with a variety of other foods that are regulated by the US gov't, with produce being the highest offender of food borne illness and milk being the lowest. If you want to see the worse case hyped up scenarios from drinking raw milk look no further than http://www.realrawmilkfacts.com/real-life-stories. The number of food borne illness from pasteurized milk if far greater than from raw milk.

Usually milk related illness are from poor health standards from the cows and poor hygienic practices from the milking area where cows are milked from and the cows. Now ask yourself, who do you think has better standards and care for the animals. A feed lot that produces cow for mass milking, or an independent farmer that has a small amount of cattle and sells it product on a much smaller scale? Big dairy's never sell raw milk, it only comes from small dairy's. Consumers of raw milk don't want just raw milk, they want it from grass feed cows. Grass feed cattle can only take place on a small economics of scale operations compared to a factory feed lot.

I could provide you with more link like I have done in the past, but why bother (just like you never read the links and documentation I provided you in the past) you would never read the ones I could provide now.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.16.13 - 1:52 am


Good morning all.


I decided today I'm doing as little actual work as possible and the best way to kill time would be to read old MR threads.

Do you have any recommendations for good lulz?

the death of my productivity awaits your reply.

responding to a comment by sexy
10.16.13 - 10:33 am


yes, go search by user: brittany

responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.16.13 - 12:17 pm


KeepinEtNorma made the wise choice to do as little actual work as possible and decided the best way to kill time would be to read old MR threadz. She asked me for recommendations.

Hi KeepinEtNorma

Great choice in deciding how to spend your day. If people did what they wanted instead of what they thought they should do, the world would be a place with many more happier people. Thank you for leading by example.

Instead of answering your question here I created a new thread so that others can chime in. I really don't have the time or answer right now, but I provided a few that might be fun.

Check out Classic Threads

responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.16.13 - 4:07 pm


"Great choice in deciding how to spend your day. If people did what they wanted instead of what they thought they should do, the world would be a place with many more happier people. Thank you for leading by example."

i do what I can. I just spent the last hour searching for Borfo threads. I probably did five minutes of actual work.

also, I have another question: how does one get "El Sonidito" out of one's head? I woke up with it in my head this morning. :(

responding to a comment by sexy
10.17.13 - 10:30 am


KeepinEtNorma wants to knowhow does one get "El Sonidito" out of one's head? I woke up with it in my head this morning. :(

Hello again KeepinEtNorma

Why the sad face? Nothing has brought more smiles to faces like El Sonditio. Sometimes people are going through things and don't realize what a joy it is bringing to their lives until it is over. Don't miss out of this special moment in your life by trying to get rid of it. Relationships, friendships, diseases and song all have there place in a persons life. For better or for worse they all have beginning middles and endings. Just like a bad flu, El Sondito will eventually play itself out in your head. My suggestion is keep playing it over and over until it does play itself out. If you play it out loud you may keep this bug call El Sonidito alive by it touching other people. As Huey P. Long said "Share the Wealth"

responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.17.13 - 12:30 pm


Jesus effin Christ, I could have let my breath out three days ago!

10.18.13 - 2:20 pm


Glad your still alive PC

responding to a comment by PC
10.18.13 - 6:58 pm


I got big lungs, Sexy my boy. The better to store all the hot air and such.

The question you put to me in your belated response is a thought-provoking one, and I shall have to ruminate upon it for a good while before tendering my response. How long can YOU hold your breath, champ?

responding to a comment by sexy
10.19.13 - 3:10 am


P.S. Dingo, you're fine. It's just that pants do this thing called "shrinking" when you wash them. Eat hearty, continue to age normally, and don't ride unless you feel like it. Bon appetit and gesundheit!

10.19.13 - 3:14 am


Get yer own damn thread, bucko,

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by PC
10.19.13 - 9:24 am


Aside from answering question that where meant for me, PC wants to know how long I can hold my breathe.

Hello again PC,

I can hold my breath for approximately 23 seconds. I know not very impressive. I was designed to breathe in and out, if not I die. I wouldn't want that.

10.19.13 - 11:17 am


I can hold mine for 38 seconds!

responding to a comment by sexy
10.21.13 - 1:34 pm


What is the real reason that they add fluoride to our drinking water (including bottled most water)??

responding to a comment by sexy
10.23.13 - 1:00 am


you guys are weak sauce. i can hold my breath for a minute and one second.

10.23.13 - 8:35 am


Do you think being circumcised has more benefits than drawbacks?

10.23.13 - 7:47 pm


How the hell am I just finding out about this illustrious thread? You should be on PBS.

"If your a coyote (as your name implies) I would suggest you maintain a diet of live game freshly killed. I would try to get the liver and heart first before others in your pack. This will insure of beautiful coat of fur. Stay away from processed food out of human garbage cans, especially in my neighborhood. Also please stop chasing are cyclist friends in Griffith Park, they mean no harm."

Made me laugh pretty hard..

10.24.13 - 5:00 pm


Dear Sexy Love,

What ever became of the Peter Pan Playgroup?

Joe Borfo
10.24.13 - 8:09 pm


It was taken over by Bigsexxy!!! ha

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.24.13 - 11:42 pm


Trickmilla writes

Can you please tell us how many times experienced visible disappointment upon somebody learning that you awesome Sexyness emanates from a consciousness attached contained in a male identified body.

I know this harkens back to a time when people on rides were actually interested in meeting people on forums and visa-verse ... but please indulge us nonetheless.

As usually trickmillia you have perfect command of the English language. And create an art piece with the words you string together.

That is a great a question. The reality is that I never once experienced a disappointment as you so elegantly describe in the words above.

Just as you write in your second paragraph, I actually introduce myself to all fellow ridazz as Sexy. Yet it isn't like in the old days when people frequented this forum and knew of the writings of the different contributors on the forum and than when meeting the person would be able to place the name on the forum with the person on the bicycle. I do this so that other people will know who you are talking about if my name comes up with other ridazz, maybe they saw me on the forum or will see my writings in the future and because it is my name in this community. I will tell you that it is not disappointment that I experience, it is a disbelief or down right getting offended when I introduce myself to people on rides as Sexy.

People really have a hard time accepting an adjective being used as a proper noun.

Maybe the visible disappointment is something that I never saw but you did. If so please tell me about it. I would love to read about it.

responding to a comment by trickmilla
10.25.13 - 12:23 am


ROTY4ever Joe Borfo wants to know whatever became of PPBPG.

The guy in the picture ate too many chips and could fly because he became too overweight.

You know what happen. A great man refereed to as Uncle Nick to this community was a priority over forming an official play group. Don't make me cry.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.25.13 - 12:28 am


cypers back

10.25.13 - 12:54 am


ROTY4ever Joe Borfo wants to know whatever became of PPBPG.

The guy in the picture ate too many chips and couldn't fly because he became too overweight.

You know what happen. A great man known as Uncle Nick to this community was a priority over forming an official play group. Don't make me cry.

10.25.13 - 12:55 am


Rayrayray wants to know why he is always bored? Towliesbong answered it for me.

Its been a long time Ray Ray Ray.

Of course you are bored. Leaving one of the greatest cities on earth to live in a rain forest. What do you think you are a Nutria?

You may experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This can easily occur when someone moves from a sunny climate to a rainy area. You may be mistaken this for boredom. Why do you think that places like Portland, Seattle and Alaska have people that smoke so much pot or over drink, it is how they deal with living in such depressing weather. In LA people over indulge because it is fun not because life sucks. Of course there will be people in Los Angeles who say they love the rain and the snow and the changing of the season. That is because they don't have to live in it. Nobody loves having to stay in for days to weeks because it is too dam cold. Its October and I got to hit the beach a few times already this month. It just started getting cold in LA and that is just at night.

Whatever is going on I just want to let you know that you are missed in Los Angeles. People in LA go away for a week, not a lifetime. Come home kid, Portland has enough greenery.

responding to a comment by rayrayray
10.25.13 - 1:37 am



did you not know rayX3 is back? or, at least, he should be. he left my home in Oakland on Tuesday night.

which leads to my next question, how can I get more Ridazz to visit me? do I have to bake cookies?

responding to a comment by sexy
10.25.13 - 9:50 am


Sexy, I have noticed on rides that some people will have a back packs that is so full that it looks as though they will be going camping for two weeks. What are in those back packs?

10.25.13 - 10:15 am


"Bake cookies"

Is that code for something?

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.25.13 - 10:24 am




responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.25.13 - 10:29 am



Wants to know how to get people to come visit her. She suggest baking cookies.

Hello Again KeepinEtNorma

Who doesn't love cookies? Probably skinny people.
You can get cookies anywhere and pretty easy for anybody to make.

I suggest the old invite. That is the best. Put it out there to people that you want to come and visit. If it is a open invitation, let it be known. It sounds as if you have respectful friends that just don't show up at your house for the weekend. That is a good thing. Make sure you have a place for them to sleep and clean up if you do invite them.

If you have put that invitation out, I do wonder since I see in you LA so much that people don't know if you are really in Oakland? I certainly wonder that.

responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.25.13 - 1:24 pm


shhhh you're going to blow my cover.

responding to a comment by sexy
10.25.13 - 4:20 pm


Whatev, Sheli

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.25.13 - 5:00 pm



responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.25.13 - 5:51 pm


plz don't use my Playa name in Default kthxbai.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.25.13 - 7:47 pm


my playa name is sheli, too! crazy!

responding to a comment by KeepinEtNorma
10.25.13 - 10:14 pm


^^^^ Toweliesbong is my Evil Twin Brother!


Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by toweliesbong
10.25.13 - 10:24 pm



10.28.13 - 5:17 pm


hey sexy. what do you know about this bitcoin business? supposedly the first unregulated currency? think it will catch on?

11.30.13 - 1:54 pm


I run on beans!
I run on lazer beans!!!

Sexy, why does my pee smell funny after I eat asparagus?

Creative Thing
responding to a comment by toweliesbong
11.30.13 - 2:56 pm


That is cute Creative Thing. I don't know personally but there is a few articles about it on the internet. Search engine can lead us to so many answers.

responding to a comment by Creative Thing
11.30.13 - 6:42 pm


hey cousin.

bitcoins are generate from a computer program/algorithm. They are produced by computer brain power and electricity. They are used all over the world with the highest trading currently occurring in Poland it I'm correct. Time to add some entries into that famous 70's joke book.

These are used to trade between countries without worrying about fees or cross boarder taxation. It was also made famous with arrest of Ross Ulbricht alleged to be Dread Pirate Roberts the owner and operator of the silkroad. A craigslist type of ad space on the onion router web network which traded good and service that where mostly illegal through trading of bit coins. That way no cash was exchanged or could be confiscated if the two parties where caught in an illegal transaction. Upon Ulbricht arrest the FBI confiscated $26,000,000 in bit coins which was the value at the time. Which must be 10 - 11x that amount.

The Feds said they would sell the bitcoins, maybe that explains the increase rise in the price? With the ability of the President working group on financial markets to move markets in direction of their liking could be a possibly for the dramatic price increase. I tend to think not, but who knows the reasons for sure?

What is amazing is the price it is currently being traded for. I wanted to by some for a fun investment a few months ago when it was at $20, I would have dumped them at $60, but shortly after reaching $60 I watched it go to $110 and then up to $320 something an then return back down to double digitize. Now the price has shot up to over $1100 per bitcoin. What I can't understand nor has anybody been able to explain is why the price is expanding so greatly. I don't even think analysis have a way of predicting what is happening with the price, except that the demand is obviously rising. I don't know for sure but I would guess we are in bubble extraordinaire akin to the dutch tulip bubble.

Only the future will tell if they will take off for sure. As long as a person know they could exchange some goods and services that you desire easily why would or wouldn't somebody take a bitcoin in exchange for say a tattoo, haircut or bicycle. It all depends on the availability of the amount of takers to accept the electronic currency which will decide it fates. If nobody wants it, it will fail. If many desire it, it will be a raging successful currency.

It is said not to be traceable. That it is in a digital wallet that one must posses and can only be opened via a passcode. From what i have read I believe that to be true. People say the government of the USA won't allow this, because they want to trace every transaction possible to have control over and tax it. I don't think they would stop it. It is such a small amount of currency in compare with the US dollar. That not the main reason they would want to stop it. I think the central banking interest not only want to continue their current system, they want to make it more and more digital and eliminate cash transactions as much as possible. Having a digital currency like bitcoin promotes digital currency. We might not see this in our generation, but planners think in generation or 100 year plans. Older timers like myself always prefer cash because it leave no trace. The younger generation has embraced the digital currency system, even people my age have succumbed to trading mainly in digital currency. So I am witnessing a move to digital currency happening as I write this and you read it. I do think full world financial domination ( which is currently being achieved) must happen before the Central bankers move to completely eliminate cash transaction. Too much money is made from illegal dealing that the banks make large profits from washing those funds. Those funds are used for control of certain situations which would not be approved or appreciated by the general public, so they are done covertly with illegal dealing such as funds made by drug profits.

When weapons systems such as facial recognitions, complete mind and thought reading, drones to watch and control all the humans, with monitor systems in place to know of all humans where about are in place for complete knowledge of movements are operational than we will see cash eliminated. At that point in time you won't need illegal weapon trading to control people in other parts of the world, that are funded by black market drug trades in the US and Europe. As I said drugs make convert money for covert operations to control other situations in other countries and in the USA. Prostitution is used to control people into doing things they normally wouldn't be agreeable to because of fear of somebody finding out that they engaged in sexual act that others would hold against them. Such as a politician, or judge or somebody with power that could effect an outcome such as a law or operation. By the time time full control of human beings are in place the negative stigmatization that goes with illicted drug use and prostitution will be eliminated and regard as the consensual acts that they are. The people that control most all industry and trading in the world will than take an overt rule in profiting from and promoting those industries.

responding to a comment by jonnypacific
11.30.13 - 7:45 pm


more on bitcoin. I'm not very knowledgeable about this cryptocurrancy as of yet

I found out a couple of more facts. A
chartists actually did analyze bitcoins rise and made a sell recommendation at its top. The price fell $100 a few hours later after the release of this recommendation.

Part of the reason for the rise in the last month was that the federal reserve started to take serious that bitcoin is a currency and bitcoin opened up to China.

Related article
The Bitcoin Continues to Gain Credibility From Merchants and the Fed

responding to a comment by jonnypacific
12.3.13 - 11:56 pm


Sexxy whys your option on the LA bikeway that is SLOWLY in the works ??

12.16.13 - 12:44 pm


Hey Dudebra420. I don't know much of anything about LA bikeway. I know wherever my bike tires will handle the pavement, cement, gravel, path, road, etc and it is the path to where I want to go, all of these roads in Los Angeles are my bikeway.

I truthfully can't speak to the LA bikeway. Many more people on this site could have an educated conversation with you on this subject than myself. I would suggest you create a thread about it and let those with the information to provide an educated opinion chime in.

What I do know about is the California Cannabis Hemp Initiative. Being you or somebody put the numbers 420 in your name, I would guess you are favorable to Cannabis and especially the little bud that grows from the female cannabis plant.. I would encourage you to help out in the campaign that we are in the midst of to legalize Cannabis 100% for all of California. Check out our website cchi2014.org or email me at cchi2014@mail.com if you want to help change a horrible injustice to the people of California and end Cannabis prohibition in California. We have 70 days left to get the necessary 504,760 signatures to get this initiative on ballot for 2014. You can always stop by the bike oven to sign the initiative if you haven't had the opportunity.

responding to a comment by dudebra420
12.16.13 - 3:20 pm



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