Thread started by
KeepinEtNorma at 02.13.13 - 4:26 pm
I know we're not even done with SS (can't wait to see all you all on Friday!) and I know a bunch of you are going to SXSW and a few more are going to that camping trip in Joshua Tree but for those of you looking to meet some our extended Ridazz fmly, there is a big ol' gathering happening in Vegas the weekend of March 22nd.
I know MR isn't a bike club per se, but this looks like a reaaaalllyyyy fun time and we already have a couple of rooms for Ridazz and some car rides out getting put together. let's get out there and represent!!
this is the FB event page they have set up:
due et.
Link doesn't open to event page. Do you have to be your facebook friend to open the event page? Is there another website for the event?
It is the same night as Bob Rock 2013 in Las Vegas.
For whatever reason. Hotel rooms are currently priced higher for the particular weekend.
sexy02.13.13 - 4:39 pm
I will be there and a birdy told me that a few Zoobombers will be there as well.
Coe coe buttaa02.13.13 - 6:30 pm
Thanks Norma
in 06 we stayed at Terribles. Was a great place for ridazz. Easy to bring bikes to and from room. Rates are going from $54 - $72 per night that weekend. Wait for the sale rate of the lower end if you book there. May want to wait to see where events are happening to get a room closer then farther from events
sexy02.13.13 - 7:31 pm
FB page has been made public.
the Chopaderos have worked out a deal with Hooters hotel for all the bike clubs that weekend. there are already a few rooms booked by people from LA and we can book one (or two) more if enough people are interested and actually throw down. of course we can cram as many Ridazz as possible into a room.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by sexy
02.13.13 - 7:33 pm
Over 300 confirmed on the FB. That should be a wild time. Should be good weather. Hooters is not stringent about non-guest visiting their pool :). Only a few ridazz that I recognized on the confirmation list and maybe list so far.
sexy02.13.13 - 7:43 pm
Im so glad Norma is unemployed!
buckchin02.13.13 - 10:03 pm
Think there is a motel 6 really close by that is a bit cheaper, but if you book at Hooters use the code OBC to get these discounted rates. Think it is worth the extra $20 or so to stay where everyone else is staying.
Room rates are as follows:
Standard Tower room: king or 2 dbl beds.
Wed. $25
Thurs. $65
Friday $105
Sat. $105
Sun. $25
2 guests can stay Friday - Monday (3 nights) for $132.50 per guest all 3 nights
International Suite: king and 2 pull out sofas. Sleeps up to 6.
Wed. $100
Thurs. $140
Friday $180
Sat. $180
Sunday: $100
6 guests can stay Friday - Monday for 82.00 per guest all 3 nights.
*add additional room for Standard tower rates.
Jacuzzi Suite: king and pull out sleeps 4.
Wed. $150
Thurs. $190
Friday $ 230
Sat. $230
Sunday $150
4 guests can stay for $160 per guest all 3 nights!
Charlie02.14.13 - 10:05 am
Hmmmmmmm.... I love Vegas. I thinking about going to this. I might have to do it because I miss my 2nd home Aria.
OsnapsonJC02.14.13 - 2:01 pm
I'll be there. Everyone is going to be raging at Hooters. I think we're occupying most of the pool area.
vladster02.15.13 - 6:21 pm
Vlad, could plenty of people occupy the room that you got?
I'll be booking another room for Ridazz (who pitch in)...renting a car to get from the Bay to LA. if enough people show interest I'll also use the car to get to Vegas. if not, I need a ride from LA to Vegas.
i just want to spend more fun weekends with you all!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by vladster
02.19.13 - 12:31 pm
I might be able to get a cheap room at Aria. They send me deals all the time via email.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
02.19.13 - 4:59 pm
might be that the organizers of this like basketball. It is March Madness weekend good luck with getting discounts that weekend.
sexy02.19.13 - 5:38 pm
I love how this weekend we're going to be in both Vegas and atx. nationwide takeover!! most peeps are going to SXSW but we're going to have a great group reppin at the OBC too
1. Norma
2. Tyrone
3. Buck Chin
4. Vlad
5. Redwine
6. Gloria
7. Speedy Brian
8. Justino
9. Niko
10. CoeCoe??
sins and sprockets is also going to be there but i'm not sure who exactly.
getting super excited for this. anyone not going to Austin should, we got rooms!!
KeepinEtNorma03.8.13 - 12:16 am
1. Norma
2. Tyrone
3. Buck Chin
4. Vlad
5. Redwine
6. Gloria
7. Speedy Brian
8. Justino
9. Niko
We will be in ATX drinking many lone stars
andres8403.8.13 - 1:05 am
Nvm count us in
1. Norma
2. Tyrone
3. Buck Chin
4. Vlad
5. Redwine
6. Gloria
7. Speedy Brian
8. Justino
9. Niko
10. Coe Coe butter
12.Roadblock (my big son)
Get on the list!!!
andres8403.8.13 - 1:07 am
been to vegas a couple times. but this is gonna be fun! can't wait to ride the strip w 300+ BICYCLES!!!
Redline03.8.13 - 1:38 am
just looked it up and SXSW ends on the 17th. that means EVERYONE can go to Vegas.
SXSW decomp in Vegas!!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by andres84
03.8.13 - 3:25 pm
I have never to me the ways!
andres8403.9.13 - 1:45 am
Last time I was in Vegas I was tripping balls on mushrooms. None of that this time. can't wait!
Tyrito03.9.13 - 2:06 pm
Between Norma and I there are two rooms booked at Hooters (official party HQ). Let me know if you'd like to crash in my room, so far the two people who said they'd go aren't going so there is plenty of space (2 beds + however many ppl can fit on the floor, there might be a couch!).
vladster03.9.13 - 4:28 pm
agreed. more ridazz to vegazz!
Redline03.14.13 - 1:53 am
this is obc 2013? if that's really true where is BLACK LABEL ? they are the granddaddy obc....
statler03.16.13 - 11:08 pm
see all you peeps in vegas - Can't wait. You have a 5 days to prepare yourself and a bicycle
ghostcat7703.17.13 - 2:57 pm
VEGAZZ! Is it Friday yet?
Tyrito03.18.13 - 3:07 pm
just keep the traffic cones away from me.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by Tyrito
03.18.13 - 7:51 pm
i heard from a fellow LA to Bay quitter that Black Label would be there...which I hope they are, cause they're soooo much fun!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by statler
03.18.13 - 7:53 pm
crap. in 36 hours I will be in #vegazz with hella Ridazz. what am I getting myself into?
KeepinEtNorma03.21.13 - 12:58 pm
less than 24 hours!!
"Missing this madness would be a FOUL!" <---- Dollar rent-a-car e-mailed me that; I laughed.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by buckchin
03.21.13 - 9:26 pm
Not going...have fun don't do rugs or get arrested.(maybe Tyrone)
andres8403.22.13 - 1:23 am
Last minute decision.
Is there anybody that has room for me and a foldie 4-1/2' x 2' that is leaving soon.
Or does somebody want to ride out and split the gas with me?
I'm in the SFV
sexy03.22.13 - 10:08 am
I think Vlad has some room in his room
buckchin03.22.13 - 1:22 pm
What happen Norma Do you end up on your knees?
sexy03.25.13 - 1:10 pm
I traded bikes with Buck Chin cause he wanted to ride my mini-farthing and I fell off his bike.
but really, it's all Wolfpack Hustle's fault..all of it.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by sexy
03.25.13 - 5:03 pm
I think its karma for rule number 12 and 15
buckchin responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.25.13 - 5:39 pm
those rules came AFTER your bike hurt me. really, tho, i think it's karma for me throwing cones at the Crash Race. so again, Wolfpack's fault.
stop breaking rule #9, only Vlad can do that!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by buckchin
03.25.13 - 5:51 pm
I blame it on Warren and his unconventional lifestyle choices
buckchin responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.25.13 - 6:08 pm
just the thought of his racist homo ways make me want to throw up.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by buckchin
03.25.13 - 6:22 pm
This weekend was exceptional. Lots of great memories. This threads reminds me of the beautiful body language exchange while harsh words where put fourth between Norma and Buckchin.
It may have not have happen this way but Damm IT. That's the way I saw it!
sexy responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.25.13 - 9:28 pm
i'm so glad so many LA people went out. definitely many great memories and sooo many new friends. it gives me the warm fuzzies.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by sexy
03.25.13 - 10:01 pm
2014 dates have been announced as April 5th and 6th. I will once again be renting a van, leaving Oakland Friday morning. Chopaderos have a deal with the Golden Nugget:
"Hello O.B.C!
After weeks of negotiating with several hotels to meet your requirements β we are pleased to announce the official OBC hotel of 2014-
The Golden Nugget
129 Fremont Street
Las Vegas NV 89101
A block of rooms have been set aside, with three room categories, for the following dates:
April 4 & 5th, 2013
Carson Tower Room Rate: $99.00 + tax
Gold Tower Room Rate: $119.00 + tax
Rush Tower King: $129.00 + tax
The following room rates will be extended between April 1 β 3 & April 6 - 8, 2014 if you decide to come early and stay late:
Carson Tower Room Rate: $49.00 + tax
Gold Tower Room Rate: $69.00 + tax
Rush Tower King: $79.00 + tax
We are requesting that you do book the official hotel in support of OBC 2014!
How to Book:
When booking, please advise the following-
Number of rooms needed: 1, 2, or 3
Room Category: Carson, Gold, or Rush
Number of beds: 1 King, or Doubles
Dates Requested: April 4 β 6th, 2013
Please advise if you will be coming before the official dates, and if leaving after the official dates.
Credit Card: Please provide a credit card to guarantee the room
(1 Room Night Deposit will be charged)
Because of the high volume we are expecting to accommodate, we do suggest that all request be made via email.
Email or phone all request to Jack Mendoza
Email β (Preferred)
Phone β 818.731.6974
Thank you for your patience, O.B.C!
Jack E. Mendoza
Travel Director
Magnum Travel | in Collaboration with EFR Travel Ltd.
1875 Century Park East | Suite 709 | Century City | California | 90067
e. | m. +1 818 731 6974"
KeepinEtNorma12.22.13 - 7:47 pm
in 2013 we had plenty of Sins and Sprockets peeps and a few MoMz repping, would love to see TWBG and Angelopes. do et!
KeepinEtNorma12.22.13 - 7:48 pm
Spa Tower Suites!
sexy12.22.13 - 10:23 pm
Tell me more.
It's been a while since I went on a Vegas trip, and I went on one of the first Ridazz trips, which was Vegas!
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
12.23.13 - 10:02 am
Last year was rad, Dak, you guys should definitely come this time. I think they exceeded 100 rooms in the same hotel last year all filled with the finniest of bike scum! Apart from Sins & Sprockets, MoMs and Taco Tuesdays, were Coppaderos, Dead Babies, The Others, Rat Rod riders and local Crew Cycle & Hammer showing us around! Im sure I missed some other crews too. Im already planning new ways to injure Norma!
buckchin responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
12.23.13 - 2:23 pm
Sins and Sprockets will be back for 2014- I think the Golden Nugget will be a better location this year and in the middle of all the activity, Last year had a few great rides but the big Saturday night ride was incredible- Looking forward to this year!!! It would be awesome to see more Los Angeles brothers and sisters this time
as is get closer I'm going to post
Bar location and time for the LA peeps to get together and drink Saturday evening before the big ride this year and all roll to the meet spot together -
ghostcat7712.23.13 - 6:17 pm
Last year was weird everyone came home with some sort of injury or open wound.
ghostcat7712.23.13 - 6:19 pm
I'm building an improvement on this year's bike and no, YOU CAN'T RIDE IT I WILL THROW A BEER AT YOU.
But yes, Dak, please come! The info up there was copied from the fb event, I'll keep you updated on here. we should figure something out so all the L.A. people have rooms on the same floor. Also, a caravan. It's going to be awesome. Vegazz 2014!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by buckchin
12.23.13 - 7:40 pm
1. Norma
2. Tyrone
3. Buck Chin
4. Vlad
5. Redwine
6. Gloria
7. Speedy Brian
8. Justino
9. Niko
10. Coe Coe butter
12.Roadblock (my big son)
Question....... So I am starting my bike tour from LA most likely and heading straight to Vegas for this on March 15. I certainly don't want to have to camp out the whole time so what would I have to do to get into a room with someone up in vegas? I am great at both cuddle puddles and sleeping on the floor! :)
Get on the list!!!
louisiana12.29.13 - 1:31 pm
that's last year's list...
1. Norma
2. Lou Lou
also, of course you can stay in our room :D
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by louisiana
01.2.14 - 10:34 am
1. Norma
2. Lou Lou
3. Buckchin
buckchin responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
01.7.14 - 1:31 pm
and what shall I be responsible for, Besides Redwine, LOL JK!
1. Norma
2. Lou Lou
3. Buckchin
louisiana01.7.14 - 7:35 pm
REDWINE IS BANNED. (not really, but uhm, ya know)
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by louisiana
01.9.14 - 10:32 am
Oh No... :(
Not really
VINo805 responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
01.9.14 - 4:08 pm
these promotions are fleeting, if you are ready to book for Friday and Sat this link will save you about $9.;EB15PCT/;?/#
sexy01.14.14 - 8:52 pm
Norma... We've talked about this and yet I'm not on the list? Count me in!
Tyrito01.15.14 - 10:00 am
p.s. this time I will not get food poisoning or fall off a bike
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I will not get food poisoning or fall off a bike
I will not get food poisoning or fall off a bike
I will not get food poisoning or fall off a bike
I will not get food poisoning or fall off a bike
KeepinEtNorma01.15.14 - 12:06 pm
Eating food JRO gives you is about as ballsy as drinking water in Mexico!
buckchin responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
01.15.14 - 12:45 pm
I was hungry, but not enough to eat food JRo brought.
Tyrito01.15.14 - 3:52 pm
Night Owls will be there!! Hoot Hoot!
Huey55502.28.14 - 10:14 pm
woot woot!
1. Norma
2. Lou Lou
3. Buckchin
4. Tyrone
5. Vlad
6. Aktivia
7. Huey
and a bunch more...just not sure who.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by Huey555
03.4.14 - 9:48 am
Night Owls will meet you all for some fun.We are splitting our room and will be staying down from you all.cant wait.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.10.14 - 6:06 am
March 15th Last day for Golden Nugget OBC hotel discount
(according to Don Tomas Flores)
sexy03.12.14 - 2:02 am
1. Norma
2. Lou Lou
3. Buckchin
4. Tyrone
5. Vlad
6. Aktivia
7. Huey
8. Raina
9. Baby D?
mossygoodness03.12.14 - 6:31 pm
1. your MoM
2. Lou Lou
3. Buckchin
4. Tyrone
5. Vlad
6. Aktivia
7. Huey
8. Raina
9. Baby D?
since I owe the IRS money I am forced to sadly withdraw from going on this trip.
don't get arrested
don't get your patches almost ripped off.
don't get your megaphones taken away by restaurant staff.
don't trade bikes with Buck Chin.
don't eat anything Jro gives you.
don't participate in drug cartels, mmmkay?
you kids have fun!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by mossygoodness
03.16.14 - 12:34 pm
MoM Ridaz going:
nat so
plus a few of our supporters joining us
hope my stoner ass didnt forget anyone
Aktive_420 responding to a
comment by KeepinEtNorma
03.22.14 - 11:11 am
1. your MoM
2. Lou Lou
3. Buckchin
4. Tyrone
5. Vlad
6. Aktivia
7. Huey
mossygoodness03.24.14 - 1:02 pm
All I have to say is don't forget to bring yo patches if you got em ya bissh!
AreTwoDough03.26.14 - 2:21 pm