
Thread started by
brittany at 10.20.13 - 1:35 pm
brit u mke a good point when you say girls should be.respected despite the clothes you wear but seriously self respect is nother factor.when u talk about clothes especially in todays society and top of that events where ratios of men to women is greater (this is very relevant). U won't wear juicy shorts slurry tank to McArthur at anytime unless u expect to get an ass grabbing that just real. In a perfect world this doesn't occur.but @ the same time that's nature if you wear a shirt with cleavage the male is encoded genetically and subconsciously towards u (all at different levels some males have.more slef restraint than others) true this doesnot give you the right to touch me but what msg are u giving ppl when u wear clothes like that...I would think well she must not care cuz obviously she is wearing slit suit so ima treat that girl like a slut. U don't always need words to send a msg its all visual girl
brit u mke a good point when you say girls should be.respected despite the clothes you wear but seriously self respect is nother factor.when u talk about clothes especially in todays society and top of that events where ratios of men to women is greater (this is very relevant). U won't wear juicy shorts slurry tank to McArthur at anytime unless u expect to get an ass grabbing that just real. In a perfect world this doesn't occur.but @ the same time that's nature if you wear a shirt with cleavage the male is encoded genetically and subconsciously towards u (all at different levels some males have.more slef restraint than others) true this doesnot give you the right to touch me but what msg are u giving ppl when u wear clothes like that...I would think well she must not care cuz obviously she is wearing slit suit so ima treat that girl like a slut. U don't always need words to send a msg its all visual girl
brit u mke a good point when you say girls should be.respected despite the clothes you wear but seriously self respect is nother factor.when u talk about clothes especially in todays society and top of that events where ratios of men to women is greater (this is very relevant). U won't wear juicy shorts slurry tank to McArthur at anytime unless u expect to get an ass grabbing that just real. In a perfect world this doesn't occur.but @ the same time that's nature if you wear a shirt with cleavage the male is encoded genetically and subconsciously towards u (all at different levels some males have.more slef restraint than others) true this doesnot give you the right to touch me but what msg are u giving ppl when u wear clothes like that...I would think well she must not care cuz obviously she is wearing slit suit so ima treat that girl like a slut. U don't always need words to send a msg its all visual girl
U won't wear juicy shorts slurry tank to McArthur at anytime unless u expect to get an ass grabbing that just real. In a perfect world this doesn't occur.but @ the same time that's nature if you wear a shirt with cleavage the male is encoded genetically and subconsciously towards u (all at different levels some males have.more slef restraint than others)
U won't wear juicy shorts slurry tank to McArthur at anytime unless u expect to get an ass grabbing that just real. In a perfect world this doesn't occur.but @ the same time that's nature if you wear a shirt with cleavage the male is encoded genetically and subconsciously towards u (all at different levels some males have.more slef restraint than others)
U won't wear juicy shorts slurry tank to McArthur at anytime unless u expect to get an ass grabbing that just real. In a perfect world this doesn't occur.but @ the same time that's nature if you wear a shirt with cleavage the male is encoded genetically and subconsciously towards u (all at different levels some males have.more slef restraint than others)
men are too dumb (and drunk) to not commit sexual assault. bike riders are not excluded.
men are too dumb (and drunk) to not commit sexual assault. bike riders are not excluded.
men are too dumb (and drunk) to not commit sexual assault. bike riders are not excluded.
sweep it under the rug.
sweep it under the rug.
sweep it under the rug.
or, teach a friend.
Please do not touch me on rides. Please tell your friends.
Please, stop grabbing my stomach. Please do not touch my ass. Please do not touch me at all. I'm even a good non-sexist (doing my best!) person who can assure you, I will get consent before touching you as well.
Don't you understand trolling online makes people think in real life it's OK to violate my space/body/property? It is not OK. I'm calling the cops the very, very next time it happens, as I am not being taken seriously, online or in real life.
I would never call the cops for a stupid reason, I hate those assholes. But they are the first people we call when a car hits us, or our bike is stolen.
I can promise you, if I do, someone is (rightly) going to jail for assault and/or sexual battery.
I am a rational adult and know how to remove a guy's hands from my waist, smile and say "please do not touch me" and end the problem there, and even have a good relationship with the dude afterwards. Thank you for your concern.
I am even a cool, laid back chick who could discuss for days the unfairness of turning over, a likely brown boy, to the police to be indoctrinated into a system designed for him. Would he receive fair (feminist) treatment by the police, or would they just assume I was right? I don't know. But I also don't know how to quit sending "mixed messages" without changing the way I dress. I do know I am very fair, and give way too many chances.
I would ONLY go this far as a preventative measure to stop me from getting
a) jumped by the ride for protecting myself or
b) sent to jail myself for smashing the next guy's face in who does this to me. I'm counting violations on two hands now. In less than a month.
In my opinion, my aggressive behavior and no longer going home with *somebody* on the ride is raising testosterone levels, causing this to happen more, as guys are more accepting of me rejecting advances as long as *some guy* on the ride is "getting it in."
I've been assaulted on rides multiple times in a couple months and have dealt with it at a local level. I owe this forum no stories, or explanations. I did bring it up immediately and have been causing a lot of ruckus. Ask a friend, even though they probably have a story about as accurate as a 500 person game of Telephone... I have explained myself.
"Of course guys are going to touch you."
I told Palucha, "You guys are idiots and keep teaching your friends this is a joke - because I'm sending them to jail." and to call my bluff.
What does the troll PUBLICLY say?
"I call your bluff."
What does this teach the MoM ridazz reading online and laughing with their boys club? Am I still the crazy bitch when I call the cops next time it happens (in real life)? Or do I not set proper boundaries? What is it?
Do I victimize myself? Or should I just stop being so dramatic and go on a ride? But wait, you can't confirm my safety on a ride? But...if I ensure my own safety, I'm crazy and ASKING FOR DRAMA...okiee...
Don't tell me to avoid these people. You are these people. They are everywhere. As long as there are drunken idiots around and a community who will not regulate on them, you will have this shit.
Anyone who meets me in person knows the last fucking thing I want to talk about is MR gossip. I want to go to a Ciclavia after-party. I want to go to the All City Toy Ride. I want to go to the RWNN and not be afraid to go because I HAVE TO call the cops on barleye's ride or I'll be continually molested by men in the scene. I love barleye! I REALLY REALLY want to go on Ane's Day of the Dead ride on 11/2 if I could get a few bodyguards. I intend to look sexy, and I know you dumb boys just can't control your drunken selves.
Don't tell me I don't set proper boundaries. I got really fucking loud and ratchet this year.
I don't intend to be a "victim" who has been isolated to Ova rides.
Please spread the word, tell your friends. Everyone knows me, talks about me whispers about me. Can you do me a favor this time? Tell your friend to tell his friend that Brittany means business. Don't touch her with a 10 foot pole.
And when I do end up calling the cops, which I clearly hope I do not, it will be minimized, it will be lied about. The aggressor will lie. Maybe he'll say something ridiculous like I assaulted him first. I came on to him. If I'm not there to defend myself, countless men whom feel scorned by my rejection will jump in to say what a "crazy bitch" I am.
But I've told zero lies, thus far.
Don't expect me to reply, please. I am on facebook if you really care about what I'm going through, and not how you look on the online boards.
Please, anyone who hasn't been on a ride in 2+ years, shut the fuck up. I'm talking about real life, not the internet. This doesn't involve you.
brittany10.20.13 - 2:29 pm
Palucha says I'm going to be safe on rides and no one is going to fuck with me.
If anyone thinks this is incorrect, and I should stay home for large, classic Midnight Ridazz rides not specific to any bike crew, or people I have had problems with, please let Palucha know and he will let me know not to come.
Otherwise, I intend to have a grand old time!
And, if any man gets angry that I am sexxxxxyyy, single, and NOT DTF, and grabs me aggressively and completely inappropriately in response to my boundary-setting "as a joke", in a way that leaves me with bruises, I will call the police.
If you don't think I can go on a bicycle ride without this possibly happening to me, and one out of a hundred people stepping in and doing something and not assuming shit because of what I look like, then let Palucha know, and he will let me know.
Thank you.
brittany10.21.13 - 12:10 am