Help End Cannabis Prohibition

Thread started by
sexy at 11.4.13 - 8:09 pm
Hi everybody
Activist that no longer want to see the criminalization of Cannabis and marijuana user have began a campaign to collect the signatures of 750,000 valid registered voters in California. We can use all the help we can get. If you would like to be part of this historic event to re-legalize Cannabis Hemp in California you can get a hold of me. We need people to help gather signatures for our petition initiative. We have until Feb 15 to get the signatures to get the law on the ballot for 2014.
There is a popular mus-conception that marijuana is legal in California. It is still a criminal offense. Having a medical recommendation can only be used as a defense if a law enforcement officer files a complaint against you for cannabis possession or usage. Thousands of people are right now in the California state penitentiary system for the using cannabis. People are being arrested and brought into the criminal justices system daily for cannabis usage and possession in California.
If the injustice of people having their property and freedom taking away for growing, possessing or using a plant or its matter upsets you; you now have an avenue to change this horrible law. Come join us. You can contact me at cchi2014 at mail dot com or call me at three 32- five seven 4 - zero 341. I can get you started petitions and instruction how to fill them out properly.