Give Me Three Passes!

Thread started by
chesterfield at 06.28.11 - 9:24 pm
California State Assembly Transportation Committee passed Give Me Three yesterday. Big news for California bikers. Read about it here:
Give Me Three News
1. Buy orange flag for 8.00 at Athena Cycle in Studio City.
2. Put it on the traffic side of your bike.
3. Bend the metal flag holder out at an angle that covers at least 3 ft. of road on your traffic side.
4. Use a standard metal ring with a spring loaded handle attached to your rear frame up high so that you can keep the flagpole in when riding in large groups.
This is the best way to enforce the three foot law. It works for me! :)
Girl Power06.28.11 - 10:14 pm
You could also put a carbon tipped drill bit on the end of that flag pole.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Girl Power
06.28.11 - 11:45 pm
Also the law didnt pass just yet, as i understand it, the bill got passed by the transpo committee to be heard by the assembly and senate next. Still has a way to go.
Roadblock06.29.11 - 1:56 am
State senate already voted yes and approved. Now that the Assembly Transportation Committee voted yes the next step is the Assembly Appropriations Committee, but no resistance is expected as this change does not require any funds.
chesterfield06.29.11 - 12:06 pm
Well, took quite a bit longer than anyone wanted but finally Give Me Three passed!
chesterfield09.23.13 - 8:46 pm
At last, something good for our side.
Joe Borfo09.23.13 - 11:23 pm
Finally, my local assemblyman introduced it a few years ago and it didn't get out of the legislature. Then it was brought up again and Govenor Moonbeam vetoed. I was hoping he wouldn't do it again and it made it.
mk452409.24.13 - 12:50 am
Yay! I'm pressin the LIkE button...
Wait, where'd the LIKE button go?
Yeeaaahhhh!!!!, I mean... Woohoo!
Redline09.24.13 - 2:19 am
It's about time. A lot of people have worked very, very hard to get this key piece of legislation through the multiple layers of bureaucratic and societal resistance this that stupid bike thing?
Never mind. I thought it was the bill to require jealous boyfriends to give other guys three steps toward the door before shooting at them, after catching them dancing with their girlfriend Linda Lou. This is fuckin' BULLSHIT.
PC09.26.13 - 3:08 am
U know, I was just about to make a joke how if u wanna win a Polo game you need to pass it to me way more than 3 times but then I realized the seriousness of this. Finally Bikes and how to deal with them will be identified in the DMV handbook for all those new drivers. This is a major step forward for us!!
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by PC
09.26.13 - 8:58 pm
there is a law like that PC.
It requires that you be scared for your life being demonstrated by said person shaking like a leaf on a tree and your hair is colored yellow.
sexy responding to a
comment by PC
09.26.13 - 10:53 pm
Damn it all! Linda Lou is a PERSON too!! Not just somebodies girlfriend, wife or Mom!!! :)
...and yay for GiveMeThee. Long time coming..
alicestrong responding to a
comment by sexy
09.27.13 - 7:09 am
It will be interesting to see how this is going to be enforced or even if it is going to be enforced. I can see this easily being thrown out of court for no certified way of proving the person driving a car distances from the bicycle.
I have to read this law to see if this applies to bikes riding next to bikes. Is Gary going to site the law when I ride to close to him?
sexy09.27.13 - 2:55 pm
would some post the text of the law or a link to the law itself? PLEASE
sexy09.27.13 - 3:09 pm
Yeah, it's a great idea and all...but enforcement is gonna be impossible, if cops even care to try.
As it is I just get that much more pissed off when someone passes me too close...not exactly helpful.
Lance K09.30.13 - 3:54 pm
I think it's more of a behavioral shift that the law intends to bring, but not necessarily thru ticketing. Outlining 3 feet for cyclists is a specific direction now for clueless motorists.
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by Lance K
09.30.13 - 10:03 pm
I guess I need to find/make a nicely-worded flyer I can throw into windows...never very good at the calm explanation when I've just been buzzed.
Lance K responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
10.1.13 - 12:47 am
so nobody has the text of the law?
sexy10.1.13 - 12:48 am
It's law in 22 other states... Google it?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by sexy
10.1.13 - 4:16 am