Are YOU an asshole?
Thread started by
Roadblock at 10.6.09 - 2:21 pm
try this quiz:
shit, i already knew the answer
md210.6.09 - 2:29 pm
Your all ass holes .. wah wah I'm leaving...
Debut21310.6.09 - 2:32 pm
shit, I'm taking this over. I got a 2.
"People stop having fun when you show up" LOL, I thought of Marino and all the times this happens to him. :-(
User110.6.09 - 2:35 pm
error detected..."Your"
intended meaning: "you are"
correction: "You're"
::processing complete::
User2.0 responding to a
comment by Debut213
10.6.09 - 2:37 pm
lie detected with accuracy of 98%
estimated score: 12
User2.0 responding to a
comment by User1
10.6.09 - 2:38 pm
I got an 8.
"5 to 15 “True”: You sound like a borderline certified asshole, perhaps the time has come to start changing your behavior before it gets worse."
imachynna10.6.09 - 2:39 pm
15, especially when it comes to covering up mistakes or finding a patsy to take the fall.
bentstrider10.6.09 - 3:42 pm
I got a 17, but I wasn't answering as me. I was answering as someone else.
Stomachache10.6.09 - 7:12 pm
I got a 7....
honestly, I thought I was gonna score lower....
but I kindah wanted to score higher...
Busride42010.6.09 - 7:48 pm
Alot of those questions are regarding if you're competitive or not. I'm not very competitive, except maybe with myself.
You're probably getting confused with the way I argue a point, or something like that. I'm just making a case for my view point. I don't consider that being competitive, or an asshole. I made a commitment to myself some years ago to speak up if I don't think things are right. I wasn't that way in my younger days.
User1 responding to a
comment by User2.0
10.6.09 - 10:03 pm
I got a 0, however I answered like I always do, FALSE on all of them. Hahahaahahahaha
braydon10.6.09 - 10:28 pm