WOLFPACK The Midnight Drag Race: March 24th

Thread started by
Roadblock at 03.13.07 - 10:31 am
Saturday Saturday Saturday evening March 24th
2nd St. Tunnel
Single speed road or track bikes ONLY (fixed or freewheel)
Top Time Qualifiers move on to head to head elimination.
Winners of Men's and Women's Division each get a Wolfpack Hustle Trophy scribed with the winner's name. (literally scribed on the spot with my scriber!)
PRIZES provided by:
Orange 20 Bicycles
Ambiguous Clothing
Prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place winners of each division (Men's and Women's).
More details to come on need to know basis.
SIGN UP: 10:30PM
Bring your Hustle.
Are spectators & photo-journos welcome?
mr rollers03.13.07 - 11:18 am
we should get one of these going for the gearzz of wolfpack.
ruinedbyidiots03.13.07 - 8:50 pm
Dope! Many have talked about doing this...and now it is going to happen. Props.
bike punk03.19.07 - 10:43 am
You know I was thinking the other night, as cool and awesome as the 2nd street tunnel, the third street tunnel might be a better option, one way, and less traffic, both in the tunnel and on the cross streets at each end.
FuzzBeast03.19.07 - 10:57 am
oh fun, i shall be there.. my friend found an abandoned wherehouse about 15 blocks from the tunnel.. with a working outlet on the roof!! after party?
fixiepower03.19.07 - 8:11 pm
Any more details to come? Is it cool to promote this other places?
bike punk03.21.07 - 11:44 pm
yes... here is a comprehensive list of things to bring:
I'm blazed so I could be forgetting something.... if I think of anything else I'll let yáll know.
trophies are gonna be classy yet grimey.
Roadblock03.22.07 - 1:03 pm
ya forgot a bike!!!!! A single speed.
sc_nomad03.22.07 - 1:20 pm
you're the one in amsterdam, you bring it... ;-)
FuzzBeast03.23.07 - 3:58 am
Man all the secrecy that surrounds this thing is kinda fun. I've been asked a dozen times this week:
"how long is the course?"
"standing starts or flying starts?"
"does it start on the high end or the low end of the tunnel?"
"how are they going to do timed heats?"
I love surprises, but I guess the one really pertinent question I've heard is "the finish line is going to be far enough into the tunnel to allow riders to stop before entering cross traffic, right?" Just want to toss that one to the organizers.
I guess in the true spirit of wolfpack, the answer would be "no."
City Hobgoblin03.23.07 - 10:24 am
It is in the true spirit of the Wolfpack, since the Wolfpack answers to no one. Just bring your hustle.
sc_nomad03.23.07 - 2:13 pm
hey all
the race will be timed heats. we will use visual cues and stop watches to time them, pick out the top 12 and go head to head from there.
there is a video review in the event of a close head to head finish
there will be plenty of room for stopping. we will mark out a start and stop within the tunnel.
start will be from standstill
two trophies are being awarded for men's and women's supreme winners.
get there around 10:30 for sign up. qualifying heats start at 11pm. head to head starts at Midnight.
not sure yet wether we're going up or down the tunnel, looks like we're leaning towards down.....
Roadblock03.24.07 - 10:38 am
yo and there are some REALLY nice prize packages from our sponsors
Ambiguous Clothing
Roadblock03.24.07 - 11:03 am
jeff, there's a kickass taco cart 3 blocks from the top end of the tunnel... dollar tacos and they are the shit.
2nd and beaudry
FuzzBeast03.24.07 - 3:56 pm
thanks, fuzzy
can someone put up a map for this directionally-challenged tard?
spiraldemon03.24.07 - 4:21 pm
2nd st tunnel is right point, tacos is left.
FuzzBeast03.24.07 - 4:49 pm
the 2nd street taco stand is fast becoming a tradition for downtown based rides.
WElcome Back RoadBlock.
sc_nomad03.24.07 - 5:02 pm
richard told me to come out with my gears to throw frame pumps into you guyses spokes and sabotoge this "fixie only" shit.
not really, but....
ruinedbyidiots03.24.07 - 5:08 pm
RBI, it had better be steel to cut through the old Schwinn spokes on this beast.
Jeronimo03.24.07 - 7:13 pm

Maybe I had better post the pic I was gonna post too...
Jeronimo03.24.07 - 7:14 pm
Haden and Don,
that was a god damn blast.
11hzrobot03.25.07 - 10:23 am
Thank You, everyone who came out to the Wollfpack, drag race, all the riders who competed, a special thanx for bringing their A game. To Orange Twenty, X-large, and Ambiguous Clothing, for providing the prizes, and last but not least, we thank the parking enforcement, and L.A.P.D. for showing their support.
Wolfrider103.25.07 - 12:14 pm
Yes . . . awesome event! I had to split a little before the end; anyone gonna post the results?
Pics coming soon . . . is there a separate gallery for this one?
mr rollers03.25.07 - 1:00 pm
Hayden and Don, that RULED! There was so much positive energy. Thanks for putting that together.
City Hobgoblin03.25.07 - 2:06 pm
Aye, that was a fuckin blast, so much fun.
I'll get some pics up once I get off work.
Night time in LA just keeps getting more and more fun.
and yes, Thanks to the LAPD and Parking Enforcement for blocking the tunnel for us for the last few races.
FuzzBeast03.25.07 - 2:55 pm
YO! really fucking fun times everyone super stoked. thanks to all who raced, all who helped out with keeping times and placement, filming and keeping it live as fuck by just being there to cheer on the racers. great sportmanship and what a fucking storyline to the semi finals and the finals. Adam with the fastest qualifying time against Jack with the second fastest time. fucking Cole vs. Hayden was ILL!!. I saw people pushing the LIMITS last night. big shouts to the women's division. let's grow that division for the next one!!
I will post all the stats and times soon.
Roadblock03.25.07 - 4:23 pm
big thanks to SC Nomad, Sean and Joseph for getting some great footage! just reviewed the tapes. Cole Versus Hayden is a siiiiick one.
Roadblock03.25.07 - 6:34 pm
A historic and well run event, for sure. I heard a lot of negative comments about the LE presence until they actually corked the tunnel for us. It was nice to see them not overracting to some harmless fun. Mad props to the speed demons who gutted it out all of the way through their qualifiers and head-to-head matchups. Mach Show! Mach Show! Everyone made it happen.
Nice shot by towliesbong on that photo-ish finish.
Jeronimo03.25.07 - 8:30 pm
here's a link to my flickr photo set from last night
redridinghood03.25.07 - 9:05 pm
really nice pics redridinghood... ahem... any chance you could upload those to the Midnight Ridazz site too?
Roadblock03.25.07 - 10:40 pm
Great event, Wolfpack!!!!! Can't wait for the video or the next one, the perspective riding alongside the racers during the face-off was great. The racers were so fast.
Turn out was bigger than I expected, some came out as far as Santa Barbara (Adam and his crew). Thanks again Wolfpack and all that showed up for a great event.
sc_nomad03.25.07 - 11:22 pm
I offloaded my photos and have gone through to find some pretty decent shots. I havent had a chance to resize them yet, i'll do it some time later today, hopefully...
FuzzBeast03.26.07 - 3:48 am
good event. sweet races between the wolfpack and lafixed heads. u guys are fast!
t.bone03.26.07 - 8:56 am
A surreal experience! I had no intention of winning, just to experience the time trial. The echos of cheers through the tunnel that was closed to car traffic was worth the trip down. Not to mention the races. Always thanks to 420 for 420, to the organizers, and to the photojournalists. Next time LADOaT will block off traffic.
yay tacos!
spiraldemon03.27.07 - 12:47 pm
Are the drag times going to be posted on here.
Also, on the nerdy tip; what's the chainring/cog count on Cole and Hayden's bikes? In fact I'm curious about drag 'times' and sprocket tooth counts.
Bootlegger03.27.07 - 3:33 pm
@Toweliesbong - can I use your Cole vs Hayden photo for a write up I'm doing for www.cicle.org?
you'd get photo credit etc..
anyone know if there is there any way to private message someone onthis site?
redridinghood03.27.07 - 4:19 pm
we're too lo-tech for private messaging
Roadblock03.27.07 - 4:41 pm
Red, my email addy is in my profile here and I can get you in touch with Towlie's Bong. Drop me a line and use Ridazz in the subject line so I don't drop it as spam.
Jeronimo03.27.07 - 5:15 pm
time results:
more to follow sorry my fucking shit ass computer took a shit and Apple don't give a fuck about me.
Roadblock03.28.07 - 12:53 pm
Hey Don thanks so much for all the time and effort you're spending on getting all this media up and running from the race. I've watched Cole and Hayden at least 10 times. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Don, Hayden, Dennis, Shawn, Cole et. al you guys did a KILLER job with this event.
City Hobgoblin03.28.07 - 1:51 pm
Thanks Roadblock!
sorry to hear about the kom-pu-tah troubles.
I can't wait for The Wolfpack.Hustle Midnight Drag Race II
Bootlegger03.28.07 - 1:54 pm
I have a couple of PC's lying around in my lab, Pentuim 4 3 GHZ. I can load Sony Vegas and PS CSll, if you want to use them. I also have a 200 GB external drive. Just a thought.
sc_nomad03.28.07 - 2:28 pm
yah great event guys/ladies. thanks for my time too. 42.35 baby!! next time i'll be faster for sure. can't wait till the Drag Races 2!!
t.bone03.28.07 - 2:31 pm
Hey, don, I sent you those pics from the start of the mens final, I've also got a bunch of shit up on flickr, but havent had time to sit down and resize everything for this site.
FuzzBeast03.28.07 - 7:35 pm
@Jeronimo - thanks tons!
just flipped you an email..
redridinghood03.29.07 - 2:27 am
we're a mommas and pappas organization, hard to compete against the billion dollar corporate giants that own flickr but I'm trying to make things easier for y'all to post on this site. when you say re-size photos though, I'm not sure what you mean is it rejecting photos? the site is deisned to resize your photos automatically. but there are some restrictions on how large the file can be. flickr I assume, has no limits on pic size?
Roadblock03.29.07 - 12:46 pm
Yeah, I have to go through and reduce the size and re-save every photo for the web, due to file size restraints... it's no biggy, i just havent gotten around to doing it yet, flickr does have an upload size limit, however, it's much larger and my images fit inside that limit.
FuzzBeast03.29.07 - 1:05 pm
Hey Fuzz, if you are on a PC you can download picasa and export the pictures resized all at once for free. Really easy too.
richtotheie03.29.07 - 1:19 pm
kyber03.29.07 - 5:47 pm
Hey don, on the times, there's a Tom and a Thomas, which one is me?
FuzzBeast04.4.07 - 10:55 am
good question..... I'm not sure... do you remeber what name you told me?
Roadblock04.4.07 - 11:28 am
There is a Dennis on the list but that isn't me...... that guy is faster than I'll ever be.
da couch
sc_nomad04.4.07 - 11:34 am
Don: I didnt tell you, Dennis did, but I was one of the first riders through, in the first 5 or 6 I think.
FuzzBeast04.4.07 - 1:53 pm
I definitely heard Roadblock yell "39" for your speed trial.
Joe Borfo04.4.07 - 1:57 pm
ok, cool.
Was trying to figure out which tom i was on the list.
FuzzBeast04.4.07 - 2:18 pm
Borfo is right, I remember identifying you as Tom.
da couch
sc_nomad04.4.07 - 2:40 pm
Don, that video fuckin RULES! I'm gonna take tomorrow off work so I can watch in on repeat.
City Hobgoblin04.5.07 - 10:07 pm
LOL! hey thanks man! I'm pretty hyped on it. credit goes to SC Nomad for bringing out the vespa!. To Sean for bringing his camera and tripod and to Joseph for running around with my extra camera. the footage was KILLER thanks guys. The whole event was a blast. 6th street comin up!
Roadblock04.5.07 - 11:51 pm
Hey RB, give yourself credit for swallowing your pride and riding bitch on a Vespa. LOL
sc_nomad04.6.07 - 12:08 am
dude my ego was already destroyed driving the convertible mini with cole and hayden.
Roadblock04.6.07 - 12:09 am
That video gets an automatic Emmy for Best Undaground Bike Race Video of the Year.
ubrayj0204.6.07 - 12:17 am
Hey RB, give yourself credit for swallowing your pride and riding bitch on a Vespa. LOL
04.6.07 - 3:08 am
that had to have been a sight to see
la duderina11.23.08 - 1:29 am
Next year, 'round Spring-tim-ish.
Have we met before???
Just curious.
bentstrider11.23.08 - 7:05 pm
yeah we have.
You took a picture of me wearing my "I hated Bush before it was cool" t-shirt. at the ride for 9/11 truth that completely fell apart before it even started.
la duderina11.23.08 - 7:24 pm
Reminiscing over these old Wolfpack threads....
Roadblock06.11.15 - 11:04 am