Huge Freak Bike Collection

Thread started by
rev106 at 11.1.15 - 10:55 am
I am wanting to get rid of my freak bike collection after 15 years of choppercabras.
What I have:
6 or 8 mini tall bikes on 16" wheels
6 Med sized tall bikes on 20" wheels
1 Bicycle with a metal bull head on it
2 bike/plastic jeep things
4 spool bikes or spools of doom
6 bicycle chariots and pull bike
2 bicycle battle ships
10 or 11 ram bikes
Some need fixing, I have some extra wheels I will give to you as well.
I want to sell them all for 500 bucks, I think that is a fair price all things considered, you must take them all at this price however.
Please call me 1 818 881 6669
All gone? ... (tear)
I'm sure some of these goofballs would have put it to use eventually.
End of an era.
Joe Borfo11.2.15 - 10:23 am
I still have all the choppercabras bikes. Open to offers, I'd like them to go to a good home.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.2.15 - 3:13 pm
Any takers? Free, must take all.
rev10611.12.15 - 10:09 am
If I don't get any bites by Monday, I'll be putting it on the free section on craigslist...rather have it stay in the community...
rev10611.14.15 - 10:20 am
It's really gotten sad out there, where's the love people?
rev106 responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
11.15.15 - 9:21 pm
Lets ride them through south los angeles and give them to kids we run into.
alec12.11.15 - 8:23 am
Well talk is cheap people. I have given so much to the bike community (well I think I have, I could be wrong) now all I want is for these bikes to live on. Monday is the last day.
I'll be finishing up my LA city mandated cleaning on that day so if I can't find a home for these bikes then they will sadly be pushed or dragged to the curb to be taken by the scrap metal guys.
That would be a shame.
I have found a home for all the tall bikes. The rest is up for grabs, take 1 or two or what you can but come and take them. They have until sundown to live, whether they do or not is up to you.
call me or come buy if you want some, they are free.
call my phone (818) 881-6669, leave a CLEARLY spoken phone number as I do not embrace cell phone technology.
or just come by
I rise early and will be working late.
7438 Etiwanda
rev106 responding to a
comment by alec
12.16.15 - 7:29 pm
How disappointing, I'm sure if I had a couple kegs of beer I'd have no trouble getting people to show up.
Soon to be made into ball point pens or some such.
Thanks to Ed for being real and showing up to grab my 15 or so tall bikes, they will at least live on.....
rev10612.22.15 - 10:02 am
Paul, I finally got around to rehabbing one of the bikes. I did it as a project with my daughter. I taught her about tools, painting, how bikes are put together, but most importantly, I got to spend some great time together and these types of memories live forever. The look of FUN on a kid riding their first tall bike is awesome! Thanks for all you do for MR, I will rehab the other ones little by little and maybe do what Alec said, give them to kids in LA...
marleydog02.25.16 - 2:35 pm
Wish I could post a pic, but for some reason, I get the message "server error" when I try to post a pic. Maybe I can post it on the FB page...but I would rather post it here...It is over 700 pixels wide, less than 1MB and it is a jpeg format.
marleydog02.25.16 - 2:36 pm
Ok figured it our. Frickin a...could this site be harder to navigate? Lol! I love MR!
marleydog02.25.16 - 2:50 pm
You go, Marleydog!
I'll be lookin' for that tall bike on my commute (just rode Wilshire from Acacia to Highland this afternoon on my way home).
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by marleydog
02.25.16 - 7:11 pm
Glad some of it lived on the best was the guy around the corner with the perpetual yard sale that took all the ram bikes and tried to sell them. I wish I asked him how much he wanted for them.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
02.25.16 - 9:27 pm
Thanks guys! Leslie, the pic is on Wilshire and Princeton right on your route! She rode it the first time just a few days ago, it was awesome. Paul, I have all the other ones and am still planning on getting a bunch of kids together for a mini ride down one of the bike paths. I did something like it before with kids from the Boys and Girls Club in Whittier. they got a bunch of bikes donated and the ride was a great way to celebrate their new gifts. The wind in their hair, the look of glee on a kid riding a bike is priceless! I wish everyone could experience it.
marleydog02.26.16 - 10:01 am
Imagine a bunch of young boys and girls riding tall bikes down a bike path in OC? All the spandex clad roadies will be,... wha?...and get them to yell out Eff...You...Enn!! Just spreading the MR love all around! Such a fun idea, this has to happen!
marleydog02.26.16 - 10:07 am