I miss MR

Thread started by
rev106 at 06.17.14 - 10:25 am
It saddens me that this awesome resource is being destroyed my lame ass facebook. I know there are other factors in the works that have the LA bike scene on the down slope, I just miss the energy that's all.
Do u miss MR forum activity or MR as in the bike scene? Cuz if it's the latter, there are plenty of rides going on Bro...
tallcans4tallbikes06.17.14 - 12:41 pm
Ride With No Name this Friday brings out a really good crew of people. Lots from pre 2010 days of MR....info's over there...and what Joker said....
barleye06.17.14 - 4:45 pm
I think there's less going on here and out there. I'm playing dungeons and Dragons on Friday so I have to be true to my first people-the geeks.
rev106 responding to a
comment by barleye
06.17.14 - 10:05 pm
Well Mr. Paul if u gotta roll dice on Fridays then yer always gonna miss MR. Couple Sundays ago u missed out big time on Los Angelopes Birthday tho. There was an excellent display of Tall Bike Jousting! I think you should pry yourself form the Valley once in a while to go on some of the rides other ppl are leading. The Westside Mosey, The Passage Ride, The Project Photo Ride, Choose Your Own Adventure, RWNN, just to name a few.
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by rev106
06.18.14 - 10:15 am
A couple of Sundays ago I was doing Choppercabras, where were you?. I look at rides posted here and if they line up I can do them, most of the time I can't, I have many irons in the fire. I must admit I don't like staying up late and that does curtail my group ride activity. Regardless, I think that is off topic sort of, the energy does just not seem to be there like it was, it could be my flawed perception though.
Furthermore, when I leave the valley, I burst into flames.
rev106 responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
06.19.14 - 5:26 am
We miss you too Paul! The energy IS there tho. New ppl are stepping up and doing rides that you haven't been to yet. I think if u visited the Church of F.U.N. or The Hacienda you would see a progressive level of freakyness LA has never had before. Truth. We may not have the mega rides of 1000+ Ridazz clogging a stoplight for 10 minutes anymore, but instead of waiting a month for MR or Crank Mob, now we have rides every night. As for your event, unfortunately for me I had to miss it cuz I just couldnt be in 2 places at once. As for you leaving the Valley, I recall seeing you in Echo Park lake last summer. You hadn't combusted. Perhaps it was cuz you were wearing a chicken suit? Funny most ppl act like they will burst into flames upon ENTERING the valley!
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by rev106
06.19.14 - 7:34 am
I'm aware of those places I just gave a mess of bikes to the Angelopes as I have way too much, more than I'll ever need.
I braved echo park for good reasons, I had forgot how fun it was. I did get really sleepy though. Yes, the chicken suit does help protect me from burning "cool rays" from other places not of the valley.
Coaster brake challenge 12 is up next, next month. I have a loaner bike if you dare...
I guess I'm looking at community right now and energy, I'm asking questions about these things as our group or community has changed over the years and I guess I'm "feeling it less" , I suppose I need to get out more to experience what I've been missing. As far as energy I have to keep working on my drive to do events, new ideas, new wacky bikes etc. I do get to some low points where I feel like not doing things anymore but I have some long term personal goals I've set for myself to do Choppercabras in one form or another for 20 years, this Halloween will be year 14. That helps me stay on point. I'd like more people to show up but don't know how to go about it.
rev106 responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
06.19.14 - 8:05 am
I miss the old time feel of the MR forum as well. Both Tallcans and Rev have a point to be made but I feel facebook is the wrong way to promote these rides. We need to keep this site going.
stillline06.19.14 - 10:49 am
Yes, that is my main thrust here that facebook has done harm to this resource, It was more vibrant before, fb is just redundant and invasive etc. I could be waxing nostalgic however, I then to just look forward but still.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.19.14 - 8:28 pm
Blame Facebook? Or blame every single person who went for the okey doke?
PC06.24.14 - 11:56 pm
Still waiting for you to put on a ride of some sort.
Yeah, show me, bucko.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by PC
06.25.14 - 1:46 am
Still waiting for you to put on a ride of some sort.
Yeah, show me, bucko.
I did, DICK. At Salton Sea 4, DICK. Were you there?
PC responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.26.14 - 10:18 pm
If MR.com got updated... I think people would use it more.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by rev106
06.27.14 - 12:54 pm
I look at t he calendar every week and near nothing lines up. I'm not making excuses but I have very little free time. I organize about 70 rides/events a year in addition to running two businesses, a zine, other projects etc in that time I spend way too little time with friends and family, and even less time for a love life so I make ants look lazy.
A lot of stuff starts before I can get there but more often I already have something planned for that day. I plan things, that's what I do.
Do I want to be more involved? Sure! I think I do a lot for the LA bike community but hell, I can only be stretched so far......
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.28.14 - 9:41 am
I also might add that I don't drink and because I don't "party" being around a bunch of people standing around in a park drinking NOT riding bikes is boring and a total waste of my time, one of the reasons I stopped going to LACM was the two wheeled rave aspect that was pervasive at the time. Also my riding habits have changed and I have become a very avid trail rider so I like to spend a lot of my time in the dirt and that is usually a 7am sort of thing that is typically dis-congruent with typical MR ethos.
At least this thread has started some dialog and a few trolls have re-appeared from out under various bridges.
rev10606.28.14 - 9:46 am
I agree with you man....
facebook is isolating actually. I always said that this website, as crude as it is, allowed any individual who happened upon this website to be exposed to the opinions and ideas of everyone in here expressing them. facebook limits you to your friends and aquaintences for the most part.
I want to do something to revive this... or perhaps some new idea... maybe take the list of 15k people registered (8k if you dont include spambots) and start something new or some kind of... I dont know.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by rev106
06.28.14 - 3:49 pm
I've wrestled with this to as my events have become smaller and smaller and I refuse to suck the devil's cock of social media. I finally came to the realization the Facebook is bad and if I promote on there, I'm rewarding the bad behavior.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.28.14 - 8:14 pm
Just to touch on the perception of Facebook routing ppl to rides, I can only say of the 50-60 ridaz who made it to last month's 2nd friday ride, the vast majority reported seeing it on this website or by word of mouth, compared to FB. I know FB was responsible for Crank Mob's large numbers, but try to remember before C-Mob, ppl showed up by the thousand for events, before and after MR.com's debut. Your events have always had a good draw, and are always a fun time. We miss u, as much as u miss us.
Not to get too off topic but this website has a calendar, and that calendar is filling up all the time. Usually the day of the ride. That is what is important, and this site is solid on that front. Maybe changing the banner up top once in a while wouldn't hurt. Donnie I'd be happy to help with this...
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.28.14 - 11:24 pm

sucking the devils cock isn't that bad at least for me...it's actually kept the RIDE WITH NO NAME going....first off, you can set all notifications to NOT notify you of ANYTHING...with that said, you can use FB as little or as much as you want. the beauty of it is that with the click of a button and a few typed out words you can send a mass invite to in my case, 1000 people at once. DONE....they've been notified about a ride and say....you have a change to make to that event? type a few words, hit POST and voila....DONE...sent to 1000 people.
Paul, nobody is saying you need to sell your soul to have a FB account....try it and dump it if you don't like it...
barleye06.29.14 - 3:28 pm
I see it's advantages but it's not a cogent enough argument to get me to turn to the dark side, no thanks.
rev106 responding to a
comment by barleye
06.30.14 - 5:29 am
I've been doing that here since '05.
FBI responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
06.30.14 - 12:53 pm
Hey Paul the easy way around the whole FB thing is to use someone else's acct. I have my lady post my rides for me over there. Plus since she's a girl a lot more ppl show up.
tallcans4tallbikes06.30.14 - 7:38 pm
It's too late Paul, FB has won and other have been suckin the devils.cock for you. For some time now, other have been posting your event and sharing to others on FB. If we are to get any kind of information about your events, we should get it from the horses mouth himself...
Longlivelonghairs responding to a
comment by rev106
06.30.14 - 9:10 pm
I miss the MR experience. The outlaw bicyclist subculture. But sadly MR was diffused and appropriated by mediocrity. The moment the police were welcomed to the board, MR ceased to exist for me. I'm lucky to have experienced it: The huge, traffic corking rides. The road trips. The ALC Team MR. When I saw the store bought, brightly colored crap single speeds masqurading as fixed gears, there was no question that the culture had died. Had become Westwood Blvd. Had become an embarrassment. That's when it was time to find my adventures elsewhere.
indigis07.1.14 - 12:51 am
Well I'm still keeping a torch lit out here in the 818 just so you know. Yeah, I know that my rides are all over that crap and that is fine and all, I just don't want any direct hand in making that happen. My reasons for not being on there are manifold, vast, and I really don't want to bore you with it again. I'd say the first fixed gear bikes were the beginning of the end as far as the "era" you describe. I'm dating myself but my first LA critical mass had 10 people, no track bikes. I guess that is off topic though. The thing is I'm still super charged to do things on two wheels, I know a lot of the "Old Guard" has moved on to more adult things..maybe I'm just being nostalgic which I typically don't do. I do see lots of rides on here but very few things beyond just rides, where's the creativity and sense of adventure?
rev106 responding to a
comment by indigis
07.1.14 - 6:31 am
the creativity and adventure has evolved imo, it's a bit more exclusive and less attainable via the streets than it is at a gathering in one of the "bike" houses. it is alive and thriving though. i feel lucky to have caught the tail end of the MR experience, me thinks. i can still hear E-Rock shouting "WE DO WHAT WE WANT!" whilst zooming past a crowd of chanting Crank-Mobbers on Pico Blvd. i also love recalling the moments i encountered the faces that would become some of my closest friends. 2008 was super magical for me. truly an unforgettable, unmatched and unique summer it was / alongside the Ridazz trips which followed in 2009-11. my heart sinks a lil <3
Coe coe buttaa responding to a
comment by rev106
07.1.14 - 11:25 am
I think if ppl are logging on here, and looking for rides in groups for the purpose of socializing, and adventuring, etc, then MR is alive and well. It's easy to blame cheap fixies for killin MR, but that's a cop out. Not going on rides is what brings down a scene. If anything, Id say cheap fixies brought a whole new generation into the bike scene. What teenager went out and bought a beach cruiser when those were in vogue? Like CoCo sez it has evolved. Witness Salton Sea, the various bike houses, etc.
I for one will always look back with nostalgia to those times in the past decade with great reverence, but I am well aware of what's going on nowadays, and look forward to making many new memories with the ppl that are doing it now...
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by indigis
07.1.14 - 12:44 pm
When does this ride start.
Where da whyte wymen at?
Joe Borfo07.1.14 - 5:06 pm
The calendar has been fuckn awesome. Friends of the Friendless, Pier Pressure, The Project photo ride series, adventure rides, costumed rides, tallbike ride. There have been at least 3 rides to rides! That shows some excitement! Numbers are down but what I feel is really missing, what I miss, is participation in creativity... people dressing up for costumed rides, co-leading leaderless rides, flyering at rides, having your band play a ride, zines, t-shirts, etc. NOW is the time to ACT if you miss MR.
alec07.3.14 - 4:49 pm
Well I still do most of the stuff, don't get me started on bands...uff. I want to get out and do more flyers. I was recycling flyers for some events and then I realized that while I was creating something, I was being stagnant in my own creativity. I still do a zine, have done so for 13-14 years now...you can pick it up at the bikerowave. I still make shirts for my coaster brake challenge. I do miss the wacky energy too Alec, that does seem to be missing. Is it me? I hope not. I feel that we can always do more and we should always strive to do better and bring more to the table. Taking the time to look at how things are now and to see ways to improve them is an important part of that process.
My direction has taken me to many places, I will continue to travel down the paths I'm on, they have gone places I'd never would have guessed 5, 10, or 15 years ago.
rev106 responding to a
comment by alec
07.5.14 - 10:18 am
Looks like things are drying up in three weeks, Lets see some more rides posted.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.2.14 - 7:50 am

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Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by rev106
08.3.14 - 12:46 am
People grow up. How many miles can a full grow person cycle late into the night without feeling the repercussions? Ask the common driver in LA if they care for cyclist or motorcyclist? Very little is the common answer. Looks like you are coming to terms my boy. You are beginning to see the light. Ride on but remember about taking care of your precious time. This bike scene is nothing but man childs running amuck. Why not see the world or go chasing skirts? Fuck MR.
Hippy Sippy08.3.14 - 8:03 pm
I have to clarify. Don't associate your inner drives and passions with a collective. Its never gonna last. Do your own thing. I personally could care less about MR because they don't and will never promote a good image of urban cycling to the rest of the citizens of this great city of LA. Its over done and the times this collective could rise together for a cause, its never about the common good. Its all egos and bull shit. If you love MR, go forth and multiply. But for the rest, let go and welcome sleep and rising up nice and early and accomplishing goals. MR is a waste of time.
Hippy Sippy08.3.14 - 8:18 pm
You obviously don't know me one bit. :) Somebody's bitter.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Hippy Sippy
08.5.14 - 10:26 pm
We need PC to show up on some rides.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by PC
08.6.14 - 6:55 pm
We could make it magic again.
Lets do it for the EddieBoyinLA ride in Sept.
stillline08.6.14 - 8:57 pm
Been there, tried that, deserted.
Prior to MR, it was just sitting at home, or work, doing what ever needed to be done.
After MR, same things go on, but now I question the things other people do much more openly.
"You call this a good time? I call this horse-shit!!"
**storms out the door without realizing all the bros staring down**
Yeah, I miss it too.
The only way to relive it is to get enough of the right people gathered and pull off things like a low-budget version of a MoMz Century.
No kits, any bike, and we're not hauling ass for any body!!!
B-Game Century y'all!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Hippy Sippy
08.6.14 - 9:31 pm
When I can't understand a thing he writes, you know everything is alright...
Joe Borfo08.6.14 - 10:22 pm
So you're saying if I stopped ranting incoherently and took some diction classes that I would appear "not normal" to you then?
Yes, my heart would probably seize up too once I realized what sort of a tool I've become.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.7.14 - 2:30 am
Well it's 5 am here in the SFV, I can't sleep I have so much I want to do today before work. I was just making an observation that this great resource was getting under used and that facebook is evil. I can (if you doubt me) speak for myself that I have kept the torch lit and will continue to do so. Can you say the same?
Growing up is a crime against one's self.
You can always do more.
Don't wait for fun, make the fun. Be the fun.
Anyway, I'm down to help make things happen, more things happen. Get in touch.
rev106 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.7.14 - 5:18 am
If you read through my substantial history of threads here, you'll find the reasoning for my ill involvement.
At the same time though, I feel I'm finding a level footing in the work world to start getting a little more involved in the planning stages of the big rides.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by rev106
08.7.14 - 7:44 am
Grow up hippies...I miss the days when I didn't have to wear my neck brace but I guess y'all have bigger problems than me....who wants to ride with me?
commonrider08.16.14 - 9:14 pm
I do! a week from Sunday we will ride!
rev106 responding to a
comment by commonrider
08.16.14 - 10:11 pm
Next Sunday sounds good to me..
Also,thinking of doing the annual scumbag ride October 19th,how's that fit into your busy schedule, rev?
commonrider responding to a
comment by rev106
08.17.14 - 12:02 pm
Looks clear thus far.....
rev106 responding to a
comment by commonrider
08.19.14 - 6:10 am
I'm gonna feed you that neck brace at the summit.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by commonrider
08.20.14 - 12:09 am
I miss being cool and knowing about rides.
I have like 2 total MR bicyclists on my FB and they're not cool kids, and maybe 4 who aren't in LA who just ride...
That coupled with not being able to keep up with every post on my FB feed means I miss out... Totally just searched Crankmas to find out when that was... I'm out of the country anyway.
My [good people] homie just posted rides going on throughout the week and I had to add 3 and know I missed a few because "secret" Facebook rides are going on. Granted, all you have to do is get one MR FB friend and you can figure out out about all these rides, but what are the uncool kids, who can't ride 3x a week, to do?
IDK I'll forever have a problem with the paradox of MR being the people who accept every outcast with love but then becoming the cool clique.
A know a few people, especially the people from 5+ years ago, who were riding before I started in 2009, still have the hippie old school ideology of love, accept, and help everyone, and keeping the "culture" alive.
I know I'm not the only one who has had their heart broken on a ride when your so called cyclist "family" leaves you with a flat, drops you, or whatever the fuck for the closest beer or party. Where are the adults in the scene to teach people how it's done?
Or are they all on private, secret rides hanging out with each other? Spread love, yo.
Also I'm clearly in a mentally psychotic state because IDK why else I would have read 50+% of this thread, so, you know, just ignore me or make fun of me. Blah blah blah.
brittany09.2.14 - 8:03 am