Police kill cyclist...
Thread started by
CrankRider at 07.15.15 - 9:31 pm
Diaz Zeferino had been out in Gardena, a suburb of Los Angeles, on the early morning of 2 June 2013 seeking his brother’s stolen bicycle.
Police investigating a bicycle theft from outside a CVS drugstore stopped two men riding bicycles east on Redondo Beach Boulevard, according to the LA Times, citing a district attorney’s memo written by a prosecutor who reviewed the police videos.
The men were friends of the bike theft victim and were searching for the missing bicycle. Mistaking them for the thieves, Sergeant Christopher Cuff ordered them to put their hands up. Diaz Zeferino ran up and intervened on behalf of his friends, shouting at Cuff he had the wrong men.
Cuff yelled back in English and Spanish for him to step back, said the memo. Diaz Zeferino raised his hands, pounded his chest with both hands and reached to his waistband, said the memo. Two more police cars arrived and three officers emerged with guns drawn.
Diaz Zeferino raised his hands, then repeated the move and removed something from his left rear pocket, the memo said. “You do it again, you’re going to get shot,” yelled an officer on the video, according to the memo. Diaz Zeferino removed his baseball hat and lowered his hands. As he began to raise his hands again, the officers opened fire, the memo said.
How did no one comment on this?
Maybe you all did on your Facebook? Was huge on my FB...
If you haven't viewed the video, it's hard and sucks, but you should take a deep breath and watch it. We talk a lot about police brutality, but often it's hard to understand until you can see yourself in that situation...
This could be any of one of us (not white..) calling the police for a stolen bicycle.
brittany08.5.15 - 10:37 pm
nothing on facebook is "huge"
It's a shame, but cops kill people, don't call them is the message right?
It's also a shame we have this rider owned and operated resource that loses out to some corporate main stream media.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.7.15 - 10:04 pm
"nothing on facebook is "huge"
It's a shame, but cops kill people, don't call them is the message right?
It's also a shame we have this rider owned and operated resource that loses out to some corporate main stream media. "
no, there's so much to say.
I'll even have to bullet it
a) if we don't call the cops, who do we call
b) seriously, who do you call if your bike gets stolen?
c) are we really complacent about how often cops kill people?
d) cops kill people. this is bad.
e) i don't know what you mean about mainstream media and rider resource. are we talking about MR? roadblock sold out to $$$ years ago despite "burn hollywood burn" what's your point?
f) do you feel safe as a rider, around cops? or are you automatically on the defensive?
f1) what's your race?
brittany responding to a
comment by rev106
08.8.15 - 7:47 pm
a no one. Handle your own business
b don't get it stolen, it's a full time job with no margin for error.
c no but my life is rad and while the idea of doing to them what they do to others sounds nice on paper, it's not worth it. I fight them my own way and for others by beating them at their own game.
d no shit, really?
e. yes mr and if you're on facebook and not on here it's you who sold out. Don did way more of LA bike scene than most so you are not even his peer, so you can't pass judgement.
f no never feel safe. ACAB always.
f1 human.
rev106 responding to a
comment by brittany
08.9.15 - 8:30 pm
Lol @ anyone still crying about forum vs Mr
I wasn't advocating violence towards police. I asked if you were complacent
You're right, only idiots get their bike stolen. I have one small room and two bikes indoors now.
brittany08.10.15 - 7:16 pm
Forum vs fb
The forum died like five years ago get over it
Are you the skinny guy on the motorcycle
Oh shit just described 1/3rd of mr
brittany08.10.15 - 7:17 pm
Motorcycles are lame.
You know if you spent 1/2 the energy you spent being a troll on improving one's self perhaps you'd be a little closer to where you would like to be in life.
People like you belong on facebook.
When this site is gone perhaps people will realize what a good thing is that they lost or gladly gave away to be conformists. Just like you.
End of line.
rev106 responding to a
comment by brittany
08.13.15 - 7:26 am
You're right, Facebook is my problem. I should quit and find true enlightenment. Thanks for the motivation.
Also I stopped trolling at least a year ago
brittany responding to a
comment by rev106
08.14.15 - 10:06 pm
"People like you belong on Facebook"
That's good. I'm stealing it, I hope you don't mind.
PC08.21.15 - 3:59 am
Yes to both of you. find your path young one and steal the stuff that inspires and make it your own!
rev106 responding to a
comment by PC
08.21.15 - 11:14 pm
Well, have I not always been funny?
rev106 responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
08.23.15 - 11:28 am