I was attacked - be careful.

Thread started by
strangeplaces at 05.17.13 - 5:46 pm

Riding up river path near entrance (riverside-sanfernando bridge) around 11pm last night... passing a group of 5-7 people near benches, just as I pass one steps up and swings skateboard clear across my chest - I manage a controlled fall and upon getting up they walk towards me, another person hits me in the head with a full beer (see picture of helmet damage) thank goodness for helmet, I run like hell but keep some visual contact, call police (loudly so they hear me giving details) they start to disperse but after trying to ride my bike away (it's a big heavy beast, they fell in the process) one dropped a cell phone (recovered, got lots of evidence, pictures etc) Spent early morning in ER, all fixed up, got very lucky not more damage, veeery lucky. Please be careful on path - I've been warned about it before, but have taken that route many many times at night simply not believing the stories of random acts of gang violence... well now I know. Police are on the case, only posting pictures of two of the assailants just as fyi, and if you happen to know their names, please let police know anonymously if possible (don't get involved for my sake) at 3353 San Fernando office, 323.344.5701 Be SAFE on your bikes!
You will kick way more ass if you start punching them first. Especially if you start swinging while your bike is still moving. I carry a sword when I ride that path.
sophia05.17.13 - 6:16 pm
wow.glad youre okay.I will spread the pic on fb too.
Huey55505.17.13 - 6:35 pm
So sorry that happen to you. Glad you got out of there. Thank you for sharing and warning us.
It reminds me of Lars would tell me stay off designated bike only paths. He preferred riding where the cars drove. There would always be people around to deter somebody from taking advantage of you or people coming by to aid you if you got in trouble. Also talked about how cars would blow the debre off the roadway. Counter intuitive advice from Lars but I found his thinking to be valuable to my safety through the years
sexy05.17.13 - 6:45 pm
and keep us updated on what happens with the suspects?
sexy05.17.13 - 6:46 pm
I ride this all the time. Damn, I sometimes see suspicious folks but keep a brisk pace. Why do people have to be so shitty? What is wrong with people! I'm fucking pissed.
Joe Borfo05.17.13 - 10:20 pm
Not to take this lightly, but this is why every bike rider in LA should have mad ninja skills.
The important part is you are not badly hurt.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.18.13 - 6:55 am
Wow dude so glad you are ok!! Skateboards can be a deadly weapon. Did you find any pics of the guy who actually swung at you on the phone? Download everything before you give up the phone to the cops.
Roadblock05.18.13 - 10:02 am
Handled like a boss.
I'm glad you are relatively well.
here is hoping that phone finds its way back to its owner.
trickmilla05.18.13 - 5:39 pm
Very glad you're ok! There was another attack last night (5/18) about 9:45. A friend of mine was going from the valley to dtla when he came upon a rider who had just been attacked. He was uninjured and managed to fend off further assault, possibly due to his reportedly large size and perhaps the approach of another cyclist (my friend).
antrider05.19.13 - 10:08 am
And the cops won't do shit?
What are the best actions we can take to CHANGE this situation? I won't stand for it.
I say a sting operation and then subdue, restrain, & citizens arrest.
Joe Borfo05.19.13 - 11:14 am
may you please email me, I have some information for you. vanessamacias1984@yahoo.com
shygirl05.19.13 - 12:47 pm
Joey B You say the cops won't do poop.
That is true and untrue. Police are reactionary. If they get reports of crimes in a certain area they will increase patrol in that area. Unfortunately being reactionary iis really all they are set up to do. The police respond to a complaints if anybody gets attacked or attempted to be attacked. Filing report lets the brass who decides what the fields officer patrol let the word go out that they the officers need to go by and check this area. Down side is you will have lapd cars riding the river path like Culver City PD does on the ballona creek path. If you want the lapd to patrol an area you are going to have to deal with the lapd. That means if a ride stops on or near the park, expect the police to come check you out.
sexy05.19.13 - 1:04 pm
In the event your friend was able to obtain any contact information, or at the very least an approximate location of the attack, it would certainly help to report it by calling (323) 344-5701. An alternative would be to email any info to me at [username]@gmail.com and I promise not to disclose any personal information, not even to the police. Thank you for sharing.
strangeplaces responding to a
comment by antrider
05.19.13 - 1:20 pm
truelove05.20.13 - 10:52 am
the police already have them identified by the photos and tattoos, but any information you have may help, and can be submitted anonymously if you prefer. you may find the peace-of-mind helping others reward enough, and you may feel better imagining others would help you in the event you ever find yourself in a similar situation... regardless, depending how the case goes, if there is any room for a reward, one may certainly be given. thank you
strangeplaces responding to a
comment by truelove
05.20.13 - 11:47 am
What? The cops are going to stop writing tickets for two minutes and actually do their job? Amazing.
rev106 responding to a
comment by strangeplaces
05.20.13 - 12:47 pm
they have been helpful thus far - one surprising comment was that no one has reported anything as of late to the department regarding attacks/harassment on the path, so it really does come down to people taking the time to at least get the report filed for the paper trail... every recorded case trickles up to high command via weekly reports and shows up in the crime stats... it's a slow but steady process, and in my eyes it is definitely better than nothing
strangeplaces responding to a
comment by rev106
05.20.13 - 12:58 pm
how is this case going? was my cuzin helpful?
shygirl05.22.13 - 1:39 am
be careful about contacting names on here. there are two brand new accounts wanting to get in touch with you. just sayin to be careful.
Wink Martindale responding to a
comment by strangeplaces
05.22.13 - 3:23 am
I was threatened(5/21/2013)on the bike route than runs along the 110 north/south with the spiral stair case that leads to Dodger stadium. I rode up behind two guys, one tall male hispanic and one shorter male hispanic. One of the guys, taller and thin, was so startled by me riding up behind him that he pulled out a metal rod, wrapped up in some kind of tape. He started saying "you better be careful who you roll up on little boy before I smack you behind your head". I ignored him and then later told him "I was not rolling up on anyone, just trying to get on the bike path". He then starts hitting the metal rod against the railings on the steps that lead to the path. He then started walking right next to me trying to intimidate me. Again I paid no attention to him and rode on the path But luckily nothing happened and I didn't have to end up fighting anyone. So if anyone knows what path that I'm talking about please be cautious when riding on that path. Try to ride in pairs going on that thing but if riding solo keep your eyes open for any suspicious people. Ride safe and RIDE ON!
andres8405.22.13 - 3:32 pm
I'll bet the owner of that phone can't WAIT to be reunited with it.
PC05.23.13 - 2:56 am
good timing on your post - two *solid* arrests made yesterday morning (the two in the photos) and hopefully the other two attackers in days to come due to additional info... the gang unit has been very attentive thanks in large part to the press, the public, and pressure from high command and others in 'the circle' - and yes, the owner of phone is now as close to it as he may ever be again
strangeplaces responding to a
comment by PC
05.23.13 - 8:27 am
Good news for a change.
Thanks for alerting the community and trying hard to get the cops to follow through with something important.
I feel a little relief now since I use this path so much.
I'm just really troubled about how people can do something so pathetic to another person.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by strangeplaces
05.23.13 - 8:17 pm
This is great news!
Do you mind posting the names of the people arrested?
Just speaking from experience here, but it's a good idea to keep track of the criminal case as well because it's easy for these cases to become buried and forgotten among all the other cases.
You'd be surprised how things can fall through the cracks even when an arrest has been made.
If charges have been filed, I would recommend getting a case number from the detectives, if they have it. If the detectives lag on getting it to you but you do at least have the names of the people arrested, you can do a name search at any criminal court clerk's window. You might even find out what other cases these people have on their record.
Although you are a victim, don't expect to be updated very often with all the details of the case. Detectives and district attorneys are busy people with tons of work, but they're not obligated to call you right away or even after each hearing in court. You do have a right to be informed under what's called "Marsy's Law," but sometimes you have to take the initiative to find out. They'll eventually call you when they need you, but the criminal case may be well on its way by the time that happens.
So, my friendly advice is....stay on top of it.
DJwheels responding to a
comment by strangeplaces
05.26.13 - 7:12 am