Yeah, Am I ever going to get my tall bike back or what?
rev10606.7.14 - 9:56 pm
Bike was bought and paid for, New Belgium gave it to Joosh but he's tired of it now and wants to get rid if it. I can put you in touch with him if you want.
stillline responding to a
comment by rev106
06.9.14 - 11:46 am
Where is our Commander in Chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Alfredo06.9.14 - 1:26 pm
well come out & get some sun.
your family can bring ya over.
heckle us young kids.
I still don't play polo.. ever since the accident..
Miss ya ego brah. <3
Alfredo responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
06.10.14 - 2:53 am
I'm sorry, I thought it was a rental, not a purchase. No biggie.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Alfredo
06.10.14 - 6:42 am