TRACk bike HELP!

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MOM-RIDA-Raquel at 08.19.08 - 1:16 pm
whats the deal with track bikes? is it like a road bike?
do you think i can hang? no really good or bad idea...i might go pick one up in an hour so all input would really help
If want serious street cred, don't use a brake. Extra street cred, aero front wheel ONLY.
User108.19.08 - 1:18 pm
i could care less if i look stupid i need a break...i have done too many face plants on bikes with no brakes...go ahead make fun of me...LOL
MOM-RIDA-Raquel08.19.08 - 1:20 pm
I never get laid because I have 2 brakes on my fixed.
then again, I'm pretty fucked up
TallPaul08.19.08 - 1:22 pm
damn well if i am not going to get laid .... i guess i could just stick with my beast...LOL
MOM-RIDA-Raquel08.19.08 - 1:33 pm
Track bikes and fixed gear are for those that, "don't know when to quit, HA!! And have alot of the shot-callin' shit, HA!!"
In essence, they're practical for those that want to less, and even cooler if you wish to practice and injure yourself doing some mad, brakeless skids.
But, if you're like me and consider getting one, "bandwagoning", then stick to your guns.
bentstrider08.19.08 - 1:37 pm
A track bike is very similar to a road bike, the main difference being the geometry. This geometry is more aggressive and less comfortable for long use. Also track bikes have the unfortunate disability of only being able to turn left, that could be an issue with road use.
franz08.19.08 - 1:38 pm
The difference, aside from the obvious, is frame geometry. A track frame bottom bracket is higher than a road bike. The rake is also different. Geometry factors in handling, bike feel, and maneuverability.
It is possible to have a frame with track style 'dropouts" but with a more relax road geometry. The IRO Angus and Mark V are good examples. Some tri bikes are set up the same way too.
sc_nomad08.19.08 - 1:39 pm
Track bikes have slightly steeper frame angles, a shorter wheel base, a higher bottom bracket, and less fork rake than a road racing bike, making them stiffer and twitchier than a road racing bike. There's typically no braze-ons for cables or water bottle cages, and the forks and seat stay bridges are often not drilled for brakes. And course you've got the a fixed-gear drivetrain, often with a taller gear than what's sensible for the street.
Track bikes are not be confused with road bikes converted to a fixed-gear drivetrain. To add to the confusion there are road bikes designed to be used single-speed/fixed gear that are not track bikes, like old British path racers, Surly Steamroller, Rivendell Quickbeam, or Kogswell Model G.
cabhauler08.19.08 - 1:42 pm
So, if you try to turn a track bike right, will this cause it to explode and light your drawers on fire?!?!?
bentstrider08.19.08 - 1:42 pm
Raquel we talked about this two weeks ago at the Mom ride to the Sins-n-Sprockets BBQ.
Build your own. Using a light steel road bike frame, preferably something from the seventies or eighties. Everyone will help you too.
Put a front brake and don't worry about being a "hipster". If you find after a while that the fixed is too much to handle (which I doubt it will be), sell it. You probably will get more money than you put in. Just remember, once you go fixed it is hard to go back.
skd08.19.08 - 1:44 pm
just pick it up and ride it
disko08.19.08 - 1:45 pm
^^^ ride the track then you'll get it.
sc_nomad08.19.08 - 1:45 pm
Track bikes are fun. They take about a week or two to get used to. The feeling of riding one is very different...very fluid and at first a little difficult because you can't rest on the freewheel.. You have to keep pedlaing no matter what. Bumps will be scary at first because with a freewheel you would normally coast over large bumps.
When the fear goes away it is a totally different feeling and quite enjoyable. Ask OhNoItsChloe... She learned really fast and can stop downhill without brakes faster than me. Its not as hard as us hipsters make it out to be.
Try it out. if you don't like it... fixed gear bikes are so easy to sell in L.A. it's silly.
stillline08.19.08 - 1:46 pm
-Well, you just gave me a new way to make money off the wooded areas of the Mojave River.
Plenty of old, ten-speed frames are sitting along that bank waiting for someone to come and refurbish them.
Clean 'em up, re-equip them, and sell them out the back of my truck!!
bentstrider08.19.08 - 1:49 pm
....and you can't wear helmets riding a track bike either because that totally kills the street-cred.
0gravity08.19.08 - 2:07 pm
Nevermind the haters. I Have no Brakes, I wear a helmet. I never wear tight jeans...the ones who call you a hipster just have knees far too old to handle the stress of not pedaling freewheel or they are just too scared.
Alan give up and ride the fix. Sheldon Brown rode fixed and he was only a few years older than you when he died at the age of 189. You can do it
stillline08.19.08 - 2:15 pm
The only bad thing about a track bike is that they are in fashion right now. Other than that, they're great, hassle free maintenance and quiet drivetrain.
web77708.19.08 - 2:29 pm
nevermind..the bike was about an inch to big damn it
but i tried out a fixed...Elui's was awesome but again too big...damn why can't i be just a bit taller
Thanks everyone for your help
and go ahead and hate everyone
I am ALWAYS going to wear my helmet (esp after that saturday)
Hipster wear extra med clothes and girl tight pants...LOL j/k kinda
MOM-RIDA-Raquel08.19.08 - 3:27 pm
so is a bicycle that has a track frame, and a fixed gear drive train, etc. BUT has riser handle bars, a track bicycle?
If not, what do you call it? A fixie? A fixed gear bicycle?
But a road bicycle with a fixed drive train is also a fixie!
SO . . .
I want a track frame with a freewheel coaster brake and some funny looking handlebars and a nice saddle.
pff. why?
Because it's fun. and not dangerous, because those fixie bikes are not safe.
ending transmition.
mikeywally08.19.08 - 3:57 pm
the bike you describe sounds like it would be pretty good for polo
Undercover Bob08.19.08 - 4:00 pm
Raq we're in this together.
Once I get money.
imachynna08.19.08 - 4:25 pm
I am on a buy a bike this week.
it's time to put the beast to sleep
MOM-RIDA-Raquel08.19.08 - 4:31 pm
they have a tiny bike for you on craigs list was like a 47 or 45 i think only a bill
MOM-RIDA-Raquel08.19.08 - 4:32 pm
Agh, yeah I've found some good ones too but had to pass up because of money. 100 isn't that bad at all, but until I save up I ain't getting shit!
If I see anything I'll let you know too.
imachynna08.19.08 - 4:33 pm
word...i am looking for a 51 frame 53 max...if you see anything
MOM-RIDA-Raquel08.19.08 - 4:41 pm
Alright I'll look around. Max price?
imachynna08.19.08 - 4:42 pm