Thank you Officer
Thread started by
indigis at 08.29.10 - 8:56 am
I heard from several sources that no arrest was made. The driver's info was captured. An ambulance responded and looked at the kid but did not transport him even though reportedly the injury was pretty bad. I believe that the kid and his brother were taken into police custidy until the parents could respond. I will be looking into the matter and will provide an update to the degree that I can considering disclosure rules.
Sgt. David Krumer
08.28.10 - 1:56 am
Thank you Sgt. David Krumer.
I know, being handed a driver's identity is still not quite enough information for you to accomplish what needs to get done, your workload being as heavy as it is. Afterall, you do need to spend your time on websites updating us on the status of your inability to accomplish the task at hand.
Please ignore all the posts on this forum that seem unwelcoming or harsh toward your presence. They are written by people without the resources to hire good lawyers and therefore pose no threat to you. Just pretend they have no rights. It's cool.
I, for one, welcome you to this forum. It is here to be of service to you, just as you are here for us... to protect and serve. I feel comforted... almost a warm and fuzzy feeling... knowing that you read our posts and stay updated on the time and location of our rides. And when I see you in uniform, on your bicycle, joining us for our fun evenings of bike play I'm overwhelmed by the knowledge that we are all one together.
Of course, nothing raises my appreciation for the men and women in blue than when you thoughtfully illuminate our path with the millions of foot candles from your helicopters. I can't count the times I've avoided potholes with your help. Thank you.
Hello All,
I realize that some folks in this forum have had negative experiances with law enforcement that may have permanantly affected their opinion of police beyond the point of reconciliation. That being said I would like to assure you that I am on this site for the purpose of answering questions and identifying concerns of the cycling community so that the Department can be more responcive. While we have a task force that represents different organizations, the LAPD would also like to reach out directly to cyclists to better faciliatate open communications.
With regards to a route for Critical Mass. We did reach out to several folks and requested that a route be provided so that we can have LESS police on the ride. We made no suggestions as to what route to take as it is YOUR ride. Alex Thompson did not develop a route at our insitance...he made a suggestion for a route on BikesideLA which we also saw. While a route would be appreciated it certainly is not necessary.
Finally, I would like to thank some of you (trickmilla especially) who recognise that officers are people too. I for one have a wife, children, parents and family. Most officers do as well. I can say with confidence that none of them became officers to further any corporate interests or to be agents of an oppressive State. While some officers need work on thier people skills, please keep in mind that we became officers to serve, not to subjugate.
Sgt. David Krumer
08.22.10 - 11:05 am
Checking back on a post I began earlier, "Cop Luv Fest" I noticed that Sgt. David Krumer was kind enough to respond.
When I originally penned that post, regarding my recent less than satisfactory first hand experiences with the Hawthorne and Beverly Hills Police Depts., it had completely slipped my mind that police too have mothers, wives, children, and pet kitties.
Now being reminded, I would like to redact that earlier sarcastic post entirely.
It was strange, however, the sensation I felt when I saw that a member of the police department actually wrote something on my post. Reading it, I would be lying to deny feeling as if a cesspool had just exploded in my face. This I recognize as my "issue" and I'm confident that no one else feels violated in anyway with Sgt. Krumer's presence.
He does, after all, have a wife and child back home in his trailer.
indigis08.29.10 - 9:34 am
How many cope hate threads are you going to make? You are butt hurt because you have been grated badly by the popo.
Srgt krumer is a good guy regardless of his profession. Not all cops are bad just like all cyclist are not douche bag cry babies.
Foldie08.29.10 - 10:25 am
I've had my run in with LAPD.
I've done time from charges that were made from false statements by arresting officers.
I've been a trusty on the asian row in Mens County Jail and I have spent a lot of time and met a lot of the sherrif deputies there.
I've met assholes,short man syndrome suffering egotistical cops.
What I learned?
Yeah most of them are Arrogant Jerks.
Power Corrupts.Wouldn't you be too if you carried a gun with you all day?
That's why guys like Krumer amaze me.
He's one of the rare ones.
Ever since I've 1st seen him on the June CM he's been nothing but polite,professional and very friendly to us Riders.
He was giving out blinkers and talking to everyone.
At first I was suspicious too because it was right after the Hollywood fiasco and I thought he was just there to do damage control for LAPD.
But as time went by and from his postings here and his actions on the street I have come to the conclusion that he's one of the good ones.
Sgt. David Krumer,don't let some of these kids get to you.
I for one welcome your presence here and on the street.
Keep your head up.
You are doing a great job and I appreciate it.
Ninja biker08.29.10 - 11:48 am
How many threads is Indigis going to make? As many as he wants.
Indigis has made some good points. Too many F bombs for my taste, YES. But he can say what he feels and what is experience are and how he see things. He is outstanding member of this community and bring much value to it. We are all better off for his comments. It helps to give perspective while many of us are blinded by what is perceived as a city employees good deed.
I came to the conclusion many moons ago that there is no such thing as bad or good people. Just people who do bad and good things. We all do good and bad things, nobody is different in that way. Some things may be consider greater or worse depending on who is doing the judging and why they came to their conclusions.
Same with police officer. They are just people that do good and bad things. Unfortunately they wield power over us while on the job, and there deeds are magnified greatly.
Remember some things about Sgt. David Krumer.
He is not on this site because he loves the rides and share our mutual love for this community and what we do. He is here because he is order(given the assignment)
to do this by his superiors.
- He doesn't do this on his free time. He is paid to do it. At a salary of $89,325 - $105,110 per year. That is $42.78 to $50.34 per hour. That doesn't include all of his benefits, vacation, days off, medical for him and his family, and retirement money that we are paying for.
Like every state police officer, Sgt. Krumer has the ability to use lethal force on you if deemed necessary by him or his superiors. That means he can kill you if he see fit. If his superior(s) orders him to use lethal force against you, he most likely will do just that.
We are paying enormous amount of money to have the LAPD build a relationship with us, and to monitor are activities..
Lets think about this. A big reason the police have come out here is because we didn't behave ourselves. We let people steal from each others and from business that provides us refreshments. We let people act in unkind and disruptive ways on our rides. We let people harm each others and destroy property.
Because we didn't deal with a few people who acted in anti-social behavior we have become a big burden on our emergency services providers.
Sgt Krumer was kind enough to answer my question of how much this is costing with a clear accurate number. ALOT! was his answer. Thanks for being specific.
Now think about how much damage was possibly done on our rides. Maybe some kids stoled at a high number value of $500 worth of food and beverages. Maybe two bike got taken at each ride with lets say a value of $1000 each. Let say a couple of backpacks with an estimated value of $250 each got taken. Let say a couple of knuckle heads got in a couple of fights, big deal they'll work it out. Maybe somebody thought it would be cool to damage a car. Lets go high with $2000 in auto body damage. Let say somebody else tagged up a spot and cause a $1000 in property damage. So where looking at about $5000 - $6000 worse case scenario in cost of thievery and property damages. Mind you this is worse case scenario and rarely has it ever been that bad.
Now how much money in salary and equipment usage does the city fork out to monitor our rides? Since Sgt Krumer doesn't want to throw out an estimate. Let just start with some guess work. That helicopter with pilots, mechanics and maintenance, fuel. I would guess around $5000 an hour. The cost to run the cars, motorcycle, golf carts and what have you.. don't know, but we all know what vehicles cost, its not cheap I would guess around $10,000 - $20,000 for those hours. Who knows for sure, I'm sure there is some city analysis that could answer that. Salaries of all those beat officers and superiors for lets say 8 hours of work time, prepping for the assignment, showing up, writing in report logs, and then leaving back to another job assignment.. Let break it down to $120 an hour including all employee cost on average, let guess it about 100 officers for this assignment. I would guess about $96,000. I would guess that the city is running up a bill of around $125,000.00 for each of these critical mass rides. Something tells me I'm missing some things and its more like $250,000 per ride.
Either number is probably off since I don't know for sure. At any rate it has to be high number. What I do know is our personal community liaison officer won't even throw out a round number.
All of this level of monitoring just because we couldn't act right, or deal with a few trouble makers ourselves.
I write all this so that we may examine ourselves. And take a look at the cost of societies lack of self-responsibility in and to our community. I also ask the LAPD to look at itself. We do remember that this was in response to a couple of your officers deciding it was a good idea to rough up a guy with a video camera after messing with different cyclist as they rode by. This is all so costly to all of us. All because of a hand full of people and police officers acted like they didn't know better.
and Indigis, regarding the trailer comment.....personnel slurs does nothing good for anybody. I say this as a friend, it doesn't make you look good, and you know how important looking good is. ;)
sexy responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.29.10 - 12:01 pm
html bullet fail.
and no matter how many times I proof read, I always leave out S's, pronouns, suffixes and helping verbs. Please forgive!
sexy08.29.10 - 12:06 pm
Who woulda guessed the guy who keeps posting these cop hate threads is probly the most affluent white guy on this website? I kno cops in LA aint perfect, but all they did was tell u and yer old man to stop lighting fireworks. What gives?
JOKER08.29.10 - 12:24 pm
"Like every state police officer, Sgt. Krumer has the ability to use lethal force on you if deemed necessary by him or his superiors. That means he can kill you if he see fit. If his superior(s) orders him to use lethal force against you, he most likely will do just that."
No officer can be ordered to use lethal force! No officer is under obligation to carry out an order that is illegal, immoral or unethical. Furthermore we can not be disciplined for not carrying out such an order.
The use of lethal force is each individual officers decision based on the circumstances, his training, and experiance. There are strict guidelines to using any kind of force and all force incidents are always looked at to determine its appropriateness...with consequences to the officer if there was excessive force.
While Critical Mass has not resulted in property damage nearly as high as the cost of policing it as Sexy points out...the POTENTIAL for violence and significant criminal activity warrants our presence. Its not about property damage...its about safety of the participants and the community through which Critical Mass rides.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by sexy
08.29.10 - 12:32 pm
"He doesn't do this on his free time. He is paid to do it. At a salary of $89,325 - $105,110 per year. That is $42.78 to $50.34 per hour. That doesn't include all of his benefits, vacation, days off, medical for him and his family, and retirement money that we are paying for. "
I get paid well as a Sergeant and have excellent benefits. For anyone interested in a job with the LAPD please check out
While I do get compensated for doing my job, I would ask that you look at the enthusiasm with which I do it, whether I am approachable, and whether I am responsive to the needs and concerns of cyclists.
Take care,
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by sexy
08.29.10 - 12:43 pm
Shouldn't you be at a Glenn beck rally?
Foldie responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
08.29.10 - 12:44 pm
If you ever catch me running naked with what might appear to be a big black... well, flashlight... please don't shoot me in the head/heart/neck. A shot to the leg will probably snap me out of whatever state of mind I'm in. Thanks!
R@WKIT responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
08.29.10 - 12:49 pm
Oathkeepers are members of Police and Military who swear to uphold there oath
to the Contitution of the United States regardless of orders given to them.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
08.29.10 - 12:51 pm
i thought about joining
my brother is LAPD southeast division
its still in my mind but for now i'm doing criminal justice to become a P.O.
LouisAve responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
08.29.10 - 1:44 pm
This is out of topic but as I was reading your post and the part about officer's conduct and punishment if excessive force was used illegally and I was reminded of the officer who shot a man in the head as he was on the floor face down and it really shows that police officer's can pretty much get away with anything, yes that police officer was punished but he only has to do 2 years, only 2 years for murdering someone and excuse my language but that's bullshit in my opinon
Tupapi responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
08.29.10 - 8:08 pm
Let me be clear, without the sarcasm, so that anyone interested will understand my concern with police now within our bicycling community...
Of course you're free to disagree, this is only my opinion. The police are not here to help you. They are here to control you. They are here to keep you in line. They are here to do the job that they have been assigned by society to do.
They will, and have, done it overtly with force. Now they are doing it covertly with public relations. They will use whichever tactic is most effective for the situation.
In Santa Monica they used force to utterly eviscerated CM, and it was only the brilliant Freeway Ride concept that a pulled victory from that defeat.
I hate lies and I hate hypocrisy. And seeing a cop on this site trying to be helpful is nothing more than shallow Public Relations. I don't believe we need a cop with a Happy Face to try to right the wrongs and molestations I've witnessed riding with you guys for three years. To get respect, you've got to earn respect. Passing out blinky light just doesn't cut it.
Now a cop going after bad cops would impress me. A cop going out and forcing an arrest of a hit and run driver would impress me. A cop going to the carpet for bicyclists against his peers and superiors would impress me. These things would instill credibility and show that police/rider relationships might be shifting.
But this is not what is going on.
This is a police Public Relations campaign designed to divide the community, bring rides under their supervision, and generally harness the MR riding experience into a law abiding pastime.
This IS what is happening here. The only disagreement is if that's OK or NOT OK.
And that is your personal decision.
indigis08.29.10 - 10:29 pm
I'm this close to giving up on this website.
Joe Borfo08.29.10 - 10:41 pm
indigis, can you step back and think of what a man like Sgt. Krumer, and the LAPD brass behind this effort, represents in LA's history?
When, in the history of modern Los Angeles, has the upper echelon of the LAPD worked this hard to make sure that bike riders are being catered to? These folks are not above criticism (obviously) but god damn it give it a fucking rest already.
The cops are trying their level best to make Critical Mass grow and be safe for everyone involved. Think about that. How long have you been doing this whole bike thing? Do you want the cops to start ignoring us again? That's not going to happen. So, either we learn how to make our movement work with other parts of our civilization or we all get back to going on top secret scenster rides full of 20-something unemployed kids. Not really a scene with a lot of staying power, not one that will lead to anything more substantial with bicycling
Have a heart, think of the future, chill out with the sarcasm.
ubrayj0208.29.10 - 11:16 pm
Sgt Krumer and the LAPD are outreaching and some of us are slapping them in the face. Do some of you have abusive daddy issues?
You bitch about how officers don't to jack shit...and when they do it you bitch that they could spending the time and money on 'real' crimes.
Cops are the people who are entrusted by us to protect us. We exist in our society only because we give up the ability to kill each other to one mediate who can kill all :]
If you don't like it, stop giving up this right. stop paying taxes.
aksendz08.29.10 - 11:22 pm
everybody knows the city would be a much better place if we had no cops!
c'mon who doesnt know that?
ChaosRR08.29.10 - 11:27 pm
ubray, let me be even clearer, if that is possible, so you'll understand. I have no opinion, nor have I ever stated one, about how they are handling the situation on the street today with CM or the larger picture of the future of bicycle riding in LA. I'm only talking about manipulation. And my opinion is that this resident cop on the site now is here primarily to put a happy face mask on the police department. If you want to delude yourself that in 3 months there has been a cultural shift in the rank and file of the LAPD, then go ahead. I'm glad you're happy with what you see as a new dawning and beautification of the police department. Personally, I'm a bit skeptical.
And please don't suggest I chill out, or lack a heart. I'm sharing my opinion for the benefit of those who appreciate it or simply amused by it. I don't care about your opinion and therefore would never comment on it, let alone try to silence it. I'd appreciate the same consideration.
indigis responding to a
comment by ubrayj02
08.29.10 - 11:46 pm
If it makes a difference, Sgt Krumer has done more in the last 6 months then anyone has done in my 13 years with the Department on eduacating the public and Officer's on cycling issues. It would be wise to show respect for a man that beneath the shadows does so much for such a cause. I've been riding these streets for the last 10 years patrolling on my bike in Korea Town and I will continue for another 10 years if allowed because I believe in not only cycling but how using a bicycle in regards to law enforcement is the most cost effective, enviromental friendly means of policing. So when you ask how much the City is spending of our, and yes I said our, cause I pay taxes too, dollars, I say don't worry about it. It is being spent on cycling and cycling issues. Isn't what this is all about or am I missing something.
lacycle2408.30.10 - 12:08 am
For someone that states in their profile "as a slumlord, i'm proud to offer affordable and unsafe housing to the underprivileged." you seem pretty hypocritical.
Foldie responding to a
comment by indigis
08.30.10 - 12:21 am
that's a good one. "environmentally friendly means of policing."
Do a bit of trolling with cheap lures and watch the cops snap at the bait. Now two cops on here.
yes, you are missing something.
indigis responding to a
comment by lacycle24
08.30.10 - 12:43 am
indigis, these are not rides to promote anarchy but they're beginning to get to that point. the point of a critical mass is not to ride into oncoming traffic, yell at people in cars to "get a fucking bike" or hit/damage their cars as we pass by and yet that is quickly what this is becoming and what these rides represent. The police are there to keep us in line and they are doing as they should. It is NOT a night for you to pretend that laws do not exist so you can cause chaos in the streets. The idea behind a CM is to promote bicycles as a practical alternative transportation and bring awareness to us as riders and our rights on the streets. If we have police on our rides then they will be able to quickly intercept a hit and run driver and take the necessary actions. They legally cork intersections for us so hundreds of us may pass unharmed. Their presence will be and is a driving factor that stops drivers from cutting into us and hurting people. They are there to maintain order both from within the group and external factors that are beyond our control. If you hate the police that much, cool. Don't keep coming on here spouting off about ignorant shit that no one cares about. You're making us look foolish and more importantly you're making me look foolish because I am associated with you through this message board. If you don't like the police on the rides, don't go. It's really that simple. I, personally, am tired of reading trite and indignant posts from your behalf about people who are trying to help us. As I stated, CM is NOT an excuse for you to cause anarchy in the streets. It is not a mask for you to be who you are being right now. You're embarrassing yourself and all of us and you need to stop. The police have been there for protests with people openly smoking and drinking all around them, they have done little to interfere. The officers that I personally have interacted with on rides have all been polite and nice and unless given a reason (usually a shit talking kid yelling "fuck the police" ) I haven't seen anyone really get out of line on their behalf. They have a stressful job of trying to keep the peace within a group of over 1000 bikers tearing through Los Angeles disrupting traffic. They are there for us and you need to remember that. Don't instigate around the police and you will be ok. Stay off of their rader by not being a moron and you won't have problems. I don't understand why this is so difficult for people to understand.
If you have a problem with what I am saying or how I am calling you out, I will be more than happy to meet up with you in person to discuss this.
tchap08.30.10 - 12:48 am
tchap, i bow to your greater wisdom and experience. you have, after all, been around for a whole two months. coincidentally, so have these two cops.
img src="" alt="" width="135" height="72" />
img src="" alt="" width="135" height="72" />
indigis responding to a
comment by tchap
08.30.10 - 12:59 am
tchap, i bow to your greater wisdom and experience. you have, after all, been around for a whole two months. coincidentally, so have these two cops.
indigis08.30.10 - 1:00 am
Oh, and if cops really get their feelings hurt by what they read on here... then maybe they shouldn't be behind a badge wielding a gun. I've been a witness to a cop getting so mad by some words a 16 yr old hurled his way, he went on to harass and batter the kid. Over words. Indigis has a right to say what he will in whichever setting he'd like. Just like you have your opinions and voice/write them out.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by tchap
08.30.10 - 1:01 am
How ever long I have been on this forum is not relevant not is how ever long I have been lurking with out posting. You have nothing to say to my critique of your ignorance of what you're spiel is and that is what you respond with. That shows your character right there. With that said, I shouldn't bother wasting my time with you, clearly you believe yourself to be the intellectual type and yet your typos and grammatical errors within your posts speak volumes of your diluted self ego.
It doesn't matter if I have been riding for 5 days or 5 years or 50 years. It is simply common knowledge and courtesy. If you can not pay the same back to everyone else, as I have stated; feel free to remove yourself from these rides. You do not need to attend and the world will keep spinning without your negativity being introduced into these rides.
tchap responding to a
comment by indigis
08.30.10 - 1:07 am
I'm not defending their feelings. I am defending the police keeping these rides safe. I am tired of the young punk kids and the would-be anarchists ruining these rides. I am tired of traffic fucking with us and the general ass-fuckery that seems to be going on within these rides. The point of the ride is to promote us as viable means of transportation that is a clean and wonderful alternative to a car. We are not promoting this message. We are pissing off LA and soon LA will not be interested in seeing us around. The support and applause that we get when we tear through heavily populated areas will soon disappear if we keep this up. I am only interested in my personal safety and enjoyment. I couldn't care less about any of you ass clowns. Your actions impact my life and enjoyment and I am not down.
tchap responding to a
comment by Bikekowski
08.30.10 - 1:10 am
This is a really funny thread now, seems like indigis is winning the argument though.
Tupapi08.30.10 - 1:11 am
yes, tupapi. it's gotten too fun to take seriously. i loved it when the second cop popped up and the other guy suggested if i didn't like cops on rides (which i didn't say) i should just stay off the rides. that one was a crack up.
nite. gotta get up early to go play in the desert.
indigis responding to a
comment by Tupapi
08.30.10 - 1:16 am
you should consider staying there.
tchap responding to a
comment by indigis
08.30.10 - 1:17 am
Haha that was funny when he discovered them they started to use curse words .
Tupapi08.30.10 - 1:22 am
And I understand what you're saying but for the most part, it's not the anarchists... are you serious? It's not like they're riding their bikes with their anarchists flags flying, trying to destroy everything. Look into what an educated anarchist wants and discern the difference for yourself. The people, not only kids because I've seen full grown people do it as well, that cause the problems are the real issue here. And just like society, we're bound to have a few that will ruin everything for the rest of us.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by tchap
08.30.10 - 1:23 am
When I say anarchist, I mean the "anarchists." The people who just want to cause problems and chaos in the streets. You and I are talking about the same people and that needs to be addressed. They are ruining these rides for everyone.
tchap responding to a
comment by Bikekowski
08.30.10 - 1:25 am
Maybe indigis should stop saying all these things because he might end up getting accused of being a conspiracist and we all know conspiracies are crazy and completely impossible.
Tupapi responding to a
comment by Bikekowski
08.30.10 - 1:26 am
then stop referring to them as "anarchists".
coldcut responding to a
comment by tchap
08.30.10 - 1:28 am
tchap responding to a
comment by coldcut
08.30.10 - 1:35 am
Educate yourself. Quickly.
You are getting 2 groups of people completely confused with one another.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by tchap
08.30.10 - 1:36 am
"This is a police Public Relations campaign designed to divide the community, bring rides under their supervision, and generally harness the MR riding experience into a law abiding pastime. "
This part of your conversation caught my attention because I don't understand what could be wrong about having rides that are law abiding.
I've been riding bikes for 10 years as a regular person going to school, work, etc. It's only recently that I finally took the plunge to go on social and group rides because as a female, I'll be honest, I was scared of going to meet up with strangers to ride bikes at night and attract negative attention. Law abiding doesn't sound like something bad to me and it does make me feel safer. How can a biking community grow if it's perecived by others as lawless as the wild west? What types of people do you think that will attract?
If bikes are to be seen as inclusive and as an alternative to the car, then safety and the upholding of laws are important to encourage squares (like me) to ride a bike. I can't imagine too many grown people with families, kids, jobs, responsibilities, that want to be a part of something that can get them in trouble or compromise their safety. Maybe this community isn't really for people like me?
If we are to help push leg power as a viable means to replace gas power, then a bike culture should be something beyond the party rides. It should be an every day occurance that gets people riding their bike to the grocery store, not just to get wasted and throw traffic laws out the window. But law abiding citizens won't abandon their SUV's if the perceived nature of the LA biking community is about F-the police, harassing motorists, be crazy, etc.
Surely, I haven't forgotten all the police brutality and racial profiling that has haunted our city so it is important to exercise skepticism but if a hand is being offered, even one from the PR arm, I can't see how progress and improved relations can happen if we don't shake it.
graciela responding to a
comment by indigis
08.30.10 - 11:36 am
It's great to start seeing some appreciation of our work being implemented on the streets today. I'd like to thank you too. Stay in school and listen to your parents and your pastor and one day you too will be able to have this responsibility.
Officer Friendly08.30.10 - 11:53 am
Brigands would be a better term for bullies and troublemakers trying to use the guise of anarchism to cover themselves.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by tchap
08.30.10 - 1:10 pm
_cry Junes08.30.10 - 1:45 pm
I would ask that you look at the enthusiasm with which I do it, whether I am approachable, and whether I am responsive to the needs and concerns of cyclists.
Not only do I appreciate your enthusiasm, and approachability, I would expect nothing less of any of our city employees, at any level. Especially from you Sgt. David Krumer in regards to the needs of cyclist since you have been assigned to this specific duty of being liaison between LAPD and this community.
But that doesn't really matter if you if somebody ask addresses a question, then that question is not responded to.
Today I went to my local LA city pool today to enjoy the water, get some exercise and beat the heat only to find that it has been close a week earlier then it usually does for summer hours. Then I went over to the LA city library (which was closed) to be reminded it hours have been limited because of city budget restraints. Which reminded me that I asked you a question now twice about what kind of money this is costing the city to have a LAPD escort of the Critical Mass Ride(s).
I'm now not only curious about the cost, I'm curious why you have not answered the question?
Do you not know?
Are you afraid it will reflect negatively on the LAPD if the cost of these operations are known?
Are your superiors telling you not to tell the cost?
If you don't have the exact number a accurate round number would be acceptable.
I don't see why the cost of a city operation would need to be kept from the people of that city. It is important that people understand what the cost incur to provide certain service from local our municipality, then people can analyze, discussed and debated if those cost our appropriate and necessary for such a service.
I am also curious of what the LAPD has labeled (what name it has given) this task of monitoring and riding along with the Critical Mass ride?
Sgt David Krumer, your response to my questions would be greatly appreciated.
sexy responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
08.31.10 - 4:45 pm
Hey sexy if you are going to fabricate lies to prove a point at least be consistent.
You should have said Yesterday I went to the Library and it was closed. All city Libraries are open today.
Pools too I am sure.
Foldie responding to a
comment by sexy
08.31.10 - 6:02 pm
Thanks for the grammar correction. The library opened late today at 12:30pm it was 11:30am. Through the last few years the library hours have been reduced more and more each year. Summer pools in the city of LA are usually open through the first week of September or the week of Labor day, then they are sometimes kept open for another two weeks if the interest and budget allows them to remain open.
but saying that I fabricated lies to prove a point was not or is not my intentions, sorry you read it as such.
sexy responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.31.10 - 6:07 pm
I really do not know...however you can estimate the cost. If you go to the city controllers website you will find all city employee saleries. Check to see how much the average officer makes, multiply by the number of officers assigned to LACM (about 40 on the last ride I think) and then multiply by the number of hours for the event. That's a ballpark figure that does not include gas and incidentals.
That's the best guidance I can give you with regard to cost.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by sexy
08.31.10 - 9:24 pm
Why would Sgt Krumer have access to cost information? That's not his job. It's also not his position to decide on funding priorities for the city. I'm sorry but asking someone at his level for cost information or policy on municipal funding and then getting upset shows your lack of understanding municipal government or even how large organizations operate.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by sexy
08.31.10 - 10:54 pm
You failed to respond to my question about being an Oathkeeper.
Will you follow orders that violate the rights of U.S. citizens under the
Constitution of the United states of America ?
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
08.31.10 - 10:56 pm
Wait the oathkeepers Duty is to the constitution? I thought you tea baggers duty is to god...... A confused bunch no wonder you need to go to rallies and be told what to believe.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
08.31.10 - 11:17 pm
The more you post the more ignorant you appear.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.31.10 - 11:22 pm
You just now figuring that out.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
08.31.10 - 11:23 pm
From 1987 through 1995 myself, my brother and my sister all had jobs with the city of Los Angeles, along with my Father who worked from 1987 through to retirement in 2002. Collectively we worked for DWP, DOT, General Service, and Animal Regulations. Throughout our various positions in different departments: cost of operations, cost of jobs and cost of equipment where topics that we where exposed to, and where documented along with work orders. We where all exposed and knew cost of running various operations and equipment. None of us ever had the title of System Analyst or Administrative Assistant . I could tell you cost of DWP's phone bill in the years 1987-1988, back then I could tell you fuel and employee cost at Power Plants around the LA basin, my father knew of product cost for Animal Regulations equipnment, employee cost per operation ,and he could tell you car parts cost and cost for repairs for parking enforcement vehicles. My brother knew the cost of Tree Maintenance service. Me and my brother both knew equipment cost and operation cost for overhead electrical distributions setups, power plant equipnment and work orders to do repairs in the power plants. I had other friends who worked in different sections and departments that could tell me cost of various projects.
Unless things have changed since that time I don't think it is a stretch for the Sgt, especially at a possible supervisor level to know what the cost are for operation within that department. Grant it I never work for the Police department, but I knew the city was not shy about hiding cost of operations from employees.
sexy responding to a
comment by mk4524
09.1.10 - 5:17 am
Maybe you didn't hear or see about the exposes the Daily News did on City Department Salaries (starting with the DWP, you can still go on the Daily News website and search for a person name, job position or through section to find salaries) and cost of operations within the cities Departments. (you can still go on the Daily News website and search for a person name, job position or through department section to find salaries of DWP employees, and possibly other department salaries) It created big stirs for those departments and at city hall.
I think many employees of the City of LA would have rather not had that information come out, even though it is public record. I could the Police Department rather avoid the subject then admit what the cost are. That was the reason for my adamant (what you perceived as me "getting upset"). line of questioning on the subject,
sexy responding to a
comment by mk4524
09.1.10 - 5:38 am
"That being said I would like to assure you that I am on this site for the purpose of answering questions and identifying concerns of the cycling community so that the Department can be more responcive."
Sgt. David Krumer
Question regarding concern from member of cycling community:
How many police officers are assigned to be on this website and what are their names. We have already identified two.
You and the other identified one signed up for accounts on 6.23 and 6.25 respectively. How long has the police department been accessing this site without notice before this time?
Thank you.
indigis09.1.10 - 8:15 am
It's not totally a new thing... Rusty (the crank mob friendly lapd officer) posted the Randy simmons memorial ride back in 2008 (2007?) and even before that there was an officer who posted something, I forgot what she said. Forgot the name...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by indigis
09.1.10 - 9:38 am
In an offical capacity I do not know of any officers that are assigned to be on this website. I know that there are a few officers who are also avid cyclists who are on this site in an unofficial capacity...and at times may comment on some of thier personal experiances, observations, and opinions.
The Department has several special events coordinators who are charged with being aware of any events in the city that may require police services. Concerts, sporting events, rave parties, marathons, protests, demonstrations, award ceremonies, etc. Calanders at all major venues (i.e. Staples Center) would be checked as well as websites that provide information to the general public on whats going on in the city. I do not know to what extent other members of law enforcement utilize this site.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by indigis
09.1.10 - 9:57 am
So, if I understand you properly, it was a total coincidence that you and another police officer signed up for this website within 2 days of each other. Does that not sound a bit incredible to you?
indigis09.1.10 - 10:15 am
I have a suggestion. Don't log in or post here. It is a public forum which last time I checked means popo too.
Foldie responding to a
comment by indigis
09.1.10 - 10:32 am
"I get paid well as a Sergeant and have excellent benefits. For anyone interested in a job with the LAPD please check out "
SnapperS responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
09.1.10 - 10:40 am
Foldie, along with wishing to edit me, are there any books you don't approve of and wish to see tossed into the bonfire?
indigis responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.1.10 - 10:42 am
To the contrary, I believe in freedom of expression. You seem to have a problem with the police doing the same on a public forum. I was just suggesting that you can choose to not participate if you feel uncomfortable with the fine men in blue here.
Burning books would be a travesty. I would rather burn fixies and aerospokes.....
Foldie responding to a
comment by indigis
09.1.10 - 10:45 am
I am a truth seeker. You should drop that militia conspiracy NWO crap and try reality sometime.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
09.1.10 - 11:53 am
Truth seeker ? NWO ? reality ?
Can we say contradiction in your statement.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.1.10 - 12:02 pm
Mrs. sexy,
What was by far our largest single expense is helicopters in use. It can range anywhere from $4,000 and more per hour. It matters how many hours that helicopter has been flying per year, as well as other factors. I don't have an exact figure for you in the cost involved, but for a city that is not exactly hemorrhaging in a wealth of cash, it can't be continued.
Hope this helps.
Officer Friendly09.1.10 - 1:13 pm
indigis was ON FIRE here...enjoy...
barleye10.7.15 - 3:49 pm