New Years Day Ride

Thread started by
trickmilla at 12.19.06 - 1:07 pm
I'm thinking about getting some heads together to roll on the abandoned streets of L.A. on New Years Day. (2pmish?)
Something mellow something fun. Hopefully I can lure out some first-timers.
Anyone interested? Any route suggestions?
2pm.....late enough.....
I would love to roll a long mellow ride to ring in the new year.
420LaHaRR12.19.06 - 2:02 pm
Sounds like an excellent way to ring in the first day of 07. Count me in
Agent Orange12.19.06 - 4:58 pm
Yeah, good day for a ride . . . I'm in. Plan it and they'll come.
mr rollers12.19.06 - 5:08 pm
uh, Yea New Years is my holiday, how about the westside
Gern12.20.06 - 12:55 am
um would you guys be ending at a place and hanging out there or anything? cuz i'd totally meet up with you after your ride if that's the case
chrissy12.20.06 - 10:24 am
Yeah really, come for the ride, stay for the fun....or not...whatever...
We're not starting too early, are we?
420LaHaRR12.20.06 - 11:28 am
A New Year's Day Ride then the Wolfpack Hustle for cool down.
sc_nomad12.20.06 - 11:54 am
I'm shaking in anticipation...or is it just freakin' cold in here?
420LaHaRR12.20.06 - 12:04 pm
Im game..take it easy on the route..many will be hung over.
deesimple12.20.06 - 4:12 pm
um cuz im lame and dont even have a bike... if somebody let me borrow one for the ride id do it up
chrissy12.20.06 - 5:10 pm
reply should get a bike and ride with us! its greaaattt!!! people think i'm carrying bricks..but ..its just my tighs...uh huh...
superfish12.20.06 - 11:15 pm
I'm hopefully getting a new bike this weekend. You're welcome to borrow my other one for this ride.
brassknuckle12.20.06 - 11:57 pm
yeah, finding a loaner shouldn't be to difficult.
420LaHaRR12.21.06 - 8:34 am
Oh my! I am so excited.
Here's my thoughts.
1) 2pm is prbally the lateset we'd want to meet up if we want to catch some daylight (and the last bits of daytime warmth)
2) It would be great if start and endpoints coinside with convienant metro routes (ie red, gold, or blue lines)
3) an ending point close to where we could kick back and comfort ourselves with some food and drink woudl be nice. Maybe a location where people could break into smaller groups and go find their own after ride magic.
I'm thinkin' 10-12 miles, few hills, and some streets that will be expecially fun becasue all the drivers are all at home watching re-runs of the rose parade.
trickmilla12.21.06 - 9:21 am
4 1/2 ... i never planned a ride b4 ... so by all means, let the route suggestions flow !!
trickmilla12.21.06 - 9:23 am
how about we ride through colorado st. in pasadena on new years morning? i heard it'll be an empty street.
superfish12.21.06 - 9:27 am
there's also a really cool stadium over in that area that we could probably hop the fence and ride around in.
brassknuckle12.21.06 - 9:34 am
don't they leave it open for the public to use? sunday flag football or like ultimiate frizbee
superfish12.21.06 - 9:36 am
what about swarming on the rose parade itself? or is that too early?
ruinedbyidiots12.21.06 - 10:38 am
can't we just cover our bikes with roses and right with the floats? one will notice...
superfish12.21.06 - 11:18 am
Is it too late to enter a bike powered float?
420LaHaRR12.21.06 - 12:17 pm
by the time we get up the only ones left at the rose parade will be the street sweepers.
trickmilla12.21.06 - 1:18 pm
um well i'll be in the parade this year on the viking float. i'll be the one with the big horned hat.
not really. um yeah so i dunno if i will be able to make it because i'm going to miss all the details by being off line all next week (aka only computer access at work) and i'm thinkin of being off work tomorrow as well...
chrissy12.21.06 - 2:47 pm
Not to worry, free internet access should be available at your local library. ;-)........
420LaHaRR12.21.06 - 4:30 pm
oh man you are wanting me to be mega hard core dude! i got some digits tho! i will be set!
chrissy12.21.06 - 4:36 pm
here's a rough route that i am proposing.
Starting at Hollywood/Vine and ending near The Corn Field.
1) Start and end point are both close to metro stations.
2) Shops and bars located at both ends
3) 3 potential neighborhoods where people can break for late lunch:
China Town (dim-sum anyone?), Olvera St. and Lil' Tokyo. or for the super ambitions a pic-nic at the cornfield.
Any suggestions?
trickmilla12.24.06 - 9:42 am
helll yea ..did someone say dim sum??? i'm chinese by the way.haha
superfish12.24.06 - 10:00 am
turns out that a buddhist temple (not far from our route) offers free saki on NYD ... hmmm sounds like a good pit stop.
Since there's been no objections (or better suggestions)
(we will probally roll at 2:30)
JAN 1 2007
all are welcome but we are expecting a smallish mellow ride.
if you have questions you can email me
- Patrick
trickmilla12.28.06 - 12:05 pm
The first ride of 2007 is on. See y'all there ;-)...
420LaHaRR12.28.06 - 12:31 pm
post it in the ride calendar trickmilla see y'all there
Roadblock12.28.06 - 3:00 pm
i'm also on the westside so let me know if you want to meet up (perhaps with a group of westsiders) and ride to meet the others in la.
meandmybluebike12.29.06 - 1:52 pm
ATTN: Westsidazz
You want us to stop somewhere to meet up with y'all?
We are stopping at sunset and fairfax
but we could also wait for a few at 3rd/ fairfax or Wilshire Fairfax.
If you guys have a route in mind let me know watcha think.
If anybody wants to name a westside route to meet up with us JUST DO IT!
trickmilla12.29.06 - 8:01 pm
I tested the route today
there will be some fine adjustments
official route to follow shortly!
trickmilla12.29.06 - 8:03 pm
The route looks fun trickmilla, thanks for organizing. See ya there ;-).....
420LaHaRR12.31.06 - 3:56 pm
Great ride all... Nice small group. Laid back crowd... The Olvera St. thing was good. I didn't end up eating cause I had no lock but it was cool to see all the bikes locked up along the iron railing. Had fun and hope the rest of your year is good!
digablesoul01.1.07 - 8:22 pm
yeah, it was a nice way to start the new year, and a beautiful day to ride. A few people out who had never done a "longish" ride but everyone made it and had a good time and finished at the Olvera St. celebrations.
I took the river path back to NoHo, a nice way to cool off and end the day. The fireworks over the river looked pretty cool.
dave01.1.07 - 8:48 pm
yeah, it was a nice way to start the new year, and a beautiful day to ride. A few people out who had never done a "longish" ride but everyone made it and had a good time and finished at the Olvera St. celebrations.
I took the river path back to NoHo, a nice way to cool off and end the day. The fireworks over the river looked pretty cool.
Dang... I should've rode w/ you Dave..... I rode all by myself into Burbank.. Yeah, I like the river path too. Nice and quiet except for some odd feeling I felt like there was someone behind me. Well, each time I ride that thing, I feel like someone's going to jump right out! I didn't see any lights but from my rear view mirror, it looked like someone was following me. Could've been you? lol... all good. I should start asking around and seeing where people are from. Big ups to Beta... Alright all... see you guys on the next ride!!
digablesoul01.1.07 - 9:01 pm
Hah, I get that phantom rider feeling sometimes myself. Only saw one dude standing in the shadows and we exchanged head nods as I rode by.
I guess its no secret about the Valley D's existing anymore. You should hook up with us and go on our Wednesday nite rides sometime.
Try to make it to critical mass tomorrow nite.
dave01.1.07 - 9:22 pm
Will be there... SFV Critical Mass... 1st Tuesday of the month.. Woodman @ Victory? Meet 7pm leave @ 8pm? How different are the CM rides oppose to the Midnight rides? I never did a CM ride. Faster pace? Longer distances? Thanks in advance...
digablesoul01.1.07 - 9:45 pm
The CM rides are similar to a MR ride. they're about 10-15 miles, non-confrontational, obey the laws etc., corking when necessary.
People ride for as long as they have time then split off where/when its convenient for them. There's usually a pack of punker high schoolers from one of the local schools who make it out each time, they split before curfew, and occasionally someone brings their family out, but the whole ride is casual. Pretty much a different crew each time.
dave01.1.07 - 10:23 pm
Thanks all. I had an awesome time. It kinda broke up real fast at the end because of nagging tummys. But wow what a great crowd.
Thanks to those that engineered a few extra stops for those who got held back by the hills and lights on wilshire.
I look forward to doing it again next year!
trickmilla01.2.07 - 8:12 am
the ride broke up quickly at the end because of the lack of communication about what was happening. and with the 3 long breaks in between rides, i can understand why people begin to get restless and want to split.
the long breaks really kill the momentum of the ride.
meandmybluebike01.2.07 - 8:46 am
I don't think it broke up because of a lack of communication. My impression was that the ride was over and people were hungry, so people started heading off to find some food. Cole rode through the group saying some were going to Phillipe's for French Dip sandwiches, and I think trickmilla and his crew headed for tacos.
I had a great time on the ride. I met some nice folks and also worked off the hangover. It was really nice to see some families and newbies out there having fun with us. Good job trickmilla.
brassknuckle01.2.07 - 9:09 am
I know it may be a little early but 2007 is the bestest year ever !!!!
p.s. Glad you made it out Chrissy
420LaHaRR01.2.07 - 11:59 am
The breaks were a bit long but on hindsight the newbie riders probably appreciated it. Next year I think the break time periods could at least be cut in half.
I thought most people understood that the ride was essentially over when we got to Olvera St., that was the advertised end point after all.
With all the commotion in the square and with people being hungry for the most part, the ride just splintered into whichever eatery people opted for. I don't think it was in the plan to eat as a group anyway.
dave01.2.07 - 12:02 pm
yay new year's ride!
we need more female ridazz
especially hotties like chrissy
spiraldemon01.2.07 - 12:03 pm
haha i'm glad i got to borrow dan's bike! that was a really fun ride!
chrissy01.2.07 - 4:52 pm
I figured the whole thing was over once we got to Olvera St. Everyone had different plans and parted their way. I was just glad to get out and start the year off well. I usually just ride and don't talk much cause people usually go with others but there are the soloist, like me cause my friends are lazy. I mean, they did it twice and really liked it but I guess they didn't like it when it got cold. I guess the numbers of riders fall off during the winters. Any how... I liked seeing the family on the ride. It would be cool if people brought the little ones out. I've seen one guy pull his kid in one of those stroller things and thought that was cool. If I had one, I'd totally do that. There's that one dude that has the dog in his backpack. If I had a dog, I'd do that. I've got to start bringing my camera.
digablesoul01.2.07 - 5:17 pm
Ride was tuned my spirit..
I get a sense that even dough there was an end point posted , many of us wanted to end up just hanging out getting to know new people. Luckily I ended up at Phillipe's with a good crew.
Indeed , I was nice to see the families riding.
I say we do a Sunday mid afternoon ride.Not too late so we ride under the sun (once a month or every other sunday)
Sunday eat and ride...similar to New Years ride but less stops and take the time to meet our fellow riders , not just as the guys/gal that we see in other rides.
Who's in
meandmybluebike? digablesoul?
deesimple01.2.07 - 6:05 pm
Hey dee, shoot me an email (addy is in the profile). I want to talk to you about that valley idea we discussed at phillipe's.
brassknuckle01.2.07 - 6:17 pm
Great idea Dee - What a way to end the weekend!
I think plenty of people will be up for Sunday afternoons.
liquidpremium01.2.07 - 6:20 pm
seriously... what a fucking awesome bicycle culture we have in LA!! traditionally, winters (even here in mild LA) make the ride smaller.... but LA has it going on this year! there are more rides on the calendar than ever.
Roadblock01.2.07 - 6:30 pm
sunday day rides sound cool, deesimple (cool cameltoe by the way)! anyone (westsiders especially) interested in less/shorter breaks and a quicker pace similar to denmothers?
meandmybluebike01.2.07 - 7:01 pm
Good times folks. Glad to see peeps of all kinds out there. I didn't mind stopping so much, it was good chance to talk to all y'all. Philippe's rules!
cabhauler01.2.07 - 7:38 pm
I noticed there's a Nacimiento Ride this Sunday sponsored by LACBC. It's not my ride, otherwise I'd post it myself:
Sunday, January 7, 2007, 11:30 am
The free tour will start at noon and wind its way through homes and public displays of East Los Angeles' rich folk art of nativity scenes. The 15-20 mile bike tour covers the communities of Highland Park, Lincoln Heights, and Boyle Heights.
The bike tour starts at the Avenue 26 Gold Line Station parking lot. The bike tour registration begins at 11:30 am. Ride starts at 12:00 pm. Helmets are required.
Check out this year's map at
Download the flyer (PDF 421K).
Sponsors include the Latino Urban Forum, The Rare Times, Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC), and of course, the residents.
For more information or to RSVP email:
Or call Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition at 213-629-2142
Rain or threat of Rain Cancels!!!!
liquidpremium01.2.07 - 7:45 pm
Stay tuned, y'all . . . the IAAL-MAF has been planning, and will soon be announcing a Sunday afternoon ride!
mr rollers01.2.07 - 8:14 pm
Hey all ... thanks for the suggestions and enthusiasim!
I think the main reason for the length of the stops was that I wanted to accommodate some of the riders that were a little tuckerd out. That, and that I tend to space out and get caught up in conversations...
Anyway ... there will be some fine tuning next year, maybe we can put somebody in charge of keeping things moving as that's clearly not my strong point.
I had a great time with y'all I am definately lookin' forward to the next one.
Between ridin' on monday and the awesome article that was in today's LA Times This year is starting out great!
I'm deffinately down for an ocassional Sunday ride.
Did sombody say Mid-day ridazz?
Sounds fun!
trickmilla01.2.07 - 8:25 pm
It was fine since you did set expectations.You posted that the ride would be mellow and fun..something to lure new riders.
The stops were too long but that is an easy one to fix.the ride oace was fine for the purpose of the ride.
deesimple01.2.07 - 9:07 pm

Thanks trickmilla and friends from the guy with his wife and son, sister and one of her two sons. We would do more Sunday rides. Speaking for my son, it was easier for a beginner 12 year old like him to do the sweet downhill on Fairfax on the bike but go back home uphill by the Red Line after dinner at Olvera St, ha.
Hey, have we got a city here or what! Best seen by bike!
OverTheHill01.2.07 - 11:04 pm
Next Sunday ride is posted..
Under Da Sun Ride
deesimple01.3.07 - 3:27 am
trickmilla are you organizing this ride again for January 1st?
skd12.31.08 - 6:06 pm
Doesn't mean it can't happen. What are you doing tomorrow?
420LaHaRR12.31.08 - 6:39 pm
riding, drinking, smoking, and eating with laHarr
spiraldemon12.31.08 - 6:40 pm
I wont be organizing but I will most likely be there.
Anybody post a ride for tomorrow and it will happen.
If you liked years past then here are my suggestions
- Start and end near a train station
- pick some good stops where people can get hearty food and coffe (or beer) to deal with potential hangovers and lack of sleep.
- keep it mellow not too fast, not to long
- end somewhere where there is a bunch (or at least 1) of great places to eat. (in years past that was DTLA
but whatever, if you plan it, its yours do what ever you want:
just post it ... maybe hit email and face book, and mofos will show up and ride.
trickmilla12.31.08 - 7:06 pm
LONG BEACH????? --->
are you guys gonna make your way to DTLA?
barleye12.31.08 - 9:06 pm
Sweet!! OH Laharr.... do you have a starting point on the description? Hollywood @ Vine like the previous?
digablesoul12.31.08 - 9:32 pm
Hollywood and Vine is no good, no space there. What about Hollywood and Highland or Hollywood and Western?
skd12.31.08 - 10:09 pm
If this is an offical and planned out ride then
Why isn't it posted up
On the ride calender?
Oh yeah btw ima try to make
It out to the ride,
Ill be triller with 50% traffic
Gone in the streets of la
madmike12.31.08 - 10:12 pm
I wonder which stoner posted the ride with no starting point or time!?!?!
spiraldemon01.1.09 - 4:59 am
The Westside ride was great.
skd01.2.09 - 9:24 am
I was bummed that I missed this.
Sounds like some people went and had fun.
NYD 2007 was the first ride I ever organized so I am deeply heartened that we are considering this a "tradition".
I hope to be there next year.
Only 364 1/4 more days
trickmilla01.2.09 - 10:21 am
How did the LB ride go? I didn't see it posted until it was too late. No cellphone so I couldn't call anyone.
sooooooorrrrrryy :-(
User101.2.09 - 11:10 am
LB was fun. Sorry about the late post.
420LaHaRR01.2.09 - 6:51 pm