Thread started by
ubrayj02 at 01.2.15 - 7:12 pm
Remember when your ride "got too big" and the crowd was full of normal people just out for a good time - douche bags and all?
That was the moment when all of us individually chickened out and pulled our rides offline, stopped organizing, and got scared.
What we should have done is double down, get bigger, take it to the next level - whatever level that is. Do you know what that level is? Does anyone? When you get a mob of 1,000 or 2,000 or 10,000 cyclists together on a night time bike ride what do you do? How far can you push things?
Why was this a problem for so many of us? Why did we run from the cries for more, more, and more of what we were doing?
We need someone to build LA's rides back up, to build up our numbers, to increase the chaos, to bring that next generation of mass riding kids into the fold. Yes, collar bones and laws will be broken. Faces will be planted, bikes will crash. That all happens now anyway. Let it mean something.
Go big with your rides in 2015 or pack up your bags and leave town. There is no more room for small aspirations in LA's bike world. If we don't start kicking, screaming, and demanding change we're going to be stuck with another decade of miserable streets brought to us by miserable politicians in City Hall.
They need to respect us. The time is now.
just as Rev106 said...
I've NEVER quit and i'm STILL putting on rides and people are STILL coming out... a ride up (besides spoken art)...MY rides are on BOTH M.R. and FACEBOOK.
barleye01.5.15 - 3:46 pm