Bike Insurance: good/bad?

Thread started by
markd at 07.5.12 - 1:49 pm
Spoke Bike Insurance
This has been circulating through various local email groups and such. There seems to be "yay!" amongst the more conservative types who would also make sure you're following all traffic laws while being comfortable with the police enforcing ticketing etc for non-compliance.
Personally, I'd advocate for universal health care because thats the real issue for cyclists unless you have a 10k bike.
Called a rep today and it seems the rates start at $25, which then get bumped up based on bike value. You also have to list the bikes you want covered and you're only covered when using those bikes.
Messengers and bikers looking for on the job coverage need not apply.
$100 deductible.
Given the deductible, and the slippery slope thought that this is on path toward mandatory coverage a la automobiles, Im thinking holding out is better (especially if you already have health insurance).
Of course, for those without medical coverage in the event you're hit, it would be nice to have some financial backing.
should we continue to enjoy our significant autonomy and stay under the greedy industry's radar even with the risks?
Not really sure how I feel about it.
But coverage of theft makes me consider it.
However, like you stated, it seems like this is the beginnings of a trap that the man is going to enforce as mandatory for all bikes on the street if it picks up momentum...
But, I don't know enough to give a yay or nay. It does make sense with the amount of hit and runs going on lately.
Joe Borfo07.5.12 - 2:47 pm
they'll never make insurance mandatory on cyclists... just too hard to track.
this sentence says it all "Personally, I'd advocate for universal health care because thats the real issue for cyclists unless you have a 10k bike."
THAT is truly the issue. That is the coverage everyone should be getting. fuck your bike.. unless, like MD says it costs obscene amounts of money.
health coverage is what's important.
Roadblock07.6.12 - 12:39 am
For those of you who also drive, your car insurance covers you as a pedestrian/cyclist in the event of an accident.You may want to max out your uninsured motorist insurance to make sure you're fully covered.
If you don't have car insurance, bike insurance makes sense, depending on what it covers.
JB07.6.12 - 12:09 pm
I have carried insurance for myself as a cyclist for years through Adventure Advocates via USACycling
It does not cover your bicycle, which I've never cared about, but it does cover you whether you are riding for work or for pleasure or even racing.
I believe the only main restriction is that they will not cover you if you are under the influence, so not everyone will get full bang for their buck if you're the drinkin' and ridin' kind.
It is separate and supplemental to any other insurance you may have, so when I went over the handlebars on Wolfpack, I actually was paid money between it and my somewhat crappy healthplan. (but of course I still had a separated shoulder so i wouldn't say I profited)
They have several different plan levels and will cover you for a lot of activities beyond cycling too.
cassidy responding to a
comment by JB
07.9.12 - 12:46 am
Better World is also extending coverage for bikes...
alicestrong07.12.12 - 10:56 am